mirror of
synced 2024-11-21 13:40:47 +00:00
In r15-3714-gd3a7302ec5985a I added -Wsystem-headers to the libstdc++ build flags to help catch problems in the library. This patch takes a different approach, of disabling the #pragma system_header unless _GLIBCXX_SYSHDR is defined. As a result, the testsuites will treat them as non-system-headers to get better warning coverage during regression testing of both gcc and libstdc++, not just when building the library. My rationale for the #ifdef instead of just removing the #pragma is the three G++ tests that want to test libstdc++ system header behavior, so we need a way to select it. This doesn't affect installed libraries, as they get their system-header status from the lookup path. But testsuite_flags --build-includes gives -I directives rather than -isystem. This patch doesn't change the headers in config/ because I'm not compiling with most of them, so won't see any warnings that need fixing. Adjusting them could happen later, or we can not bother. libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog: * acinclude.m4 (WARN_FLAGS): Remove -Wsystem-headers. * configure: Regenerate. * include/bits/algorithmfwd.h: #ifdef out #pragma GCC system_header. * include/bits/atomic_base.h * include/bits/atomic_futex.h * include/bits/atomic_timed_wait.h * include/bits/atomic_wait.h * include/bits/basic_ios.h * include/bits/basic_string.h * include/bits/boost_concept_check.h * include/bits/char_traits.h * include/bits/charconv.h * include/bits/chrono.h * include/bits/chrono_io.h * include/bits/codecvt.h * include/bits/concept_check.h * include/bits/cpp_type_traits.h * include/bits/elements_of.h * include/bits/enable_special_members.h * include/bits/erase_if.h * include/bits/forward_list.h * include/bits/functional_hash.h * include/bits/gslice.h * include/bits/gslice_array.h * include/bits/hashtable.h * include/bits/indirect_array.h * include/bits/invoke.h * include/bits/ios_base.h * include/bits/iterator_concepts.h * include/bits/locale_classes.h * include/bits/locale_facets.h * include/bits/locale_facets_nonio.h * include/bits/localefwd.h * include/bits/mask_array.h * include/bits/max_size_type.h * include/bits/memory_resource.h * include/bits/memoryfwd.h * include/bits/move_only_function.h * include/bits/node_handle.h * include/bits/ostream_insert.h * include/bits/out_ptr.h * include/bits/parse_numbers.h * include/bits/postypes.h * include/bits/quoted_string.h * include/bits/range_access.h * include/bits/ranges_base.h * include/bits/refwrap.h * include/bits/sat_arith.h * include/bits/semaphore_base.h * include/bits/slice_array.h * include/bits/std_abs.h * include/bits/std_function.h * include/bits/std_mutex.h * include/bits/std_thread.h * include/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h * include/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h * include/bits/stl_tree.h * include/bits/stream_iterator.h * include/bits/streambuf_iterator.h * include/bits/stringfwd.h * include/bits/this_thread_sleep.h * include/bits/unique_lock.h * include/bits/uses_allocator_args.h * include/bits/utility.h * include/bits/valarray_after.h * include/bits/valarray_array.h * include/bits/valarray_before.h * include/bits/version.h * include/c_compatibility/fenv.h * include/c_compatibility/inttypes.h * include/c_compatibility/stdint.h * include/decimal/decimal.h * include/experimental/bits/net.h * include/experimental/bits/shared_ptr.h * include/ext/aligned_buffer.h * include/ext/alloc_traits.h * include/ext/atomicity.h * include/ext/concurrence.h * include/ext/numeric_traits.h * include/ext/pod_char_traits.h * include/ext/pointer.h * include/ext/stdio_filebuf.h * include/ext/stdio_sync_filebuf.h * include/ext/string_conversions.h * include/ext/type_traits.h * include/ext/vstring.h * include/ext/vstring_fwd.h * include/ext/vstring_util.h * include/parallel/algorithmfwd.h * include/parallel/numericfwd.h * include/tr1/functional_hash.h * include/tr1/hashtable.h * include/tr1/random.h * libsupc++/exception.h * libsupc++/hash_bytes.h * include/bits/basic_ios.tcc * include/bits/basic_string.tcc * include/bits/fstream.tcc * include/bits/istream.tcc * include/bits/locale_classes.tcc * include/bits/locale_facets.tcc * include/bits/locale_facets_nonio.tcc * include/bits/ostream.tcc * include/bits/sstream.tcc * include/bits/streambuf.tcc * include/bits/string_view.tcc * include/bits/version.tpl * include/experimental/bits/string_view.tcc * include/ext/pb_ds/detail/resize_policy/hash_prime_size_policy_imp.hpp * include/ext/random.tcc * include/ext/vstring.tcc * include/tr2/bool_set.tcc * include/tr2/dynamic_bitset.tcc * include/bits/c++config * include/c/cassert * include/c/cctype * include/c/cerrno * include/c/cfloat * include/c/ciso646 * include/c/climits * include/c/clocale * include/c/cmath * include/c/csetjmp * include/c/csignal * include/c/cstdarg * include/c/cstddef * include/c/cstdio * include/c/cstdlib * include/c/cstring * include/c/ctime * include/c/cuchar * include/c/cwchar * include/c/cwctype * include/c_global/cassert * include/c_global/ccomplex * include/c_global/cctype * include/c_global/cerrno * include/c_global/cfenv * include/c_global/cfloat * include/c_global/cinttypes * include/c_global/ciso646 * include/c_global/climits * include/c_global/clocale * include/c_global/cmath * include/c_global/csetjmp * include/c_global/csignal * include/c_global/cstdalign * include/c_global/cstdarg * include/c_global/cstdbool * include/c_global/cstddef * include/c_global/cstdint * include/c_global/cstdio * include/c_global/cstdlib * include/c_global/cstring * include/c_global/ctgmath * include/c_global/ctime * include/c_global/cuchar * include/c_global/cwchar * include/c_global/cwctype * include/c_std/cassert * include/c_std/cctype * include/c_std/cerrno * include/c_std/cfloat * include/c_std/ciso646 * include/c_std/climits * include/c_std/clocale * include/c_std/cmath * include/c_std/csetjmp * include/c_std/csignal * include/c_std/cstdarg * include/c_std/cstddef * include/c_std/cstdio * include/c_std/cstdlib * include/c_std/cstring * include/c_std/ctime * include/c_std/cuchar * include/c_std/cwchar * include/c_std/cwctype * include/debug/array * include/debug/bitset * include/debug/deque * include/debug/forward_list * include/debug/list * include/debug/map * include/debug/set * include/debug/string * include/debug/unordered_map * include/debug/unordered_set * include/debug/vector * include/decimal/decimal * include/experimental/algorithm * include/experimental/any * include/experimental/array * include/experimental/buffer * include/experimental/chrono * include/experimental/contract * include/experimental/deque * include/experimental/executor * include/experimental/filesystem * include/experimental/forward_list * include/experimental/functional * include/experimental/internet * include/experimental/io_context * include/experimental/iterator * include/experimental/list * include/experimental/map * include/experimental/memory * include/experimental/memory_resource * include/experimental/net * include/experimental/netfwd * include/experimental/numeric * include/experimental/propagate_const * include/experimental/ratio * include/experimental/regex * include/experimental/scope * include/experimental/set * include/experimental/socket * include/experimental/string * include/experimental/string_view * include/experimental/synchronized_value * include/experimental/system_error * include/experimental/timer * include/experimental/tuple * include/experimental/type_traits * include/experimental/unordered_map * include/experimental/unordered_set * include/experimental/vector * include/ext/algorithm * include/ext/cmath * include/ext/functional * include/ext/iterator * include/ext/memory * include/ext/numeric * include/ext/random * include/ext/rb_tree * include/ext/rope * include/parallel/algorithm * include/std/algorithm * include/std/any * include/std/array * include/std/atomic * include/std/barrier * include/std/bit * include/std/bitset * include/std/charconv * include/std/chrono * include/std/codecvt * include/std/complex * include/std/concepts * include/std/condition_variable * include/std/coroutine * include/std/deque * include/std/execution * include/std/expected * include/std/filesystem * include/std/format * include/std/forward_list * include/std/fstream * include/std/functional * include/std/future * include/std/generator * include/std/iomanip * include/std/ios * include/std/iosfwd * include/std/iostream * include/std/istream * include/std/iterator * include/std/latch * include/std/limits * include/std/list * include/std/locale * include/std/map * include/std/memory * include/std/memory_resource * include/std/mutex * include/std/numbers * include/std/numeric * include/std/optional * include/std/ostream * include/std/print * include/std/queue * include/std/random * include/std/ranges * include/std/ratio * include/std/regex * include/std/scoped_allocator * include/std/semaphore * include/std/set * include/std/shared_mutex * include/std/span * include/std/spanstream * include/std/sstream * include/std/stack * include/std/stacktrace * include/std/stdexcept * include/std/streambuf * include/std/string * include/std/string_view * include/std/syncstream * include/std/system_error * include/std/text_encoding * include/std/thread * include/std/tuple * include/std/type_traits * include/std/typeindex * include/std/unordered_map * include/std/unordered_set * include/std/utility * include/std/valarray * include/std/variant * include/std/vector * include/std/version * include/tr1/array * include/tr1/cfenv * include/tr1/cinttypes * include/tr1/cmath * include/tr1/complex * include/tr1/cstdbool * include/tr1/cstdint * include/tr1/cstdio * include/tr1/cstdlib * include/tr1/cwchar * include/tr1/cwctype * include/tr1/functional * include/tr1/memory * include/tr1/random * include/tr1/regex * include/tr1/tuple * include/tr1/type_traits * include/tr1/unordered_map * include/tr1/unordered_set * include/tr1/utility * include/tr2/bool_set * include/tr2/dynamic_bitset * include/tr2/type_traits * libsupc++/atomic_lockfree_defines.h * libsupc++/compare * libsupc++/cxxabi.h * libsupc++/cxxabi_forced.h * libsupc++/cxxabi_init_exception.h * libsupc++/exception * libsupc++/initializer_list * libsupc++/new * libsupc++/typeinfo: Likewise. * testsuite/20_util/ratio/operations/ops_overflow_neg.cc * testsuite/23_containers/array/tuple_interface/get_neg.cc * testsuite/23_containers/vector/cons/destructible_debug_neg.cc * testsuite/24_iterators/operations/prev_neg.cc * testsuite/ext/type_traits/add_unsigned_floating_neg.cc * testsuite/ext/type_traits/add_unsigned_integer_neg.cc * testsuite/ext/type_traits/remove_unsigned_floating_neg.cc * testsuite/ext/type_traits/remove_unsigned_integer_neg.cc: Adjust line numbers. gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog * g++.dg/analyzer/fanalyzer-show-events-in-system-headers-default.C * g++.dg/analyzer/fanalyzer-show-events-in-system-headers-no.C * g++.dg/diagnostic/disable.C: #define _GLIBCXX_SYSHDR.
3033 lines
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3033 lines
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// <tuple> -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 2007-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file include/tuple
* This is a Standard C++ Library header.
#define _GLIBCXX_TUPLE 1
#pragma GCC system_header
#if __cplusplus < 201103L
# include <bits/c++0x_warning.h>
#include <bits/stl_pair.h> // for std::pair
#include <bits/uses_allocator.h> // for std::allocator_arg_t
#include <bits/utility.h> // for std::tuple_size etc.
