mirror of
synced 2024-11-21 10:59:27 +00:00
Subsystems: blob, child_process, common, crypto, http, http2, readline, repl, snapshot, trace_events PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/49127 Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <targos@protonmail.com> Reviewed-By: Debadree Chatterjee <debadree333@gmail.com>
152 lines
7.4 KiB
152 lines
7.4 KiB
'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
const cp = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');
const tests = { __proto__: null };
let gid = 1;
let uid = 1;
if (!common.isWindows) {
gid = process.getgid();
uid = process.getuid();
tests['fs.sync.access'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs0.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.accessSync("fs0.txt");' +
tests['fs.sync.chmod'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs1.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.chmodSync("fs1.txt",100);' +
tests['fs.sync.chown'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs2.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
`fs.chownSync("fs2.txt", ${uid}, ${gid});` +
tests['fs.sync.close'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs3.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
tests['fs.sync.copyfile'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs4.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.copyFileSync("fs4.txt","a.txt");' +
tests['fs.sync.fchmod'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs5.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'const fd = fs.openSync("fs5.txt", "r+");' +
'fs.fchmodSync(fd,100);' +
tests['fs.sync.fchown'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs6.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'const fd = fs.openSync("fs6.txt", "r+");' +
`fs.fchownSync(fd, ${uid}, ${gid});` +
tests['fs.sync.fdatasync'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs7.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'const fd = fs.openSync("fs7.txt", "r+");' +
'fs.fdatasyncSync(fd);' +
tests['fs.sync.fstat'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs8.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.readFileSync("fs8.txt");' +
tests['fs.sync.fsync'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs9.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'const fd = fs.openSync("fs9.txt", "r+");' +
'fs.fsyncSync(fd);' +
tests['fs.sync.ftruncate'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs10.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'const fd = fs.openSync("fs10.txt", "r+");' +
'fs.ftruncateSync(fd, 1);' +
tests['fs.sync.futimes'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs11.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'const fd = fs.openSync("fs11.txt", "r+");' +
'fs.futimesSync(fd,1,1);' +
tests['fs.sync.lchown'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs12.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
`fs.lchownSync("fs12.txt", ${uid}, ${gid});` +
tests['fs.sync.link'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs13.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.linkSync("fs13.txt", "fs14.txt");' +
'fs.unlinkSync("fs13.txt");' +
tests['fs.sync.lstat'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs15.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.lstatSync("fs15.txt");' +
tests['fs.sync.mkdir'] = 'fs.mkdirSync("fstemp0");' +
tests['fs.sync.mkdtemp'] = 'const fp = fs.mkdtempSync("fstemp1");' +
tests['fs.sync.open'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs16.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
tests['fs.sync.read'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs17.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.readFileSync("fs17.txt");' +
tests['fs.sync.readdir'] = 'fs.readdirSync("./")';
tests['fs.sync.realpath'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs18.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.linkSync("fs18.txt", "fs19.txt");' +
'fs.realpathSync.native("fs19.txt");' +
'fs.unlinkSync("fs18.txt");' +
tests['fs.sync.rename'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs20.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.renameSync("fs20.txt","fs21.txt"); ' +
tests['fs.sync.rmdir'] = 'fs.mkdirSync("fstemp2");' +
tests['fs.sync.stat'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs22.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.statSync("fs22.txt");' +
tests['fs.sync.unlink'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs23.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.linkSync("fs23.txt", "fs24.txt");' +
'fs.unlinkSync("fs23.txt");' +
tests['fs.sync.utimes'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs25.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.utimesSync("fs25.txt",1,1);' +
tests['fs.sync.write'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs26.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
// On windows, we need permissions to test symlink and readlink.
// We'll only try to run these tests if we have enough privileges.
if (common.canCreateSymLink()) {
tests['fs.sync.symlink'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs27.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.symlinkSync("fs27.txt", "fs28.txt");' +
'fs.unlinkSync("fs27.txt");' +
tests['fs.sync.readlink'] = 'fs.writeFileSync("fs29.txt", "123", "utf8");' +
'fs.symlinkSync("fs29.txt", "fs30.txt");' +
'fs.readlinkSync("fs30.txt");' +
'fs.unlinkSync("fs29.txt");' +
const tmpdir = require('../common/tmpdir');
const traceFile = tmpdir.resolve('node_trace.1.log');
for (const tr in tests) {
const proc = cp.spawnSync(process.execPath,
[ '--trace-events-enabled',
'--trace-event-categories', 'node.fs.sync',
'-e', tests[tr] ],
{ cwd: tmpdir.path, encoding: 'utf8' });
// Make sure the operation is successful.
// Don't use assert with a custom message here. Otherwise the
// inspection in the message is done eagerly and wastes a lot of CPU
// time.
if (proc.status !== 0) {
throw new Error(`${tr}:\n${util.inspect(proc)}`);
// Confirm that trace log file is created.
const data = fs.readFileSync(traceFile);
const traces = JSON.parse(data.toString()).traceEvents;
assert(traces.length > 0);
// C++ fs sync trace events should be generated.
assert(traces.some((trace) => {
if (trace.pid !== proc.pid)
return false;
if (trace.cat !== 'node,node.fs,node.fs.sync')
return false;
if (trace.name !== tr)
return false;
return true;