Joyee Cheung 4d59a9deda
module: support ESM detection in the CJS loader
This patch:

1. Adds ESM syntax detection to compileFunctionForCJSLoader()
  for --experimental-detect-module and allow it to emit the
  warning for how to load ESM when it's used to parse ESM as
  CJS but detection is not enabled.
2. Moves the ESM detection of --experimental-detect-module for
  the entrypoint from executeUserEntryPoint() into
  Module.prototype._compile() and handle it directly in the
  CJS loader so that the errors thrown during compilation *and
  execution* during the loading of the entrypoint does not
  need to be bubbled all the way up. If the entrypoint doesn't
  parse as CJS, and detection is enabled, the CJS loader will
  re-load the entrypoint as ESM on the spot asynchronously using
  runEntryPointWithESMLoader() and cascadedLoader.import(). This
  is fine for the entrypoint because unlike require(ESM) we don't
  the namespace of the entrypoint synchronously, and can just
  ignore the returned value. In this case process.mainModule is
  reset to undefined as they are not available for ESM entrypoints.
3. Supports --experimental-detect-module for require(esm).

Reviewed-By: Geoffrey Booth <>
Reviewed-By: Antoine du Hamel <>
2024-04-29 20:21:53 +00:00

371 lines
12 KiB

'use strict';
/* eslint-env node */
const Module = require('module');
const path = require('path');
const NodePlugin = require('./tools/node_modules/eslint-plugin-node-core');
NodePlugin.RULES_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, 'tools', 'eslint-rules');
// The Module._findPath() monkeypatching is to make it so that ESLint will work
// if invoked by a globally-installed ESLint or ESLint installed elsewhere
// rather than the one we ship. This makes it possible for IDEs to lint files
// with our rules while people edit them.
const ModuleFindPath = Module._findPath;
const hacks = [
Module._findPath = (request, paths, isMain) => {
const r = ModuleFindPath(request, paths, isMain);
if (!r && hacks.includes(request)) {
try {
return require.resolve(`./tools/node_modules/${request}`);
} catch {
return require.resolve(
return r;
module.exports = {
root: true,
env: {
es2022: true,
extends: ['eslint:recommended', 'plugin:jsdoc/recommended'],
plugins: ['jsdoc', 'markdown', 'node-core', '@stylistic/js'],
parser: '@babel/eslint-parser',
parserOptions: {
babelOptions: {
plugins: [
requireConfigFile: false,
sourceType: 'script',
overrides: [
files: [
parserOptions: { sourceType: 'module' },
files: ['**/*.md'],
processor: 'markdown/markdown',
files: ['**/*.md/*.cjs', '**/*.md/*.js'],
parserOptions: {
sourceType: 'script',
ecmaFeatures: { impliedStrict: true },
rules: { strict: 'off' },
files: [
parserOptions: { sourceType: 'module' },
rules: { 'no-restricted-globals': [
name: '__filename',
message: 'Use import.meta.url instead',
name: '__dirname',
message: 'Not available in ESM',
name: 'exports',
message: 'Not available in ESM',
name: 'module',
message: 'Not available in ESM',
name: 'require',
message: 'Use import instead',
name: 'Buffer',
message: 'Import Buffer instead of using the global',
name: 'process',
message: 'Import process instead of using the global',
] },
files: [
rules: {
'curly': 'error',
files: [
rules: {
'node-core/set-proto-to-null-in-object': 'error',
rules: {
// ESLint built-in rules
'accessor-pairs': 'error',
'array-callback-return': 'error',
'block-scoped-var': 'error',
'capitalized-comments': ['error', 'always', {
line: {
// Ignore all lines that have less characters than 20 and all lines that
// start with something that looks like a variable name or code.
ignorePattern: '.{0,20}$|[a-z]+ ?[0-9A-Z_.(/=:[#-]|std|http|ssh|ftp',
ignoreInlineComments: true,
ignoreConsecutiveComments: true,
block: {
ignorePattern: '.*',
'default-case-last': 'error',
'dot-notation': 'error',
'eqeqeq': ['error', 'smart'],
'func-name-matching': 'error',
'func-style': ['error', 'declaration', { allowArrowFunctions: true }],
'no-constant-condition': ['error', { checkLoops: false }],
'no-constructor-return': 'error',
'no-duplicate-imports': 'error',
'no-else-return': 'error',
'no-lonely-if': 'error',
'no-mixed-requires': 'error',
'no-new-require': 'error',
'no-path-concat': 'error',
'no-proto': 'error',
'no-redeclare': ['error', { 'builtinGlobals': false }],
'no-restricted-modules': ['error', 'sys'],
'no-restricted-properties': [
object: 'assert',
property: 'deepEqual',
message: 'Use `assert.deepStrictEqual()`.',
object: 'assert',
property: 'notDeepEqual',
message: 'Use `assert.notDeepStrictEqual()`.',
object: 'assert',
property: 'equal',
message: 'Use `assert.strictEqual()` rather than `assert.equal()`.',
object: 'assert',
property: 'notEqual',
message: 'Use `assert.notStrictEqual()` rather than `assert.notEqual()`.',
property: '__defineGetter__',
message: '__defineGetter__ is deprecated.',
property: '__defineSetter__',
message: '__defineSetter__ is deprecated.',
// If this list is modified, please copy changes that should apply to ./lib
// as well to lib/.eslintrc.yaml.
'no-restricted-syntax': [
selector: "CallExpression['setTimeout'][arguments.length<2]",
message: '`setTimeout()` must be invoked with at least two arguments.',
selector: "CallExpression['setInterval'][arguments.length<2]",
message: '`setInterval()` must be invoked with at least two arguments.',
selector: 'ThrowStatement > CallExpression[$/]',
message: 'Use `new` keyword when throwing an `Error`.',
selector: "CallExpression['isNaN']",
message: 'Use Number.isNaN() instead of the global isNaN() function.',
// TODO(@panva): move this to no-restricted-properties
// when is fixed