#include <bits/invoke.h> // for std::__invoke
#if __cplusplus > 201703L
# include <compare>
# include <bits/ranges_util.h> // for std::ranges::subrange
#define __glibcxx_want_constexpr_tuple
#define __glibcxx_want_tuple_element_t
#define __glibcxx_want_tuples_by_type
#define __glibcxx_want_apply
#define __glibcxx_want_make_from_tuple
#define __glibcxx_want_ranges_zip
#define __glibcxx_want_tuple_like
#define __glibcxx_want_constrained_equality
#include <bits/version.h>
namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
* @addtogroup utilities
* @{
template<typename... _Elements>
class tuple;
/// @cond undocumented
template<typename _Tp>
struct __is_empty_non_tuple : is_empty<_Tp> { };
// Using EBO for elements that are tuples causes ambiguous base errors.
template<typename _El0, typename... _El>
struct __is_empty_non_tuple<tuple<_El0, _El...>> : false_type { };
// Use the Empty Base-class Optimization for empty, non-final types.
template<typename _Tp>
using __empty_not_final
= __conditional_t<__is_final(_Tp), false_type,
template<size_t _Idx, typename _Head,
bool = __empty_not_final<_Head>::value>
struct _Head_base;
#if __has_cpp_attribute(__no_unique_address__)
template<size_t _Idx, typename _Head>
struct _Head_base<_Idx, _Head, true>
constexpr _Head_base()
: _M_head_impl() { }
constexpr _Head_base(const _Head& __h)
: _M_head_impl(__h) { }
constexpr _Head_base(const _Head_base&) = default;
constexpr _Head_base(_Head_base&&) = default;
template<typename _UHead>
constexpr _Head_base(_UHead&& __h)
: _M_head_impl(std::forward<_UHead>(__h)) { }
_Head_base(allocator_arg_t, __uses_alloc0)
: _M_head_impl() { }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Head_base(allocator_arg_t, __uses_alloc1<_Alloc> __a)
: _M_head_impl(allocator_arg, *__a._M_a) { }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Head_base(allocator_arg_t, __uses_alloc2<_Alloc> __a)
: _M_head_impl(*__a._M_a) { }
template<typename _UHead>
_Head_base(__uses_alloc0, _UHead&& __uhead)
: _M_head_impl(std::forward<_UHead>(__uhead)) { }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead>
_Head_base(__uses_alloc1<_Alloc> __a, _UHead&& __uhead)
: _M_head_impl(allocator_arg, *__a._M_a, std::forward<_UHead>(__uhead))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead>
_Head_base(__uses_alloc2<_Alloc> __a, _UHead&& __uhead)
: _M_head_impl(std::forward<_UHead>(__uhead), *__a._M_a) { }
static constexpr _Head&
_M_head(_Head_base& __b) noexcept { return __b._M_head_impl; }
static constexpr const _Head&
_M_head(const _Head_base& __b) noexcept { return __b._M_head_impl; }
[[__no_unique_address__]] _Head _M_head_impl;
template<size_t _Idx, typename _Head>
struct _Head_base<_Idx, _Head, true>
: public _Head
constexpr _Head_base()
: _Head() { }
constexpr _Head_base(const _Head& __h)
: _Head(__h) { }
constexpr _Head_base(const _Head_base&) = default;
constexpr _Head_base(_Head_base&&) = default;
template<typename _UHead>
constexpr _Head_base(_UHead&& __h)
: _Head(std::forward<_UHead>(__h)) { }
_Head_base(allocator_arg_t, __uses_alloc0)
: _Head() { }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Head_base(allocator_arg_t, __uses_alloc1<_Alloc> __a)
: _Head(allocator_arg, *__a._M_a) { }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Head_base(allocator_arg_t, __uses_alloc2<_Alloc> __a)
: _Head(*__a._M_a) { }
template<typename _UHead>
_Head_base(__uses_alloc0, _UHead&& __uhead)
: _Head(std::forward<_UHead>(__uhead)) { }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead>
_Head_base(__uses_alloc1<_Alloc> __a, _UHead&& __uhead)
: _Head(allocator_arg, *__a._M_a, std::forward<_UHead>(__uhead)) { }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead>
_Head_base(__uses_alloc2<_Alloc> __a, _UHead&& __uhead)
: _Head(std::forward<_UHead>(__uhead), *__a._M_a) { }
static constexpr _Head&
_M_head(_Head_base& __b) noexcept { return __b; }
static constexpr const _Head&
_M_head(const _Head_base& __b) noexcept { return __b; }
template<size_t _Idx, typename _Head>
struct _Head_base<_Idx, _Head, false>
constexpr _Head_base()
: _M_head_impl() { }
constexpr _Head_base(const _Head& __h)
: _M_head_impl(__h) { }
constexpr _Head_base(const _Head_base&) = default;
constexpr _Head_base(_Head_base&&) = default;
template<typename _UHead>
constexpr _Head_base(_UHead&& __h)
: _M_head_impl(std::forward<_UHead>(__h)) { }
_Head_base(allocator_arg_t, __uses_alloc0)
: _M_head_impl() { }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Head_base(allocator_arg_t, __uses_alloc1<_Alloc> __a)
: _M_head_impl(allocator_arg, *__a._M_a) { }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Head_base(allocator_arg_t, __uses_alloc2<_Alloc> __a)
: _M_head_impl(*__a._M_a) { }
template<typename _UHead>
_Head_base(__uses_alloc0, _UHead&& __uhead)
: _M_head_impl(std::forward<_UHead>(__uhead)) { }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead>
_Head_base(__uses_alloc1<_Alloc> __a, _UHead&& __uhead)
: _M_head_impl(allocator_arg, *__a._M_a, std::forward<_UHead>(__uhead))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead>
_Head_base(__uses_alloc2<_Alloc> __a, _UHead&& __uhead)
: _M_head_impl(std::forward<_UHead>(__uhead), *__a._M_a) { }
static constexpr _Head&
_M_head(_Head_base& __b) noexcept { return __b._M_head_impl; }
static constexpr const _Head&
_M_head(const _Head_base& __b) noexcept { return __b._M_head_impl; }
_Head _M_head_impl;
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
struct __tuple_like_tag_t { explicit __tuple_like_tag_t() = default; };
// This forward declaration is used by the operator<=> overload for
// tuple-like types.
template<typename _Cat, typename _Tp, typename _Up, typename _IndexSeq>
constexpr _Cat
__tuple_cmp(const _Tp& __t, const _Up& __u, _IndexSeq);
#endif // C++23
* Contains the actual implementation of the @c tuple template, stored
* as a recursive inheritance hierarchy from the first element (most
* derived class) to the last (least derived class). The @c Idx
* parameter gives the 0-based index of the element stored at this
* point in the hierarchy; we use it to implement a constant-time
* get() operation.
template<size_t _Idx, typename... _Elements>
struct _Tuple_impl;
* Recursive tuple implementation. Here we store the @c Head element
* and derive from a @c Tuple_impl containing the remaining elements
* (which contains the @c Tail).
template<size_t _Idx, typename _Head, typename... _Tail>
struct _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head, _Tail...>
: public _Tuple_impl<_Idx + 1, _Tail...>,
private _Head_base<_Idx, _Head>
template<size_t, typename...> friend struct _Tuple_impl;
typedef _Tuple_impl<_Idx + 1, _Tail...> _Inherited;
typedef _Head_base<_Idx, _Head> _Base;
static constexpr _Head&
_M_head(_Tuple_impl& __t) noexcept { return _Base::_M_head(__t); }
static constexpr const _Head&
_M_head(const _Tuple_impl& __t) noexcept { return _Base::_M_head(__t); }
static constexpr _Inherited&
_M_tail(_Tuple_impl& __t) noexcept { return __t; }
static constexpr const _Inherited&
_M_tail(const _Tuple_impl& __t) noexcept { return __t; }
constexpr _Tuple_impl()
: _Inherited(), _Base() { }
explicit constexpr
_Tuple_impl(const _Head& __head, const _Tail&... __tail)
: _Inherited(__tail...), _Base(__head)
{ }
template<typename _UHead, typename... _UTail,
typename = __enable_if_t<sizeof...(_Tail) == sizeof...(_UTail)>>
explicit constexpr
_Tuple_impl(_UHead&& __head, _UTail&&... __tail)
: _Inherited(std::forward<_UTail>(__tail)...),
{ }
constexpr _Tuple_impl(const _Tuple_impl&) = default;
// 2729. Missing SFINAE on std::pair::operator=
_Tuple_impl& operator=(const _Tuple_impl&) = delete;
_Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl&&) = default;
template<typename... _UElements>
_Tuple_impl(const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>& __in)
: _Inherited(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>::_M_tail(__in)),
_Base(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>::_M_head(__in))
{ }
template<typename _UHead, typename... _UTails>
_Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>&& __in)
: _Inherited(std::move
(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_tail(__in))),
(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_head(__in)))
{ }
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename... _UElements>
_Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>& __in)
: _Inherited(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>::_M_tail(__in)),
_Base(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>::_M_head(__in))
{ }
template<typename _UHead, typename... _UTails>
_Tuple_impl(const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>&& __in)
: _Inherited(std::move
(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_tail(__in))),
_Base(std::forward<const _UHead>
(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_head(__in)))
{ }
#endif // C++23
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<typename _UTuple, size_t... _Is>
_Tuple_impl(__tuple_like_tag_t, _UTuple&& __u, index_sequence<_Is...>)
: _Tuple_impl(std::get<_Is>(std::forward<_UTuple>(__u))...)
{ }
#endif // C++23
template<typename _Alloc>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a),
_Base(__tag, __use_alloc<_Head>(__a))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const _Head& __head, const _Tail&... __tail)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, __tail...),
_Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, _Head>(__a), __head)
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead, typename... _UTail,
typename = __enable_if_t<sizeof...(_Tail) == sizeof...(_UTail)>>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
_UHead&& __head, _UTail&&... __tail)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::forward<_UTail>(__tail)...),
_Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, _UHead>(__a),
{ }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const _Tuple_impl& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, _M_tail(__in)),
_Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, _Head>(__a), _M_head(__in))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
_Tuple_impl&& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::move(_M_tail(__in))),
_Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, _Head>(__a),
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead, typename... _UTails>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a,
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_tail(__in)),
_Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, const _UHead&>(__a),
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_head(__in))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead, typename... _UTails>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>&& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::move
(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_tail(__in))),
_Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, _UHead>(__a),
(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_head(__in)))
{ }
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead, typename... _UTails>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a,
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_tail(__in)),
_Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, _UHead&>(__a),
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_head(__in))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead, typename... _UTails>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>&& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::move
(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_tail(__in))),
_Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, const _UHead>(__a),
std::forward<const _UHead>
(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_head(__in)))
{ }
#endif // C++23
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UTuple, size_t... _Is>
_Tuple_impl(__tuple_like_tag_t, allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
_UTuple&& __u, index_sequence<_Is...>)
: _Tuple_impl(__tag, __a, std::get<_Is>(std::forward<_UTuple>(__u))...)
