--- title: Vite 4.3 is out! author: name: The Vite Team date: 2023-04-20 sidebar: false head: - - meta - property: og:type content: website - - meta - property: og:title content: Announcing Vite 4.3 - - meta - property: og:image content: https://vite.dev/og-image-announcing-vite4-3.png - - meta - property: og:url content: https://vite.dev/blog/announcing-vite4-3 - - meta - property: og:description content: Vite 4.3 Release Announcement - - meta - name: twitter:card content: summary_large_image --- # Vite 4.3 is out! _April 20, 2023_ ![Vite 4.3 Announcement Cover Image](/og-image-announcing-vite4-3.png) Quick links: - Docs: [English](/), [简体中文](https://cn.vite.dev/), [日本語](https://ja.vite.dev/), [Español](https://es.vite.dev/), [Português](https://pt.vite.dev/) - [Vite 4.3 Changelog](https://github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/main/packages/vite/CHANGELOG.md#430-2023-04-20) ## Performance Improvements In this minor, we focused on improving the dev server performance. The resolve logic got streamlined, improving hot paths and implementing smarter caching for finding `package.json`, TS config files, and resolved URL in general. You can read a detailed walkthrough of the performance work done in this blog post by one of Vite Contributors: [How we made Vite 4.3 faaaaster 🚀](https://sun0day.github.io/blog/vite/why-vite4_3-is-faster.html). This sprint resulted in speed improvements across the board compared to Vite 4.2. These are the performance improvements as measured by [sapphi-red/performance-compare](https://github.com/sapphi-red/performance-compare), which tests an app with 1000 React Components cold and warm dev server startup time as well as HMR times for a root and a leaf component: | **Vite (babel)** | Vite 4.2 | Vite 4.3 | Improvement | | :----------------- | --------: | -------: | ----------: | | **dev cold start** | 17249.0ms | 5132.4ms | -70.2% | | **dev warm start** | 6027.8ms | 4536.1ms | -24.7% | | **Root HMR** | 46.8ms | 26.7ms | -42.9% | | **Leaf HMR** | 27.0ms | 12.9ms | -52.2% | | **Vite (swc)** | Vite 4.2 | Vite 4.3 | Improvement | | :----------------- | --------: | -------: | ----------: | | **dev cold start** | 13552.5ms | 3201.0ms | -76.4% | | **dev warm start** | 4625.5ms | 2834.4ms | -38.7% | | **Root HMR** | 30.5ms | 24.0ms | -21.3% | | **Leaf HMR** | 16.9ms | 10.0ms | -40.8% | ![Vite 4.3 vs 4.2 startup time comparison](/vite4-3-startup-time.png) ![Vite 4.3 vs 4.2 HMR time comparison](/vite4-3-hmr-time.png) You can read more information about the benchmark [here](https://gist.github.com/sapphi-red/25be97327ee64a3c1dce793444afdf6e). Specs and Versions for this performance run: - CPU: Ryzen 9 5900X, Memory: DDR4-3600 32GB, SSD: WD Blue SN550 NVME SSD - Windows 10 Pro 21H2 19044.2846 - Node.js 18.16.0 - Vite and React Plugin versions - Vite 4.2 (babel): Vite 4.2.1 + plugin-react 3.1.0 - Vite 4.3 (babel): Vite 4.3.0 + plugin-react 4.0.0-beta.1 - Vite 4.2 (swc): Vite 4.2.1 + plugin-react-swc 3.2.0 - Vite 4.3 (swc): Vite 4.3.0 + plugin-react-swc 3.3.0 Early adopters have also reported seeing 1.5x-2x dev startup time improvement on real apps while testing the Vite 4.3 beta. We'd love to know the results for your apps. ## Profiling We'll continue to work on Vite's performance. We're working on an official [Benchmark tool](https://github.com/vitejs/vite-benchmark) for Vite that let us get performance metrics for each Pull Request. And [vite-plugin-inspect](https://github.com/antfu/vite-plugin-inspect) now has more performance-related features to help you identify which plugins or middlewares are the bottleneck for your applications. Using `vite --profile` (and then pressing `p`) once the page loads will save a CPU profile of the dev server startup. You can open them in an app as [speedscope](https://www.speedscope.app/) to identify performance issues. And you can share your findings with the Vite Team in a [Discussion](https://github.com/vitejs/vite/discussions) or in [Vite's Discord](https://chat.vite.dev). ## Next Steps We decided to do a single Vite Major this year aligning with the [EOL of Node.js 16](https://endoflife.date/nodejs) in September, dropping support for both Node.js 14 and 16 in it. If you would like to get involved, we started a [Vite 5 Discussion](https://github.com/vitejs/vite/discussions/12466) to gather early feedback.