selector: "Identifier[name='webcrypto']",
message: 'Use `globalThis.crypto`.',
'no-self-compare': 'error',
'no-template-curly-in-string': 'error',
'no-throw-literal': 'error',
'no-undef': ['error', { typeof: true }],
'no-undef-init': 'error',
'no-unused-expressions': ['error', { allowShortCircuit: true }],
'no-unused-vars': ['error', { args: 'none', caughtErrors: 'all' }],
'no-use-before-define': ['error', {
classes: true,
functions: false,
variables: false,
'no-useless-call': 'error',
'no-useless-concat': 'error',
'no-useless-constructor': 'error',
'no-useless-return': 'error',
'no-var': 'error',
'no-void': 'error',
'one-var': ['error', { initialized: 'never' }],
'prefer-const': ['error', { ignoreReadBeforeAssign: true }],
'prefer-object-has-own': 'error',
'strict': ['error', 'global'],
'symbol-description': 'error',
'unicode-bom': 'error',
'valid-typeof': ['error', { requireStringLiterals: true }],
// ESLint recommended rules that we disable
'no-inner-declarations': 'off',
// JSDoc recommended rules that we disable
'jsdoc/require-jsdoc': 'off',
'jsdoc/require-param-description': 'off',
'jsdoc/newline-after-description': 'off',
'jsdoc/require-returns-description': 'off',
'jsdoc/valid-types': 'off',
'jsdoc/no-defaults': 'off',
'jsdoc/no-undefined-types': 'off',
'jsdoc/require-param': 'off',
'jsdoc/check-tag-names': 'off',
'jsdoc/require-returns': 'off',
// Stylistic rules
'@stylistic/js/arrow-parens': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/arrow-spacing': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/block-spacing': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/brace-style': ['error', '1tbs', { allowSingleLine: true }],
'@stylistic/js/comma-dangle': ['error', 'always-multiline'],
'@stylistic/js/comma-spacing': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/comma-style': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/computed-property-spacing': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/dot-location': ['error', 'property'],
'@stylistic/js/eol-last': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/func-call-spacing': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/indent': ['error', 2, {
ArrayExpression: 'first',
CallExpression: { arguments: 'first' },
FunctionDeclaration: { parameters: 'first' },
FunctionExpression: { parameters: 'first' },
MemberExpression: 'off',
ObjectExpression: 'first',
SwitchCase: 1,
'@stylistic/js/key-spacing': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/keyword-spacing': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/linebreak-style': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/max-len': ['error', {
code: 120,
ignorePattern: '^// Flags:',
ignoreRegExpLiterals: true,
ignoreTemplateLiterals: true,
ignoreUrls: true,
tabWidth: 2,
'@stylistic/js/new-parens': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/no-confusing-arrow': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/no-extra-parens': ['error', 'functions'],
'@stylistic/js/no-multi-spaces': ['error', { ignoreEOLComments: true }],
'@stylistic/js/no-multiple-empty-lines': ['error', { max: 2, maxEOF: 0, maxBOF: 0 }],
'@stylistic/js/no-tabs': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/no-trailing-spaces': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/no-whitespace-before-property': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/object-curly-newline': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/object-curly-spacing': ['error', 'always'],
'@stylistic/js/one-var-declaration-per-line': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/operator-linebreak': ['error', 'after'],
'@stylistic/js/padding-line-between-statements': [
{ blankLine: 'always', prev: 'function', next: 'function' },
'@stylistic/js/quotes': ['error', 'single', { avoidEscape: true }],
'@stylistic/js/quote-props': ['error', 'consistent'],
'@stylistic/js/rest-spread-spacing': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/semi': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/semi-spacing': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/space-before-blocks': ['error', 'always'],
'@stylistic/js/space-before-function-paren': ['error', {
anonymous: 'never',
named: 'never',
asyncArrow: 'always',
'@stylistic/js/space-in-parens': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/space-infix-ops': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/space-unary-ops': 'error',
'@stylistic/js/spaced-comment': ['error', 'always', {
'block': { 'balanced': true },
'exceptions': ['-'],
'@stylistic/js/template-curly-spacing': 'error',
// Custom rules from eslint-plugin-node-core
'node-core/no-unescaped-regexp-dot': 'error',
'node-core/no-duplicate-requires': 'error',
'node-core/prefer-proto': 'error',
globals: {
ByteLengthQueuingStrategy: 'readable',
CompressionStream: 'readable',
CountQueuingStrategy: 'readable',
CustomEvent: 'readable',
crypto: 'readable',
Crypto: 'readable',
CryptoKey: 'readable',
DecompressionStream: 'readable',
fetch: 'readable',
FormData: 'readable',
navigator: 'readable',
ReadableStream: 'readable',
ReadableStreamDefaultReader: 'readable',
ReadableStreamBYOBReader: 'readable',
ReadableStreamBYOBRequest: 'readable',
ReadableByteStreamController: 'readable',
ReadableStreamDefaultController: 'readable',
Response: 'readable',
TextDecoderStream: 'readable',
TextEncoderStream: 'readable',
TransformStream: 'readable',
TransformStreamDefaultController: 'readable',
ShadowRealm: 'readable',
SubtleCrypto: 'readable',
WritableStream: 'readable',
WritableStreamDefaultWriter: 'readable',
WritableStreamDefaultController: 'readable',
WebSocket: 'readable',