{ }
#endif // C++23
template<typename... _UElements>
_M_assign(const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>& __in)
_M_head(*this) = _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>::_M_head(__in);
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>::_M_tail(__in));
template<typename _UHead, typename... _UTails>
_M_assign(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>&& __in)
_M_head(*this) = std::forward<_UHead>
(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_head(__in));
std::move(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_tail(__in)));
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename... _UElements>
constexpr void
_M_assign(const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>& __in) const
_M_head(*this) = _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>::_M_head(__in);
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UElements...>::_M_tail(__in));
template<typename _UHead, typename... _UTails>
constexpr void
_M_assign(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>&& __in) const
_M_head(*this) = std::forward<_UHead>
(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_head(__in));
std::move(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead, _UTails...>::_M_tail(__in)));
#endif // C++23
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<typename _UTuple>
constexpr void
_M_assign(__tuple_like_tag_t __tag, _UTuple&& __u)
_M_head(*this) = std::get<_Idx>(std::forward<_UTuple>(__u));
_M_tail(*this)._M_assign(__tag, std::forward<_UTuple>(__u));
template<typename _UTuple>
constexpr void
_M_assign(__tuple_like_tag_t __tag, _UTuple&& __u) const
_M_head(*this) = std::get<_Idx>(std::forward<_UTuple>(__u));
_M_tail(*this)._M_assign(__tag, std::forward<_UTuple>(__u));
#endif // C++23
_M_swap(_Tuple_impl& __in)
using std::swap;
swap(_M_head(*this), _M_head(__in));
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
constexpr void
_M_swap(const _Tuple_impl& __in) const
using std::swap;
swap(_M_head(*this), _M_head(__in));
#endif // C++23
// Basis case of inheritance recursion.
template<size_t _Idx, typename _Head>
struct _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _Head>
: private _Head_base<_Idx, _Head>
template<size_t, typename...> friend struct _Tuple_impl;
typedef _Head_base<_Idx, _Head> _Base;
static constexpr _Head&
_M_head(_Tuple_impl& __t) noexcept { return _Base::_M_head(__t); }
static constexpr const _Head&
_M_head(const _Tuple_impl& __t) noexcept { return _Base::_M_head(__t); }
: _Base() { }
explicit constexpr
_Tuple_impl(const _Head& __head)
: _Base(__head)
{ }
template<typename _UHead>
explicit constexpr
_Tuple_impl(_UHead&& __head)
: _Base(std::forward<_UHead>(__head))
{ }
constexpr _Tuple_impl(const _Tuple_impl&) = default;
// 2729. Missing SFINAE on std::pair::operator=
_Tuple_impl& operator=(const _Tuple_impl&) = delete;
_Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl&&) = default;
_Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl&& __in)
: _Base(static_cast<_Base&&>(__in))
{ }
template<typename _UHead>
_Tuple_impl(const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>& __in)
: _Base(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in))
{ }
template<typename _UHead>
_Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>&& __in)
: _Base(std::forward<_UHead>(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in)))
{ }
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename _UHead>
_Tuple_impl(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>& __in)
: _Base(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in))
{ }
template<typename _UHead>
_Tuple_impl(const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>&& __in)
: _Base(std::forward<const _UHead>(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in)))
{ }
#endif // C++23
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<typename _UTuple>
_Tuple_impl(__tuple_like_tag_t, _UTuple&& __u, index_sequence<0>)
: _Tuple_impl(std::get<0>(std::forward<_UTuple>(__u)))
{ }
#endif // C++23
template<typename _Alloc>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a)
: _Base(__tag, __use_alloc<_Head>(__a))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& __a,
const _Head& __head)
: _Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, const _Head&>(__a), __head)
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& __a,
_UHead&& __head)
: _Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, _UHead>(__a),
{ }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& __a,
const _Tuple_impl& __in)
: _Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, const _Head&>(__a), _M_head(__in))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& __a,
_Tuple_impl&& __in)
: _Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, _Head>(__a),
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& __a,
const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>& __in)
: _Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, const _UHead&>(__a),
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& __a,
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>&& __in)
: _Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, _UHead>(__a),
std::forward<_UHead>(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in)))
{ }
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& __a,
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>& __in)
: _Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, _UHead&>(__a),
_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UHead>
_Tuple_impl(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& __a,
const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>&& __in)
: _Base(__use_alloc<_Head, _Alloc, const _UHead>(__a),
std::forward<const _UHead>(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in)))
{ }
#endif // C++23
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<typename _Alloc, typename _UTuple>
_Tuple_impl(__tuple_like_tag_t, allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
_UTuple&& __u, index_sequence<0>)
: _Tuple_impl(__tag, __a, std::get<0>(std::forward<_UTuple>(__u)))
{ }
#endif // C++23
template<typename _UHead>
_M_assign(const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>& __in)
_M_head(*this) = _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in);
template<typename _UHead>
_M_assign(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>&& __in)
= std::forward<_UHead>(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in));
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename _UHead>
constexpr void
_M_assign(const _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>& __in) const
_M_head(*this) = _Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in);
template<typename _UHead>
constexpr void
_M_assign(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>&& __in) const
= std::forward<_UHead>(_Tuple_impl<_Idx, _UHead>::_M_head(__in));
#endif // C++23
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<typename _UTuple>
constexpr void
_M_assign(__tuple_like_tag_t, _UTuple&& __u)
{ _M_head(*this) = std::get<_Idx>(std::forward<_UTuple>(__u)); }
template<typename _UTuple>
constexpr void
_M_assign(__tuple_like_tag_t, _UTuple&& __u) const
{ _M_head(*this) = std::get<_Idx>(std::forward<_UTuple>(__u)); }
#endif // C++23
_M_swap(_Tuple_impl& __in)
using std::swap;
swap(_M_head(*this), _M_head(__in));
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
constexpr void
_M_swap(const _Tuple_impl& __in) const
using std::swap;
swap(_M_head(*this), _M_head(__in));
#endif // C++23
// Concept utility functions, reused in conditionally-explicit
// constructors.
template<bool, typename... _Types>
struct _TupleConstraints
template<typename... _UTypes>
using __constructible = __and_<is_constructible<_Types, _UTypes>...>;
template<typename... _UTypes>
using __convertible = __and_<is_convertible<_UTypes, _Types>...>;
// Constraint for a non-explicit constructor.
// True iff each Ti in _Types... can be constructed from Ui in _UTypes...
// and every Ui is implicitly convertible to Ti.
template<typename... _UTypes>
static constexpr bool __is_implicitly_constructible()
return __and_<__constructible<_UTypes...>,
// Constraint for a non-explicit constructor.
// True iff each Ti in _Types... can be constructed from Ui in _UTypes...
// but not every Ui is implicitly convertible to Ti.
template<typename... _UTypes>
static constexpr bool __is_explicitly_constructible()
return __and_<__constructible<_UTypes...>,
static constexpr bool __is_implicitly_default_constructible()
return __and_<std::__is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Types>...
static constexpr bool __is_explicitly_default_constructible()
return __and_<is_default_constructible<_Types>...,
// Partial specialization used when a required precondition isn't met,
// e.g. when sizeof...(_Types) != sizeof...(_UTypes).
template<typename... _Types>
struct _TupleConstraints<false, _Types...>
template<typename... _UTypes>
static constexpr bool __is_implicitly_constructible()
{ return false; }
template<typename... _UTypes>
static constexpr bool __is_explicitly_constructible()
{ return false; }
/// @endcond
/// Primary class template, tuple
template<typename... _Elements>
class tuple : public _Tuple_impl<0, _Elements...>
using _Inherited = _Tuple_impl<0, _Elements...>;
#if __cpp_concepts && __cpp_consteval && __cpp_conditional_explicit // >= C++20
template<typename... _UTypes>
static consteval bool
if constexpr (sizeof...(_UTypes) == sizeof...(_Elements))
return __and_v<is_constructible<_Elements, _UTypes>...>;
return false;
template<typename... _UTypes>
static consteval bool
if constexpr (sizeof...(_UTypes) == sizeof...(_Elements))
return __and_v<is_nothrow_constructible<_Elements, _UTypes>...>;
return false;
template<typename... _UTypes>
static consteval bool
if constexpr (sizeof...(_UTypes) == sizeof...(_Elements))
return __and_v<is_convertible<_UTypes, _Elements>...>;
return false;
// 3121. tuple constructor constraints for UTypes&&... overloads
template<typename... _UTypes>
static consteval bool
if constexpr (sizeof...(_Elements) != sizeof...(_UTypes))
return false;
else if constexpr (sizeof...(_Elements) == 1)
using _U0 = typename _Nth_type<0, _UTypes...>::type;
return !is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<_U0>, tuple>;
else if constexpr (sizeof...(_Elements) < 4)
using _U0 = typename _Nth_type<0, _UTypes...>::type;
if constexpr (!is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<_U0>, allocator_arg_t>)
return true;
using _T0 = typename _Nth_type<0, _Elements...>::type;
return is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<_T0>, allocator_arg_t>;
return true;
// Return true iff sizeof...(Types) == 1 && tuple_size_v<TUPLE> == 1
// and the single element in Types can be initialized from TUPLE,
// or is the same type as tuple_element_t<0, TUPLE>.
template<typename _Tuple>
static consteval bool
if constexpr (sizeof...(_Elements) != 1)
return false;
else if constexpr (is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<_Tuple>, tuple>)
return true; // Should use a copy/move constructor instead.
using _Tp = typename _Nth_type<0, _Elements...>::type;
if constexpr (is_convertible_v<_Tuple, _Tp>)
return true;
else if constexpr (is_constructible_v<_Tp, _Tuple>)
return true;
return false;
template<typename... _Up>
static consteval bool
#if __has_builtin(__reference_constructs_from_temporary)
return (__reference_constructs_from_temporary(_Elements, _Up&&)
|| ...);
return false;
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
// 4045. tuple can create dangling references from tuple-like
template<typename _UTuple>
static consteval bool
return []<size_t... _Is>(index_sequence<_Is...>) {
return __dangles<decltype(std::get<_Is>(std::declval<_UTuple>()))...>();
template<typename _UTuple>
static consteval bool
return []<size_t... _Is>(index_sequence<_Is...>) {
return __constructible<decltype(std::get<_Is>(std::declval<_UTuple>()))...>();
template<typename _UTuple>
static consteval bool
return []<size_t... _Is>(index_sequence<_Is...>) {
return __convertible<decltype(std::get<_Is>(std::declval<_UTuple>()))...>();
#endif // C++23
explicit(!(__is_implicitly_default_constructible_v<_Elements> && ...))
noexcept((is_nothrow_default_constructible_v<_Elements> && ...))
requires (is_default_constructible_v<_Elements> && ...)
: _Inherited()
{ }
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<const _Elements&...>())
tuple(const _Elements&... __elements)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _Elements&...>())
requires (__constructible<const _Elements&...>())
: _Inherited(__elements...)
{ }
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__disambiguating_constraint<_UTypes...>())
&& (__constructible<_UTypes...>())
&& (!__dangles<_UTypes...>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<_UTypes...>())
tuple(_UTypes&&... __u)
: _Inherited(std::forward<_UTypes>(__u)...)
