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synced 2024-11-21 14:48:41 +00:00
475 lines
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475 lines
12 KiB
import type { DefaultTheme } from 'vitepress'
import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress'
import { transformerTwoslash } from '@shikijs/vitepress-twoslash'
import {
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import { buildEnd } from './buildEnd.config'
const ogDescription = 'Next Generation Frontend Tooling'
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// netlify envs
const deployURL = process.env.DEPLOY_PRIME_URL || ''
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switch (deployURL) {
case 'https://main--vite-docs-main.netlify.app':
return 'main'
case '':
return 'local'
return 'release'
const additionalTitle = ((): string => {
switch (deployType) {
case 'main':
return ' (main branch)'
case 'local':
return ' (local)'
case 'release':
return ''
const versionLinks = ((): DefaultTheme.NavItemWithLink[] => {
const oldVersions: DefaultTheme.NavItemWithLink[] = [
text: 'Vite 4 Docs',
link: 'https://v4.vite.dev',
text: 'Vite 3 Docs',
link: 'https://v3.vite.dev',
text: 'Vite 2 Docs',
link: 'https://v2.vite.dev',
switch (deployType) {
case 'main':
case 'local':
return [
text: 'Vite 5 Docs (release)',
link: 'https://vite.dev',
case 'release':
return oldVersions
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ja: { label: '日本語', link: 'https://ja.vite.dev' },
es: { label: 'Español', link: 'https://es.vite.dev' },
pt: { label: 'Português', link: 'https://pt.vite.dev' },
ko: { label: '한국어', link: 'https://ko.vite.dev' },
de: { label: 'Deutsch', link: 'https://de.vite.dev' },
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text: 'Suggest changes to this page',
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{ icon: 'discord', link: 'https://chat.vite.dev' },
{ icon: 'github', link: 'https://github.com/vitejs/vite' },
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message: `Released under the MIT License. (${commitRef})`,
copyright: 'Copyright © 2019-present VoidZero Inc. & Vite Contributors',
nav: [
{ text: 'Guide', link: '/guide/', activeMatch: '/guide/' },
{ text: 'Config', link: '/config/', activeMatch: '/config/' },
{ text: 'Plugins', link: '/plugins/', activeMatch: '/plugins/' },
text: 'Resources',
items: [
{ text: 'Team', link: '/team' },
{ text: 'Blog', link: '/blog' },
{ text: 'Releases', link: '/releases' },
items: [
text: 'Bluesky',
link: 'https://bsky.app/profile/vite.dev',
text: 'Mastodon',
link: 'https://elk.zone/m.webtoo.ls/@vite',
text: 'X',
link: 'https://x.com/vite_js',
text: 'Discord Chat',
link: 'https://chat.vite.dev',
text: 'Awesome Vite',
link: 'https://github.com/vitejs/awesome-vite',
text: 'ViteConf',
link: 'https://viteconf.org',
text: 'DEV Community',
link: 'https://dev.to/t/vite',
text: 'Changelog',
link: 'https://github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/main/packages/vite/CHANGELOG.md',
text: 'Contributing',
link: 'https://github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md',
text: 'Version',
items: versionLinks,
sidebar: {
'/guide/': [
text: 'Guide',
items: [
text: 'Why Vite',
link: '/guide/why',
text: 'Getting Started',
link: '/guide/',
text: 'Features',
link: '/guide/features',
text: 'CLI',
link: '/guide/cli',
text: 'Using Plugins',
link: '/guide/using-plugins',
text: 'Dependency Pre-Bundling',
link: '/guide/dep-pre-bundling',
text: 'Static Asset Handling',
link: '/guide/assets',
text: 'Building for Production',
link: '/guide/build',
text: 'Deploying a Static Site',
link: '/guide/static-deploy',
text: 'Env Variables and Modes',
link: '/guide/env-and-mode',
text: 'Server-Side Rendering (SSR)',
link: '/guide/ssr',
text: 'Backend Integration',
link: '/guide/backend-integration',
text: 'Comparisons',
link: '/guide/comparisons',
text: 'Troubleshooting',
link: '/guide/troubleshooting',
text: 'Performance',
link: '/guide/performance',
text: 'Philosophy',
link: '/guide/philosophy',
text: 'Migration from v5',
link: '/guide/migration',
text: 'Breaking Changes',
link: '/changes/',
text: 'APIs',
items: [
text: 'Plugin API',
link: '/guide/api-plugin',
text: 'HMR API',
link: '/guide/api-hmr',
text: 'JavaScript API',
link: '/guide/api-javascript',
text: 'Config Reference',
link: '/config/',
text: 'Environment API',
items: [
text: 'Introduction',
link: '/guide/api-environment',
text: 'Environment instances',
link: '/guide/api-environment-instances',
text: 'Plugins',
link: '/guide/api-environment-plugins',
text: 'Frameworks',
link: '/guide/api-environment-frameworks',
text: 'Runtimes',
link: '/guide/api-environment-runtimes',
'/config/': [
text: 'Config',
items: [
text: 'Configuring Vite',
link: '/config/',
text: 'Shared Options',
link: '/config/shared-options',
text: 'Server Options',
link: '/config/server-options',
text: 'Build Options',
link: '/config/build-options',
text: 'Preview Options',
link: '/config/preview-options',
text: 'Dep Optimization Options',
link: '/config/dep-optimization-options',
text: 'SSR Options',
link: '/config/ssr-options',
text: 'Worker Options',
link: '/config/worker-options',
'/changes/': [
text: 'Breaking Changes',
link: '/changes/',
text: 'Current',
items: [],
text: 'Future',
items: [
text: 'this.environment in Hooks',
link: '/changes/this-environment-in-hooks',
text: 'HMR hotUpdate Plugin Hook',
link: '/changes/hotupdate-hook',
text: 'Move to per-environment APIs',
link: '/changes/per-environment-apis',
text: 'SSR using ModuleRunner API',
link: '/changes/ssr-using-modulerunner',
text: 'Shared plugins during build',
link: '/changes/shared-plugins-during-build',
text: 'Past',
items: [],
outline: {
level: [2, 3],
transformPageData(pageData) {
const canonicalUrl = `${ogUrl}/${pageData.relativePath}`
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['link', { rel: 'canonical', href: canonicalUrl }],
['meta', { property: 'og:title', content: pageData.title }],
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markdown: {
codeTransformers: [transformerTwoslash()],
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