{ }
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__disambiguating_constraint<_UTypes...>())
&& (__constructible<_UTypes...>())
&& (__dangles<_UTypes...>())
tuple(_UTypes&&...) = delete;
constexpr tuple(const tuple&) = default;
constexpr tuple(tuple&&) = default;
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<const _UTypes&...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UTypes...>&>())
&& (!__dangles<const _UTypes&...>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<const _UTypes&...>())
tuple(const tuple<_UTypes...>& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _UTypes&...>())
: _Inherited(static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _UTypes...>&>(__u))
{ }
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<const _UTypes&...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UTypes...>&>())
&& (__dangles<const _UTypes&...>())
tuple(const tuple<_UTypes...>&) = delete;
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<_UTypes...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UTypes...>>())
&& (!__dangles<_UTypes...>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<_UTypes...>())
tuple(tuple<_UTypes...>&& __u)
: _Inherited(static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _UTypes...>&&>(__u))
{ }
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<_UTypes...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UTypes...>>())
&& (__dangles<_UTypes...>())
tuple(tuple<_UTypes...>&&) = delete;
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<_UTypes&...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UTypes...>&>())
&& (!__dangles<_UTypes&...>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<_UTypes&...>())
tuple(tuple<_UTypes...>& __u)
: _Inherited(static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _UTypes...>&>(__u))
{ }
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<_UTypes&...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UTypes...>&>())
&& (__dangles<_UTypes&...>())
tuple(tuple<_UTypes...>&) = delete;
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<const _UTypes...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UTypes...>>())
&& (!__dangles<const _UTypes...>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<const _UTypes...>())
tuple(const tuple<_UTypes...>&& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _UTypes...>())
: _Inherited(static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _UTypes...>&&>(__u))
{ }
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<const _UTypes...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UTypes...>>())
&& (__dangles<const _UTypes...>())
tuple(const tuple<_UTypes...>&&) = delete;
#endif // C++23
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
&& (!__dangles<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
tuple(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
: _Inherited(__u.first, __u.second)
{ }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
&& (__dangles<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
tuple(const pair<_U1, _U2>&) = delete;
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<_U1, _U2>())
&& (!__dangles<_U1, _U2>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<_U1, _U2>())
tuple(pair<_U1, _U2>&& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<_U1, _U2>())
: _Inherited(std::forward<_U1>(__u.first),
{ }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<_U1, _U2>())
&& (__dangles<_U1, _U2>())
tuple(pair<_U1, _U2>&&) = delete;
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<_U1&, _U2&>())
&& (!__dangles<_U1&, _U2&>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<_U1&, _U2&>())
tuple(pair<_U1, _U2>& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<_U1&, _U2&>())
: _Inherited(__u.first, __u.second)
{ }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<_U1&, _U2&>())
&& (__dangles<_U1&, _U2&>())
tuple(pair<_U1, _U2>&) = delete;
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<const _U1, const _U2>())
&& (!__dangles<const _U1, const _U2>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<const _U1, const _U2>())
tuple(const pair<_U1, _U2>&& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _U1, const _U2>())
: _Inherited(std::forward<const _U1>(__u.first),
std::forward<const _U2>(__u.second))
{ }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<const _U1, const _U2>())
&& (__dangles<const _U1, const _U2>())
tuple(const pair<_U1, _U2>&&) = delete;
#endif // C++23
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<__eligible_tuple_like<tuple> _UTuple>
requires (__constructible_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<_UTuple>())
&& (!__dangles_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
tuple(_UTuple&& __u)
: _Inherited(__tuple_like_tag_t{},
{ }
template<__eligible_tuple_like<tuple> _UTuple>
requires (__constructible_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<_UTuple>())
&& (__dangles_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
tuple(_UTuple&&) = delete;
#endif // C++23
// Allocator-extended constructors.
template<typename _Alloc>
explicit(!(__is_implicitly_default_constructible_v<_Elements> && ...))
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a)
requires (is_default_constructible_v<_Elements> && ...)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a)
{ }
template<typename _Alloc>
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<const _Elements&...>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const _Elements&... __elements)
requires (__constructible<const _Elements&...>())
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, __elements...)
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
requires (__disambiguating_constraint<_UTypes...>())
&& (__constructible<_UTypes...>())
&& (!__dangles<_UTypes...>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<_UTypes...>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, _UTypes&&... __u)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::forward<_UTypes>(__u)...)
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
requires (__disambiguating_constraint<_UTypes...>())
&& (__constructible<_UTypes...>())
&& (__dangles<_UTypes...>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, _UTypes&&...) = delete;
template<typename _Alloc>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, const tuple& __u)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, static_cast<const _Inherited&>(__u))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc>
requires (__constructible<_Elements...>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, tuple&& __u)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, static_cast<_Inherited&&>(__u))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<const _UTypes&...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UTypes...>&>())
&& (!__dangles<const _UTypes&...>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<const _UTypes&...>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const tuple<_UTypes...>& __u)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a,
static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _UTypes...>&>(__u))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<const _UTypes&...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UTypes...>&>())
&& (__dangles<const _UTypes&...>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, const tuple<_UTypes...>&) = delete;
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<_UTypes...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UTypes...>>())
&& (!__dangles<_UTypes...>())
constexpr explicit(!__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UTypes...>>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, tuple<_UTypes...>&& __u)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _UTypes...>&&>(__u))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<_UTypes...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UTypes...>>())
&& (__dangles<_UTypes...>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, tuple<_UTypes...>&&) = delete;
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<_UTypes&...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UTypes...>&>())
&& (!__dangles<_UTypes&...>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<_UTypes&...>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, tuple<_UTypes...>& __u)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _UTypes...>&>(__u))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<_UTypes&...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UTypes...>&>())
&& (__dangles<_UTypes&...>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, tuple<_UTypes...>&) = delete;
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<const _UTypes...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UTypes...>>())
&& (!__dangles<const _UTypes...>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<const _UTypes...>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const tuple<_UTypes...>&& __u)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a,
static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _UTypes...>&&>(__u))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
requires (__constructible<const _UTypes...>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UTypes...>>())
&& (__dangles<const _UTypes...>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, const tuple<_UTypes...>&&) = delete;
#endif // C++23
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
&& (!__dangles<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const pair<_U1, _U2>& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, __u.first, __u.second)
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
&& (__dangles<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, const pair<_U1, _U2>&) = delete;
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<_U1, _U2>())
&& (!__dangles<_U1, _U2>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<_U1, _U2>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, pair<_U1, _U2>&& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<_U1, _U2>())
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::move(__u.first), std::move(__u.second))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<_U1, _U2>())
&& (__dangles<_U1, _U2>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, pair<_U1, _U2>&&) = delete;
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<_U1&, _U2&>())
&& (!__dangles<_U1&, _U2&>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<_U1&, _U2&>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, pair<_U1, _U2>& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<_U1&, _U2&>())
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, __u.first, __u.second)
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<_U1&, _U2&>())
&& (__dangles<_U1&, _U2&>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, pair<_U1, _U2>&) = delete;
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<const _U1, const _U2>())
&& (!__dangles<const _U1, const _U2>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible<const _U1, const _U2>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const pair<_U1, _U2>&& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _U1, const _U2>())
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::move(__u.first), std::move(__u.second))
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (sizeof...(_Elements) == 2)
&& (__constructible<const _U1, const _U2>())
&& (__dangles<const _U1, const _U2>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, const pair<_U1, _U2>&&) = delete;
#endif // C++23
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<typename _Alloc, __eligible_tuple_like<tuple> _UTuple>
requires (__constructible_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<_UTuple>())
&& (!__dangles_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
constexpr explicit(!__convertible_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, _UTuple&& __u)
: _Inherited(__tuple_like_tag_t{},
__tag, __a, std::forward<_UTuple>(__u),
{ }
template<typename _Alloc, __eligible_tuple_like<tuple> _UTuple>
requires (__constructible_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
&& (!__use_other_ctor<_UTuple>())
&& (__dangles_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, _UTuple&&) = delete;
#endif // C++23
#else // !(concepts && conditional_explicit)
template<bool _Cond>
using _TCC = _TupleConstraints<_Cond, _Elements...>;
// Constraint for non-explicit default constructor
template<bool _Dummy>
using _ImplicitDefaultCtor = __enable_if_t<
// Constraint for explicit default constructor
template<bool _Dummy>
using _ExplicitDefaultCtor = __enable_if_t<
// Constraint for non-explicit constructors
template<bool _Cond, typename... _Args>
using _ImplicitCtor = __enable_if_t<
_TCC<_Cond>::template __is_implicitly_constructible<_Args...>(),
// Constraint for non-explicit constructors
template<bool _Cond, typename... _Args>
using _ExplicitCtor = __enable_if_t<
_TCC<_Cond>::template __is_explicitly_constructible<_Args...>(),
// Condition for noexcept-specifier of a constructor.
template<typename... _UElements>
static constexpr bool __nothrow_constructible()
__and_<is_nothrow_constructible<_Elements, _UElements>...>::value;
// Constraint for tuple(_UTypes&&...) where sizeof...(_UTypes) == 1.
template<typename _Up>
static constexpr bool __valid_args()
return sizeof...(_Elements) == 1
&& !is_same<tuple, __remove_cvref_t<_Up>>::value;
// Constraint for tuple(_UTypes&&...) where sizeof...(_UTypes) > 1.
template<typename, typename, typename... _Tail>
static constexpr bool __valid_args()
{ return (sizeof...(_Tail) + 2) == sizeof...(_Elements); }
/* Constraint for constructors with a tuple<UTypes...> parameter ensures
* that the constructor is only viable when it would not interfere with
* tuple(UTypes&&...) or tuple(const tuple&) or tuple(tuple&&).
* Such constructors are only viable if:
* either sizeof...(Types) != 1,
* or (when Types... expands to T and UTypes... expands to U)
* is_convertible_v<TUPLE, T>, is_constructible_v<T, TUPLE>,
* and is_same_v<T, U> are all false.
template<typename _Tuple, typename = tuple,
typename = __remove_cvref_t<_Tuple>>
struct _UseOtherCtor
: false_type
{ };
// If TUPLE is convertible to the single element in *this,
// then TUPLE should match tuple(UTypes&&...) instead.
template<typename _Tuple, typename _Tp, typename _Up>
struct _UseOtherCtor<_Tuple, tuple<_Tp>, tuple<_Up>>
: __or_<is_convertible<_Tuple, _Tp>, is_constructible<_Tp, _Tuple>>::type
{ };
// If TUPLE and *this each have a single element of the same type,
// then TUPLE should match a copy/move constructor instead.
template<typename _Tuple, typename _Tp>
struct _UseOtherCtor<_Tuple, tuple<_Tp>, tuple<_Tp>>
: true_type
{ };
// Return true iff sizeof...(Types) == 1 && tuple_size_v<TUPLE> == 1
// and the single element in Types can be initialized from TUPLE,
// or is the same type as tuple_element_t<0, TUPLE>.
template<typename _Tuple>
static constexpr bool __use_other_ctor()
{ return _UseOtherCtor<_Tuple>::value; }
/// @cond undocumented
#undef __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs
#if __has_builtin(__reference_constructs_from_temporary) \
&& defined _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
// Error if construction from U... would create a dangling ref.
# if __cpp_fold_expressions
# define __glibcxx_dangling_refs(U) \
(__reference_constructs_from_temporary(_Elements, U) || ...)
# else
# define __glibcxx_dangling_refs(U) \
__or_<__bool_constant<__reference_constructs_from_temporary(_Elements, U) \
# endif
# define __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(U) \
static_assert(!__glibcxx_dangling_refs(U), \
"std::tuple constructor creates a dangling reference")
# define __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(U)
/// @endcond
template<typename _Dummy = void,
_ImplicitDefaultCtor<is_void<_Dummy>::value> = true>
: _Inherited() { }
template<typename _Dummy = void,
_ExplicitDefaultCtor<is_void<_Dummy>::value> = false>
explicit constexpr
: _Inherited() { }
template<bool _NotEmpty = (sizeof...(_Elements) >= 1),
_ImplicitCtor<_NotEmpty, const _Elements&...> = true>
tuple(const _Elements&... __elements)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _Elements&...>())
: _Inherited(__elements...) { }
template<bool _NotEmpty = (sizeof...(_Elements) >= 1),
_ExplicitCtor<_NotEmpty, const _Elements&...> = false>
explicit constexpr
tuple(const _Elements&... __elements)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _Elements&...>())
: _Inherited(__elements...) { }
template<typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = __valid_args<_UElements...>(),
_ImplicitCtor<_Valid, _UElements...> = true>
tuple(_UElements&&... __elements)
: _Inherited(std::forward<_UElements>(__elements)...)
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_UElements&&); }
template<typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = __valid_args<_UElements...>(),
_ExplicitCtor<_Valid, _UElements...> = false>
explicit constexpr
tuple(_UElements&&... __elements)
: _Inherited(std::forward<_UElements>(__elements)...)
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_UElements&&); }
constexpr tuple(const tuple&) = default;
constexpr tuple(tuple&&) = default;
template<typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = (sizeof...(_Elements) == sizeof...(_UElements))
&& !__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UElements...>&>(),
_ImplicitCtor<_Valid, const _UElements&...> = true>
tuple(const tuple<_UElements...>& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _UElements&...>())
: _Inherited(static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _UElements...>&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _UElements&); }
template<typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = (sizeof...(_Elements) == sizeof...(_UElements))
&& !__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UElements...>&>(),
_ExplicitCtor<_Valid, const _UElements&...> = false>
explicit constexpr
tuple(const tuple<_UElements...>& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _UElements&...>())
: _Inherited(static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _UElements...>&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _UElements&); }
template<typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = (sizeof...(_Elements) == sizeof...(_UElements))
&& !__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UElements...>&&>(),
_ImplicitCtor<_Valid, _UElements...> = true>
tuple(tuple<_UElements...>&& __in)
: _Inherited(static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _UElements...>&&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_UElements&&); }
template<typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = (sizeof...(_Elements) == sizeof...(_UElements))
&& !__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UElements...>&&>(),
_ExplicitCtor<_Valid, _UElements...> = false>
explicit constexpr
tuple(tuple<_UElements...>&& __in)
: _Inherited(static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _UElements...>&&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_UElements&&); }
// Allocator-extended constructors.
template<typename _Alloc,
_ImplicitDefaultCtor<is_object<_Alloc>::value> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a) { }
template<typename _Alloc,
_ExplicitDefaultCtor<is_object<_Alloc>::value> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a) { }
template<typename _Alloc, bool _NotEmpty = (sizeof...(_Elements) >= 1),
_ImplicitCtor<_NotEmpty, const _Elements&...> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const _Elements&... __elements)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, __elements...) { }
template<typename _Alloc, bool _NotEmpty = (sizeof...(_Elements) >= 1),
_ExplicitCtor<_NotEmpty, const _Elements&...> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const _Elements&... __elements)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, __elements...) { }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = __valid_args<_UElements...>(),
_ImplicitCtor<_Valid, _UElements...> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
_UElements&&... __elements)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::forward<_UElements>(__elements)...)
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_UElements&&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = __valid_args<_UElements...>(),
_ExplicitCtor<_Valid, _UElements...> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
_UElements&&... __elements)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::forward<_UElements>(__elements)...)
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_UElements&&); }
template<typename _Alloc>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, const tuple& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, static_cast<const _Inherited&>(__in)) { }
template<typename _Alloc>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, tuple&& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, static_cast<_Inherited&&>(__in)) { }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = (sizeof...(_Elements) == sizeof...(_UElements))
&& !__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UElements...>&>(),
_ImplicitCtor<_Valid, const _UElements&...> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const tuple<_UElements...>& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a,
static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _UElements...>&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _UElements&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = (sizeof...(_Elements) == sizeof...(_UElements))
&& !__use_other_ctor<const tuple<_UElements...>&>(),
_ExplicitCtor<_Valid, const _UElements&...> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const tuple<_UElements...>& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a,
static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _UElements...>&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _UElements&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = (sizeof...(_Elements) == sizeof...(_UElements))
&& !__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UElements...>&&>(),
_ImplicitCtor<_Valid, _UElements...> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
tuple<_UElements...>&& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a,
static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _UElements...>&&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_UElements&&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UElements,
bool _Valid = (sizeof...(_Elements) == sizeof...(_UElements))
&& !__use_other_ctor<tuple<_UElements...>&&>(),
_ExplicitCtor<_Valid, _UElements...> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
tuple<_UElements...>&& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a,
static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _UElements...>&&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_UElements&&); }
#endif // concepts && conditional_explicit
// tuple assignment
#if __cpp_concepts && __cpp_consteval // >= C++20
template<typename... _UTypes>
static consteval bool
if constexpr (sizeof...(_UTypes) == sizeof...(_Elements))
return __and_v<is_assignable<_Elements&, _UTypes>...>;
return false;
template<typename... _UTypes>
static consteval bool
if constexpr (sizeof...(_UTypes) == sizeof...(_Elements))
return __and_v<is_nothrow_assignable<_Elements&, _UTypes>...>;
return false;
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename... _UTypes>
static consteval bool
if constexpr (sizeof...(_UTypes) == sizeof...(_Elements))
return __and_v<is_assignable<const _Elements&, _UTypes>...>;
return false;
#endif // C++23
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<typename _UTuple>
static consteval bool
return []<size_t... _Is>(index_sequence<_Is...>) {
return __assignable<decltype(std::get<_Is>(std::declval<_UTuple>()))...>();
template<typename _UTuple>
static consteval bool
return []<size_t... _Is>(index_sequence<_Is...>) {
return __const_assignable<decltype(std::get<_Is>(std::declval<_UTuple>()))...>();
#endif // C++23
tuple& operator=(const tuple& __u) = delete;
constexpr tuple&
operator=(const tuple& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<const _Elements&...>())
requires (__assignable<const _Elements&...>())
return *this;
constexpr tuple&
operator=(tuple&& __u)
requires (__assignable<_Elements...>())
return *this;
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__assignable<const _UTypes&...>())
constexpr tuple&
operator=(const tuple<_UTypes...>& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<const _UTypes&...>())
return *this;
template<typename... _UTypes>
requires (__assignable<_UTypes...>())
constexpr tuple&
operator=(tuple<_UTypes...>&& __u)
return *this;
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
constexpr const tuple&
operator=(const tuple& __u) const
requires (__const_assignable<const _Elements&...>())
return *this;
constexpr const tuple&
operator=(tuple&& __u) const
requires (__const_assignable<_Elements...>())
return *this;
template<typename... _UTypes>
constexpr const tuple&
operator=(const tuple<_UTypes...>& __u) const
requires (__const_assignable<const _UTypes&...>())
return *this;
template<typename... _UTypes>
constexpr const tuple&
operator=(tuple<_UTypes...>&& __u) const
requires (__const_assignable<_UTypes...>())
return *this;
#endif // C++23
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (__assignable<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
constexpr tuple&
operator=(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
this->_M_head(*this) = __u.first;
this->_M_tail(*this)._M_head(*this) = __u.second;
return *this;
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (__assignable<_U1, _U2>())
constexpr tuple&
operator=(pair<_U1, _U2>&& __u)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<_U1, _U2>())
this->_M_head(*this) = std::forward<_U1>(__u.first);
this->_M_tail(*this)._M_head(*this) = std::forward<_U2>(__u.second);
return *this;
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (__const_assignable<const _U1&, const _U2>())
constexpr const tuple&
operator=(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __u) const
this->_M_head(*this) = __u.first;
this->_M_tail(*this)._M_head(*this) = __u.second;
return *this;
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
requires (__const_assignable<_U1, _U2>())
constexpr const tuple&
operator=(pair<_U1, _U2>&& __u) const
this->_M_head(*this) = std::forward<_U1>(__u.first);
this->_M_tail(*this)._M_head(*this) = std::forward<_U2>(__u.second);
return *this;
#endif // C++23
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<__eligible_tuple_like<tuple> _UTuple>
requires (__assignable_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
constexpr tuple&
operator=(_UTuple&& __u)
this->_M_assign(__tuple_like_tag_t{}, std::forward<_UTuple>(__u));
return *this;
template<__eligible_tuple_like<tuple> _UTuple>
requires (__const_assignable_from_tuple_like<_UTuple>())
constexpr const tuple&
operator=(_UTuple&& __u) const
this->_M_assign(__tuple_like_tag_t{}, std::forward<_UTuple>(__u));
return *this;
template<__tuple_like _UTuple>
requires (!__is_tuple_v<_UTuple>)
friend constexpr bool
operator== [[nodiscard]] (const tuple& __t, const _UTuple& __u)
static_assert(sizeof...(_Elements) == tuple_size_v<_UTuple>,
"tuple objects can only be compared if they have equal sizes.");
return [&]<size_t... _Is>(index_sequence<_Is...>) {
return (bool(std::get<_Is>(__t) == std::get<_Is>(__u))
&& ...);
template<__tuple_like _UTuple,
typename = make_index_sequence<tuple_size_v<_UTuple>>>
struct __tuple_like_common_comparison_category;
template<__tuple_like _UTuple, size_t... _Is>
requires requires
{ typename void_t<__detail::__synth3way_t<_Elements, tuple_element_t<_Is, _UTuple>>...>; }
struct __tuple_like_common_comparison_category<_UTuple, index_sequence<_Is...>>
using type = common_comparison_category_t
<__detail::__synth3way_t<_Elements, tuple_element_t<_Is, _UTuple>>...>;
template<__tuple_like _UTuple>
requires (!__is_tuple_v<_UTuple>)
friend constexpr typename __tuple_like_common_comparison_category<_UTuple>::type
operator<=>(const tuple& __t, const _UTuple& __u)
using _Cat = typename __tuple_like_common_comparison_category<_UTuple>::type;
return std::__tuple_cmp<_Cat>(__t, __u, index_sequence_for<_Elements...>());
#endif // C++23
#else // ! (concepts && consteval)
template<typename... _UElements>
static constexpr
__enable_if_t<sizeof...(_UElements) == sizeof...(_Elements), bool>
{ return __and_<is_assignable<_Elements&, _UElements>...>::value; }
// Condition for noexcept-specifier of an assignment operator.
template<typename... _UElements>
static constexpr bool __nothrow_assignable()
__and_<is_nothrow_assignable<_Elements&, _UElements>...>::value;
operator=(__conditional_t<__assignable<const _Elements&...>(),
const tuple&,
const __nonesuch&> __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<const _Elements&...>())
return *this;
__nonesuch&&> __in)
return *this;
template<typename... _UElements>
__enable_if_t<__assignable<const _UElements&...>(), tuple&>
operator=(const tuple<_UElements...>& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<const _UElements&...>())
return *this;
template<typename... _UElements>
__enable_if_t<__assignable<_UElements...>(), tuple&>
operator=(tuple<_UElements...>&& __in)
return *this;
#endif // concepts && consteval
// tuple swap
swap(tuple& __in)
{ _Inherited::_M_swap(__in); }
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
// As an extension, we constrain the const swap member function in order
// to continue accepting explicit instantiation of tuples whose elements
// are not all const swappable. Without this constraint, such an
// explicit instantiation would also instantiate the ill-formed body of
// this function and yield a hard error. This constraint shouldn't
// affect the behavior of valid programs.
constexpr void
swap(const tuple& __in) const
noexcept(__and_v<__is_nothrow_swappable<const _Elements>...>)
requires (is_swappable_v<const _Elements> && ...)
{ _Inherited::_M_swap(__in); }
#endif // C++23
#if __cpp_deduction_guides >= 201606
template<typename... _UTypes>
tuple(_UTypes...) -> tuple<_UTypes...>;
template<typename _T1, typename _T2>
tuple(pair<_T1, _T2>) -> tuple<_T1, _T2>;
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
tuple(allocator_arg_t, _Alloc, _UTypes...) -> tuple<_UTypes...>;
template<typename _Alloc, typename _T1, typename _T2>
tuple(allocator_arg_t, _Alloc, pair<_T1, _T2>) -> tuple<_T1, _T2>;
template<typename _Alloc, typename... _UTypes>
tuple(allocator_arg_t, _Alloc, tuple<_UTypes...>) -> tuple<_UTypes...>;
// Explicit specialization, zero-element tuple.
class tuple<>
void swap(tuple&) noexcept { /* no-op */ }
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
constexpr void swap(const tuple&) const noexcept { /* no-op */ }
// We need the default since we're going to define no-op
// allocator constructors.
tuple() = default;
// No-op allocator constructors.
template<typename _Alloc>
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&) noexcept { }
template<typename _Alloc>
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, const tuple&) noexcept { }
#if !(__cpp_concepts && __cpp_consteval && __cpp_conditional_explicit) // !C++20
/// Partial specialization, 2-element tuple.
/// Includes construction and assignment from a pair.
template<typename _T1, typename _T2>
class tuple<_T1, _T2> : public _Tuple_impl<0, _T1, _T2>
typedef _Tuple_impl<0, _T1, _T2> _Inherited;
// Constraint for non-explicit default constructor
template<bool _Dummy, typename _U1, typename _U2>
using _ImplicitDefaultCtor = __enable_if_t<
_TupleConstraints<_Dummy, _U1, _U2>::
// Constraint for explicit default constructor
template<bool _Dummy, typename _U1, typename _U2>
using _ExplicitDefaultCtor = __enable_if_t<
_TupleConstraints<_Dummy, _U1, _U2>::
template<bool _Dummy>
using _TCC = _TupleConstraints<_Dummy, _T1, _T2>;
// Constraint for non-explicit constructors
template<bool _Cond, typename _U1, typename _U2>
using _ImplicitCtor = __enable_if_t<
_TCC<_Cond>::template __is_implicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(),
// Constraint for non-explicit constructors
template<bool _Cond, typename _U1, typename _U2>
using _ExplicitCtor = __enable_if_t<
_TCC<_Cond>::template __is_explicitly_constructible<_U1, _U2>(),
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
static constexpr bool __assignable()
return __and_<is_assignable<_T1&, _U1>,
is_assignable<_T2&, _U2>>::value;
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
static constexpr bool __nothrow_assignable()
return __and_<is_nothrow_assignable<_T1&, _U1>,
is_nothrow_assignable<_T2&, _U2>>::value;
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
static constexpr bool __nothrow_constructible()
return __and_<is_nothrow_constructible<_T1, _U1>,
is_nothrow_constructible<_T2, _U2>>::value;
static constexpr bool __nothrow_default_constructible()
return __and_<is_nothrow_default_constructible<_T1>,
template<typename _U1>
static constexpr bool __is_alloc_arg()
{ return is_same<__remove_cvref_t<_U1>, allocator_arg_t>::value; }
/// @cond undocumented
#undef __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs
// Error if construction from _U1 and _U2 would create a dangling ref.
#if __has_builtin(__reference_constructs_from_temporary) \
&& defined _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
# define __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1, _U2) \
static_assert(!__reference_constructs_from_temporary(_T1, _U1) \
&& !__reference_constructs_from_temporary(_T2, _U2), \
"std::tuple constructor creates a dangling reference")
# define __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1, _U2)
/// @endcond
template<bool _Dummy = true,
_ImplicitDefaultCtor<_Dummy, _T1, _T2> = true>
: _Inherited() { }
template<bool _Dummy = true,
_ExplicitDefaultCtor<_Dummy, _T1, _T2> = false>
explicit constexpr
: _Inherited() { }
template<bool _Dummy = true,
_ImplicitCtor<_Dummy, const _T1&, const _T2&> = true>
tuple(const _T1& __a1, const _T2& __a2)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _T1&, const _T2&>())
: _Inherited(__a1, __a2) { }
template<bool _Dummy = true,
_ExplicitCtor<_Dummy, const _T1&, const _T2&> = false>
explicit constexpr
tuple(const _T1& __a1, const _T2& __a2)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _T1&, const _T2&>())
: _Inherited(__a1, __a2) { }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ImplicitCtor<!__is_alloc_arg<_U1>(), _U1, _U2> = true>
tuple(_U1&& __a1, _U2&& __a2)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<_U1, _U2>())
: _Inherited(std::forward<_U1>(__a1), std::forward<_U2>(__a2))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ExplicitCtor<!__is_alloc_arg<_U1>(), _U1, _U2> = false>
explicit constexpr
tuple(_U1&& __a1, _U2&& __a2)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<_U1, _U2>())
: _Inherited(std::forward<_U1>(__a1), std::forward<_U2>(__a2))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
constexpr tuple(const tuple&) = default;
constexpr tuple(tuple&&) = default;
template<typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ImplicitCtor<true, const _U1&, const _U2&> = true>
tuple(const tuple<_U1, _U2>& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
: _Inherited(static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _U1, _U2>&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _U1&, const _U2&); }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ExplicitCtor<true, const _U1&, const _U2&> = false>
explicit constexpr
tuple(const tuple<_U1, _U2>& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
: _Inherited(static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _U1, _U2>&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _U1&, const _U2&); }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ImplicitCtor<true, _U1, _U2> = true>
tuple(tuple<_U1, _U2>&& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<_U1, _U2>())
: _Inherited(static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _U1, _U2>&&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ExplicitCtor<true, _U1, _U2> = false>
explicit constexpr
tuple(tuple<_U1, _U2>&& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<_U1, _U2>())
: _Inherited(static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _U1, _U2>&&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ImplicitCtor<true, const _U1&, const _U2&> = true>
tuple(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
: _Inherited(__in.first, __in.second)
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _U1&, const _U2&); }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ExplicitCtor<true, const _U1&, const _U2&> = false>
explicit constexpr
tuple(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
: _Inherited(__in.first, __in.second)
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _U1&, const _U2&); }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ImplicitCtor<true, _U1, _U2> = true>
tuple(pair<_U1, _U2>&& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<_U1, _U2>())
: _Inherited(std::forward<_U1>(__in.first),
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
template<typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ExplicitCtor<true, _U1, _U2> = false>
explicit constexpr
tuple(pair<_U1, _U2>&& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_constructible<_U1, _U2>())
: _Inherited(std::forward<_U1>(__in.first),
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
// Allocator-extended constructors.
template<typename _Alloc,
_ImplicitDefaultCtor<is_object<_Alloc>::value, _T1, _T2> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a) { }
template<typename _Alloc,
_ExplicitDefaultCtor<is_object<_Alloc>::value, _T1, _T2> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a) { }
template<typename _Alloc, bool _Dummy = true,
_ImplicitCtor<_Dummy, const _T1&, const _T2&> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const _T1& __a1, const _T2& __a2)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, __a1, __a2) { }
template<typename _Alloc, bool _Dummy = true,
_ExplicitCtor<_Dummy, const _T1&, const _T2&> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const _T1& __a1, const _T2& __a2)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, __a1, __a2) { }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ImplicitCtor<true, _U1, _U2> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, _U1&& __a1, _U2&& __a2)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::forward<_U1>(__a1),
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ExplicitCtor<true, _U1, _U2> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
_U1&& __a1, _U2&& __a2)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::forward<_U1>(__a1),
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
template<typename _Alloc>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, const tuple& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, static_cast<const _Inherited&>(__in)) { }
template<typename _Alloc>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, tuple&& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, static_cast<_Inherited&&>(__in)) { }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ImplicitCtor<true, const _U1&, const _U2&> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const tuple<_U1, _U2>& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a,
static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _U1, _U2>&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _U1&, const _U2&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ExplicitCtor<true, const _U1&, const _U2&> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const tuple<_U1, _U2>& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a,
static_cast<const _Tuple_impl<0, _U1, _U2>&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _U1&, const _U2&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ImplicitCtor<true, _U1, _U2> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, tuple<_U1, _U2>&& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _U1, _U2>&&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ExplicitCtor<true, _U1, _U2> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, tuple<_U1, _U2>&& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, static_cast<_Tuple_impl<0, _U1, _U2>&&>(__in))
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ImplicitCtor<true, const _U1&, const _U2&> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const pair<_U1, _U2>& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, __in.first, __in.second)
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _U1&, const _U2&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ExplicitCtor<true, const _U1&, const _U2&> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a,
const pair<_U1, _U2>& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, __in.first, __in.second)
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(const _U1&, const _U2&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ImplicitCtor<true, _U1, _U2> = true>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, pair<_U1, _U2>&& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::forward<_U1>(__in.first),
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
template<typename _Alloc, typename _U1, typename _U2,
_ExplicitCtor<true, _U1, _U2> = false>
tuple(allocator_arg_t __tag, const _Alloc& __a, pair<_U1, _U2>&& __in)
: _Inherited(__tag, __a, std::forward<_U1>(__in.first),
{ __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs(_U1&&, _U2&&); }
// Tuple assignment.
operator=(__conditional_t<__assignable<const _T1&, const _T2&>(),
const tuple&,
const __nonesuch&> __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<const _T1&, const _T2&>())
return *this;
operator=(__conditional_t<__assignable<_T1, _T2>(),
__nonesuch&&> __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<_T1, _T2>())
return *this;
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
__enable_if_t<__assignable<const _U1&, const _U2&>(), tuple&>
operator=(const tuple<_U1, _U2>& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
return *this;
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
__enable_if_t<__assignable<_U1, _U2>(), tuple&>
operator=(tuple<_U1, _U2>&& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<_U1, _U2>())
return *this;
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
__enable_if_t<__assignable<const _U1&, const _U2&>(), tuple&>
operator=(const pair<_U1, _U2>& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<const _U1&, const _U2&>())
this->_M_head(*this) = __in.first;
this->_M_tail(*this)._M_head(*this) = __in.second;
return *this;
template<typename _U1, typename _U2>
__enable_if_t<__assignable<_U1, _U2>(), tuple&>
operator=(pair<_U1, _U2>&& __in)
noexcept(__nothrow_assignable<_U1, _U2>())
this->_M_head(*this) = std::forward<_U1>(__in.first);
this->_M_tail(*this)._M_head(*this) = std::forward<_U2>(__in.second);
return *this;
swap(tuple& __in)
{ _Inherited::_M_swap(__in); }
#endif // concepts && conditional_explicit
/// class tuple_size
template<typename... _Elements>
struct tuple_size<tuple<_Elements...>>
: public integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(_Elements)> { };
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
template<typename... _Types>
inline constexpr size_t tuple_size_v<tuple<_Types...>>
= sizeof...(_Types);
template<typename... _Types>
inline constexpr size_t tuple_size_v<const tuple<_Types...>>
= sizeof...(_Types);
/// Trait to get the Ith element type from a tuple.
template<size_t __i, typename... _Types>
struct tuple_element<__i, tuple<_Types...>>
static_assert(__i < sizeof...(_Types), "tuple index must be in range");
using type = typename _Nth_type<__i, _Types...>::type;
template<size_t __i, typename _Head, typename... _Tail>
constexpr _Head&
__get_helper(_Tuple_impl<__i, _Head, _Tail...>& __t) noexcept
{ return _Tuple_impl<__i, _Head, _Tail...>::_M_head(__t); }
template<size_t __i, typename _Head, typename... _Tail>
constexpr const _Head&
__get_helper(const _Tuple_impl<__i, _Head, _Tail...>& __t) noexcept
{ return _Tuple_impl<__i, _Head, _Tail...>::_M_head(__t); }
// Deleted overload to improve diagnostics for invalid indices
template<size_t __i, typename... _Types>
__enable_if_t<(__i >= sizeof...(_Types))>
__get_helper(const tuple<_Types...>&) = delete;
/// Return a reference to the ith element of a tuple.
template<size_t __i, typename... _Elements>
constexpr __tuple_element_t<__i, tuple<_Elements...>>&
get(tuple<_Elements...>& __t) noexcept
{ return std::__get_helper<__i>(__t); }
/// Return a const reference to the ith element of a const tuple.
template<size_t __i, typename... _Elements>
constexpr const __tuple_element_t<__i, tuple<_Elements...>>&
get(const tuple<_Elements...>& __t) noexcept
{ return std::__get_helper<__i>(__t); }
/// Return an rvalue reference to the ith element of a tuple rvalue.
template<size_t __i, typename... _Elements>
constexpr __tuple_element_t<__i, tuple<_Elements...>>&&
get(tuple<_Elements...>&& __t) noexcept
typedef __tuple_element_t<__i, tuple<_Elements...>> __element_type;
return std::forward<__element_type>(std::__get_helper<__i>(__t));
/// Return a const rvalue reference to the ith element of a const tuple rvalue.
template<size_t __i, typename... _Elements>
constexpr const __tuple_element_t<__i, tuple<_Elements...>>&&
get(const tuple<_Elements...>&& __t) noexcept
typedef __tuple_element_t<__i, tuple<_Elements...>> __element_type;
return std::forward<const __element_type>(std::__get_helper<__i>(__t));
/// @cond undocumented
// Deleted overload chosen for invalid indices.
template<size_t __i, typename... _Elements>
constexpr __enable_if_t<(__i >= sizeof...(_Elements))>
get(const tuple<_Elements...>&) = delete;
/// @endcond
#ifdef __cpp_lib_tuples_by_type // C++ >= 14
/// Return a reference to the unique element of type _Tp of a tuple.
template <typename _Tp, typename... _Types>
constexpr _Tp&
get(tuple<_Types...>& __t) noexcept
constexpr size_t __idx = __find_uniq_type_in_pack<_Tp, _Types...>();
static_assert(__idx < sizeof...(_Types),
"the type T in std::get<T> must occur exactly once in the tuple");
return std::__get_helper<__idx>(__t);
/// Return a reference to the unique element of type _Tp of a tuple rvalue.
template <typename _Tp, typename... _Types>
constexpr _Tp&&
get(tuple<_Types...>&& __t) noexcept
constexpr size_t __idx = __find_uniq_type_in_pack<_Tp, _Types...>();
static_assert(__idx < sizeof...(_Types),
"the type T in std::get<T> must occur exactly once in the tuple");
return std::forward<_Tp>(std::__get_helper<__idx>(__t));
/// Return a const reference to the unique element of type _Tp of a tuple.
template <typename _Tp, typename... _Types>
constexpr const _Tp&
get(const tuple<_Types...>& __t) noexcept
constexpr size_t __idx = __find_uniq_type_in_pack<_Tp, _Types...>();
static_assert(__idx < sizeof...(_Types),
"the type T in std::get<T> must occur exactly once in the tuple");
return std::__get_helper<__idx>(__t);
/// Return a const reference to the unique element of type _Tp of
/// a const tuple rvalue.
template <typename _Tp, typename... _Types>
constexpr const _Tp&&
get(const tuple<_Types...>&& __t) noexcept
constexpr size_t __idx = __find_uniq_type_in_pack<_Tp, _Types...>();
static_assert(__idx < sizeof...(_Types),
"the type T in std::get<T> must occur exactly once in the tuple");
return std::forward<const _Tp>(std::__get_helper<__idx>(__t));
#if __cpp_lib_three_way_comparison
template<typename... _Tps, typename... _Ups>
requires (sizeof...(_Tps) == sizeof...(_Ups))
&& (requires (const _Tps& __t, const _Ups& __u) {
{ __t == __u } -> __detail::__boolean_testable;
} && ...)
constexpr bool
operator== [[nodiscard]] (const tuple<_Tps...>& __t,
const tuple<_Ups...>& __u)
return [&]<size_t... _Inds>(index_sequence<_Inds...>) {
// Fold == over the tuples until non-equal elements are found.
return ((std::get<_Inds>(__t) == std::get<_Inds>(__u)) && ...);
template<typename _Cat, typename _Tp, typename _Up, typename _IndexSeq>
constexpr _Cat
__tuple_cmp(const _Tp& __t, const _Up& __u, _IndexSeq __indices)
_Cat __c = _Cat::equivalent;
// Set __c to the comparison result of two corresponding elements.
// Return true they are equivalent.
auto __cmp = [&]<size_t _Ind>(integral_constant<size_t, _Ind>) {
__c = __detail::__synth3way(std::get<_Ind>(__t), std::get<_Ind>(__u));
return __c == 0;
[&]<size_t... _Inds>(index_sequence<_Inds...>) {
// Fold __cmp over the tuples until non-equivalent elements are found.
(void)(__cmp(integral_constant<size_t, _Inds>{}) && ...);
return __c;
template<typename... _Tps, typename... _Ups>
requires (sizeof...(_Tps) == sizeof...(_Ups))
&& (requires { typename __detail::__synth3way_t<_Tps, _Ups>; } && ...)
common_comparison_category_t<__detail::__synth3way_t<_Tps, _Ups>...>
operator<=> [[nodiscard]] (const tuple<_Tps...>& __t,
const tuple<_Ups...>& __u)
using _Cat
= common_comparison_category_t<__detail::__synth3way_t<_Tps, _Ups>...>;
return std::__tuple_cmp<_Cat>(__t, __u, index_sequence_for<_Tps...>());
// This class performs the comparison operations on tuples
template<typename _Tp, typename _Up, size_t __i, size_t __size>
struct __tuple_compare
static constexpr bool
__eq(const _Tp& __t, const _Up& __u)
return bool(std::get<__i>(__t) == std::get<__i>(__u))
&& __tuple_compare<_Tp, _Up, __i + 1, __size>::__eq(__t, __u);
static constexpr bool
__less(const _Tp& __t, const _Up& __u)
return bool(std::get<__i>(__t) < std::get<__i>(__u))
|| (!bool(std::get<__i>(__u) < std::get<__i>(__t))
&& __tuple_compare<_Tp, _Up, __i + 1, __size>::__less(__t, __u));
template<typename _Tp, typename _Up, size_t __size>
struct __tuple_compare<_Tp, _Up, __size, __size>
static constexpr bool
__eq(const _Tp&, const _Up&) { return true; }
static constexpr bool
__less(const _Tp&, const _Up&) { return false; }
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements>
constexpr bool
operator==(const tuple<_TElements...>& __t,
const tuple<_UElements...>& __u)
static_assert(sizeof...(_TElements) == sizeof...(_UElements),
"tuple objects can only be compared if they have equal sizes.");
using __compare = __tuple_compare<tuple<_TElements...>,
0, sizeof...(_TElements)>;
return __compare::__eq(__t, __u);
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements>
constexpr bool
operator<(const tuple<_TElements...>& __t,
const tuple<_UElements...>& __u)
static_assert(sizeof...(_TElements) == sizeof...(_UElements),
"tuple objects can only be compared if they have equal sizes.");
using __compare = __tuple_compare<tuple<_TElements...>,
0, sizeof...(_TElements)>;
return __compare::__less(__t, __u);
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements>
constexpr bool
operator!=(const tuple<_TElements...>& __t,
const tuple<_UElements...>& __u)
{ return !(__t == __u); }
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements>
constexpr bool
operator>(const tuple<_TElements...>& __t,
const tuple<_UElements...>& __u)
{ return __u < __t; }
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements>
constexpr bool
operator<=(const tuple<_TElements...>& __t,
const tuple<_UElements...>& __u)
{ return !(__u < __t); }
template<typename... _TElements, typename... _UElements>
constexpr bool
operator>=(const tuple<_TElements...>& __t,
const tuple<_UElements...>& __u)
{ return !(__t < __u); }
#endif // three_way_comparison
// NB: DR 705.
/// Create a tuple containing copies of the arguments
template<typename... _Elements>
constexpr tuple<typename __decay_and_strip<_Elements>::__type...>
make_tuple(_Elements&&... __args)
typedef tuple<typename __decay_and_strip<_Elements>::__type...>
return __result_type(std::forward<_Elements>(__args)...);
// 2275. Why is forward_as_tuple not constexpr?
/// Create a tuple of lvalue or rvalue references to the arguments
template<typename... _Elements>
constexpr tuple<_Elements&&...>
forward_as_tuple(_Elements&&... __args) noexcept
{ return tuple<_Elements&&...>(std::forward<_Elements>(__args)...); }
/// @cond undocumented
template<size_t, typename, typename, size_t>
struct __make_tuple_impl;
template<size_t _Idx, typename _Tuple, typename... _Tp, size_t _Nm>
struct __make_tuple_impl<_Idx, tuple<_Tp...>, _Tuple, _Nm>
: __make_tuple_impl<_Idx + 1,
tuple<_Tp..., __tuple_element_t<_Idx, _Tuple>>,
_Tuple, _Nm>
{ };
template<size_t _Nm, typename _Tuple, typename... _Tp>
struct __make_tuple_impl<_Nm, tuple<_Tp...>, _Tuple, _Nm>
typedef tuple<_Tp...> __type;
template<typename _Tuple>
struct __do_make_tuple
: __make_tuple_impl<0, tuple<>, _Tuple, tuple_size<_Tuple>::value>
{ };
// Returns the std::tuple equivalent of a tuple-like type.
template<typename _Tuple>
struct __make_tuple
: public __do_make_tuple<__remove_cvref_t<_Tuple>>
{ };
// Combines several std::tuple's into a single one.
struct __combine_tuples;
struct __combine_tuples<>
typedef tuple<> __type;
template<typename... _Ts>
struct __combine_tuples<tuple<_Ts...>>
typedef tuple<_Ts...> __type;
template<typename... _T1s, typename... _T2s, typename... _Rem>
struct __combine_tuples<tuple<_T1s...>, tuple<_T2s...>, _Rem...>
typedef typename __combine_tuples<tuple<_T1s..., _T2s...>,
_Rem...>::__type __type;
// Computes the result type of tuple_cat given a set of tuple-like types.
template<typename... _Tpls>
struct __tuple_cat_result
typedef typename __combine_tuples
<typename __make_tuple<_Tpls>::__type...>::__type __type;
// Helper to determine the index set for the first tuple-like
// type of a given set.
struct __make_1st_indices;
struct __make_1st_indices<>
typedef _Index_tuple<> __type;
template<typename _Tp, typename... _Tpls>
struct __make_1st_indices<_Tp, _Tpls...>
typedef typename _Build_index_tuple<tuple_size<
typename remove_reference<_Tp>::type>::value>::__type __type;
// Performs the actual concatenation by step-wise expanding tuple-like
// objects into the elements, which are finally forwarded into the
// result tuple.
template<typename _Ret, typename _Indices, typename... _Tpls>
struct __tuple_concater;
template<typename _Ret, size_t... _Is, typename _Tp, typename... _Tpls>
struct __tuple_concater<_Ret, _Index_tuple<_Is...>, _Tp, _Tpls...>
template<typename... _Us>
static constexpr _Ret
_S_do(_Tp&& __tp, _Tpls&&... __tps, _Us&&... __us)
typedef typename __make_1st_indices<_Tpls...>::__type __idx;
typedef __tuple_concater<_Ret, __idx, _Tpls...> __next;
return __next::_S_do(std::forward<_Tpls>(__tps)...,
template<typename _Ret>
struct __tuple_concater<_Ret, _Index_tuple<>>
template<typename... _Us>
static constexpr _Ret
_S_do(_Us&&... __us)
return _Ret(std::forward<_Us>(__us)...);
template<typename... _Tps>
struct __is_tuple_like_impl<tuple<_Tps...>> : true_type
{ };
/// @endcond
/// Create a `tuple` containing all elements from multiple tuple-like objects
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<__tuple_like... _Tpls>
template<typename... _Tpls, typename = typename
constexpr auto
tuple_cat(_Tpls&&... __tpls)
-> typename __tuple_cat_result<_Tpls...>::__type
typedef typename __tuple_cat_result<_Tpls...>::__type __ret;
typedef typename __make_1st_indices<_Tpls...>::__type __idx;
typedef __tuple_concater<__ret, __idx, _Tpls...> __concater;
return __concater::_S_do(std::forward<_Tpls>(__tpls)...);
// 2301. Why is tie not constexpr?
/// Return a tuple of lvalue references bound to the arguments
template<typename... _Elements>
constexpr tuple<_Elements&...>
tie(_Elements&... __args) noexcept
{ return tuple<_Elements&...>(__args...); }
/// Exchange the values of two tuples
template<typename... _Elements>
#if __cplusplus > 201402L || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) // c++1z or gnu++11
// Constrained free swap overload, see p0185r1
typename enable_if<__and_<__is_swappable<_Elements>...>::value
swap(tuple<_Elements...>& __x, tuple<_Elements...>& __y)
{ __x.swap(__y); }
#if __cpp_lib_ranges_zip // >= C++23
template<typename... _Elements>
requires (is_swappable_v<const _Elements> && ...)
constexpr void
swap(const tuple<_Elements...>& __x, const tuple<_Elements...>& __y)
{ __x.swap(__y); }
#endif // C++23
#if __cplusplus > 201402L || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) // c++1z or gnu++11
/// Exchange the values of two const tuples (if const elements can be swapped)
template<typename... _Elements>
typename enable_if<!__and_<__is_swappable<_Elements>...>::value>::type
swap(tuple<_Elements...>&, tuple<_Elements...>&) = delete;
/// Partial specialization for tuples
template<typename... _Types, typename _Alloc>
struct uses_allocator<tuple<_Types...>, _Alloc> : true_type { };
// See stl_pair.h...
/** "piecewise construction" using a tuple of arguments for each member.
* @param __first Arguments for the first member of the pair.
* @param __second Arguments for the second member of the pair.
* The elements of each tuple will be used as the constructor arguments
* for the data members of the pair.
template<class _T1, class _T2>
template<typename... _Args1, typename... _Args2>
pair<_T1, _T2>::
tuple<_Args1...> __first, tuple<_Args2...> __second)
: pair(__first, __second,
typename _Build_index_tuple<sizeof...(_Args1)>::__type(),
typename _Build_index_tuple<sizeof...(_Args2)>::__type())
{ }
template<class _T1, class _T2>
template<typename... _Args1, size_t... _Indexes1,
typename... _Args2, size_t... _Indexes2>
pair<_T1, _T2>::
pair(tuple<_Args1...>& __tuple1, tuple<_Args2...>& __tuple2,
_Index_tuple<_Indexes1...>, _Index_tuple<_Indexes2...>)
: first(std::forward<_Args1>(std::get<_Indexes1>(__tuple1))...),
{ }
#if defined(__cpp_lib_apply) || defined(__cpp_lib_make_from_tuple) // C++ >= 17
// Unpack a std::tuple into a type trait and use its value.
// For cv std::tuple<_Up> the result is _Trait<_Tp, cv _Up...>::value.
// For cv std::tuple<_Up>& the result is _Trait<_Tp, cv _Up&...>::value.
// Otherwise the result is false (because we don't know if std::get throws).
template<template<typename...> class _Trait, typename _Tp, typename _Tuple>
inline constexpr bool __unpack_std_tuple = false;
template<template<typename...> class _Trait, typename _Tp, typename... _Up>
inline constexpr bool __unpack_std_tuple<_Trait, _Tp, tuple<_Up...>>
= _Trait<_Tp, _Up...>::value;
template<template<typename...> class _Trait, typename _Tp, typename... _Up>
inline constexpr bool __unpack_std_tuple<_Trait, _Tp, tuple<_Up...>&>
= _Trait<_Tp, _Up&...>::value;
template<template<typename...> class _Trait, typename _Tp, typename... _Up>
inline constexpr bool __unpack_std_tuple<_Trait, _Tp, const tuple<_Up...>>
= _Trait<_Tp, const _Up...>::value;
template<template<typename...> class _Trait, typename _Tp, typename... _Up>
inline constexpr bool __unpack_std_tuple<_Trait, _Tp, const tuple<_Up...>&>
= _Trait<_Tp, const _Up&...>::value;
#ifdef __cpp_lib_apply // C++ >= 17
template <typename _Fn, typename _Tuple, size_t... _Idx>
constexpr decltype(auto)
__apply_impl(_Fn&& __f, _Tuple&& __t, index_sequence<_Idx...>)
return std::__invoke(std::forward<_Fn>(__f),
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template <typename _Fn, __tuple_like _Tuple>
template <typename _Fn, typename _Tuple>
constexpr decltype(auto)
apply(_Fn&& __f, _Tuple&& __t)
noexcept(__unpack_std_tuple<is_nothrow_invocable, _Fn, _Tuple>)
using _Indices
= make_index_sequence<tuple_size_v<remove_reference_t<_Tuple>>>;
return std::__apply_impl(std::forward<_Fn>(__f),
#ifdef __cpp_lib_make_from_tuple // C++ >= 17
template <typename _Tp, typename _Tuple, size_t... _Idx>
constexpr _Tp
__make_from_tuple_impl(_Tuple&& __t, index_sequence<_Idx...>)
{ return _Tp(std::get<_Idx>(std::forward<_Tuple>(__t))...); }
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template <typename _Tp, __tuple_like _Tuple>
template <typename _Tp, typename _Tuple>
constexpr _Tp
make_from_tuple(_Tuple&& __t)
noexcept(__unpack_std_tuple<is_nothrow_constructible, _Tp, _Tuple>)
constexpr size_t __n = tuple_size_v<remove_reference_t<_Tuple>>;
#if __has_builtin(__reference_constructs_from_temporary)
if constexpr (__n == 1)
using _Elt = decltype(std::get<0>(std::declval<_Tuple>()));
static_assert(!__reference_constructs_from_temporary(_Tp, _Elt));
return __make_from_tuple_impl<_Tp>(std::forward<_Tuple>(__t),
#if __cpp_lib_tuple_like // >= C++23
template<__tuple_like _TTuple, __tuple_like _UTuple,
template<typename> class _TQual, template<typename> class _UQual,
typename = make_index_sequence<tuple_size_v<_TTuple>>>
struct __tuple_like_common_reference;
template<__tuple_like _TTuple, __tuple_like _UTuple,
template<typename> class _TQual, template<typename> class _UQual,
size_t... _Is>
requires requires
{ typename tuple<common_reference_t<_TQual<tuple_element_t<_Is, _TTuple>>,
_UQual<tuple_element_t<_Is, _UTuple>>>...>; }
struct __tuple_like_common_reference<_TTuple, _UTuple, _TQual, _UQual, index_sequence<_Is...>>
using type = tuple<common_reference_t<_TQual<tuple_element_t<_Is, _TTuple>>,
_UQual<tuple_element_t<_Is, _UTuple>>>...>;
template<__tuple_like _TTuple, __tuple_like _UTuple,
template<typename> class _TQual, template<typename> class _UQual>
requires (__is_tuple_v<_TTuple> || __is_tuple_v<_UTuple>)
&& is_same_v<_TTuple, decay_t<_TTuple>>
&& is_same_v<_UTuple, decay_t<_UTuple>>
&& (tuple_size_v<_TTuple> == tuple_size_v<_UTuple>)
&& requires { typename __tuple_like_common_reference<_TTuple, _UTuple, _TQual, _UQual>::type; }
struct basic_common_reference<_TTuple, _UTuple, _TQual, _UQual>
using type = typename __tuple_like_common_reference<_TTuple, _UTuple, _TQual, _UQual>::type;
template<__tuple_like _TTuple, __tuple_like _UTuple,
typename = make_index_sequence<tuple_size_v<_TTuple>>>
struct __tuple_like_common_type;
template<__tuple_like _TTuple, __tuple_like _UTuple, size_t... _Is>
requires requires
{ typename tuple<common_type_t<tuple_element_t<_Is, _TTuple>,
tuple_element_t<_Is, _UTuple>>...>; }
struct __tuple_like_common_type<_TTuple, _UTuple, index_sequence<_Is...>>
using type = tuple<common_type_t<tuple_element_t<_Is, _TTuple>,
tuple_element_t<_Is, _UTuple>>...>;
template<__tuple_like _TTuple, __tuple_like _UTuple>
requires (__is_tuple_v<_TTuple> || __is_tuple_v<_UTuple>)
&& is_same_v<_TTuple, decay_t<_TTuple>>
&& is_same_v<_UTuple, decay_t<_UTuple>>
&& (tuple_size_v<_TTuple> == tuple_size_v<_UTuple>)
&& requires { typename __tuple_like_common_type<_TTuple, _UTuple>::type; }
struct common_type<_TTuple, _UTuple>
using type = typename __tuple_like_common_type<_TTuple, _UTuple>::type;
#endif // C++23
/// @}
#undef __glibcxx_no_dangling_refs
} // namespace std
#endif // C++11
#endif // _GLIBCXX_TUPLE