mirror of
synced 2024-11-21 10:59:27 +00:00
Fix two tests that fail when `node` is configured `--without-amaro`. PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/55320 Reviewed-By: Antoine du Hamel <duhamelantoine1995@gmail.com> Reviewed-By: Chemi Atlow <chemi@atlow.co.il> Reviewed-By: Marco Ippolito <marcoippolito54@gmail.com> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <luigipinca@gmail.com>
431 lines
15 KiB
431 lines
15 KiB
'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
const { join } = require('path');
const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
const testFixtures = fixtures.path('test-runner');
for (const isolation of ['none', 'process']) {
// File not found.
const args = [
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args);
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
assert.strictEqual(child.stdout.toString(), '');
assert.match(child.stderr.toString(), /^Could not find/);
// Default behavior. node_modules is ignored. Files that don't match the
// pattern are ignored except in test/ directories.
const args = ['--test', '--test-reporter=tap',
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior') });
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /ok 1 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /not ok 2 - this should fail/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 3 - subdir.+subdir_test\.js/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 4 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 5 - this should be skipped/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 6 - this should be executed/);
// Should match files with "-test.(c|m)js" suffix.
const args = ['--test', '--test-reporter=tap',
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: join(testFixtures, 'matching-patterns') });
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 0);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /ok 1 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 2 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 3 - this should pass/);
// Doesn't match the TypeScript files
assert.doesNotMatch(stdout, /ok 4 - this should pass/);
for (const type of ['strip', 'transform']) {
// Should match files with "-test.(c|m)(t|j)s" suffix when typescript support is enabled
const args = ['--test', '--test-reporter=tap', '--no-warnings',
`--experimental-${type}-types`, `--experimental-test-isolation=${isolation}`];
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: join(testFixtures, 'matching-patterns') });
if (!process.config.variables.node_use_amaro) {
// e.g. Compiled with `--without-amaro`.
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
} else {
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /ok 1 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 2 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 3 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 4 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 5 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 6 - this should pass/);
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 0);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// Same but with a prototype mutation in require scripts.
const args = [
'--require', join(testFixtures, 'protoMutation.js'),
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior') });
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /ok 1 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /not ok 2 - this should fail/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 3 - subdir.+subdir_test\.js/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 4 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 5 - this should be skipped/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 6 - this should be executed/);
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// User specified files that don't match the pattern are still run.
const args = [
join(testFixtures, 'index.js'),
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: testFixtures });
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /not ok 1 - .+index\.js/);
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// Searches node_modules if specified.
const args = [
join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/node_modules/*.js'),
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args);
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /not ok 1 - .+test-nm\.js/);
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// The current directory is used by default.
const args = ['--test', `--experimental-test-isolation=${isolation}`];
const options = { cwd: join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior') };
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, options);
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /this should fail/);
assert.match(stdout, /subdir.+subdir_test\.js/);
assert.match(stdout, /this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /this should be skipped/);
assert.match(stdout, /this should be executed/);
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// Test combined stream outputs
const args = [
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args);
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 1 - this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, / {2}---/);
assert.match(stdout, / {2}duration_ms: .*/);
assert.match(stdout, / {2}\.\.\./);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: .+invalid-tap\.js/);
assert.match(stdout, /invalid tap output/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 2 - .+invalid-tap\.js/);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: level 0a/);
assert.match(stdout, / {4}# Subtest: level 1a/);
assert.match(stdout, / {4}ok 1 - level 1a/);
assert.match(stdout, / {4}# Subtest: level 1b/);
assert.match(stdout, / {4}not ok 2 - level 1b/);
assert.match(stdout, / {6}code: 'ERR_TEST_FAILURE'/);
assert.match(stdout, / {6}stack: |-'/);
assert.match(stdout, / {8}TestContext\.<anonymous> .*/);
assert.match(stdout, / {4}# Subtest: level 1c/);
assert.match(stdout, / {4}ok 3 - level 1c # SKIP aaa/);
assert.match(stdout, / {4}# Subtest: level 1d/);
assert.match(stdout, / {4}ok 4 - level 1d/);
assert.match(stdout, /not ok 3 - level 0a/);
assert.match(stdout, / {2}error: '1 subtest failed'/);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: level 0b/);
assert.match(stdout, /not ok 4 - level 0b/);
assert.match(stdout, / {2}error: 'level 0b error'/);
assert.match(stdout, /# tests 8/);
assert.match(stdout, /# suites 0/);
assert.match(stdout, /# pass 4/);
assert.match(stdout, /# fail 3/);
assert.match(stdout, /# cancelled 0/);
assert.match(stdout, /# skipped 1/);
assert.match(stdout, /# todo 0/);
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// Flags that cannot be combined with --test.
const flags = [
['--check', '--test'],
['--interactive', '--test'],
['--eval', 'console.log("should not print")', '--test'],
['--print', 'console.log("should not print")', '--test'],
for (const args of flags) {
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args);
assert.strictEqual(child.stdout.toString(), '');
const stderr = child.stderr.toString();
assert.match(stderr, /--test/);
assert.notStrictEqual(child.status, 0);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// Test user logging in tests.
const args = [
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args);
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /# stderr 1/);
assert.match(stdout, /# stderr 2/);
assert.match(stdout, /# stdout 3/);
assert.match(stdout, /# stderr 6/);
assert.match(stdout, /# not ok 1 - fake test/);
assert.match(stdout, /# stderr 5/);
assert.match(stdout, /# stdout 4/);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: a test/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 1 - a test/);
assert.match(stdout, /# tests 1/);
assert.match(stdout, /# pass 1/);
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 0);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// Use test with --loader and --require.
// This case is common since vscode uses --require to load the debugger.
const args = ['--no-warnings',
'--experimental-loader', 'data:text/javascript,',
'--require', fixtures.path('empty.js'),
'--test', join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior', 'index.test.js')];
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args);
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /this should pass/);
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 0);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// --test-shard option validation
const args = ['--test', '--test-shard=1', join(testFixtures, 'index.js')];
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: testFixtures });
assert.match(child.stderr.toString(), /The argument '--test-shard' must be in the form of <index>\/<total>\. Received '1'/);
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.strictEqual(stdout, '');
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// --test-shard option validation
const args = ['--test', '--test-shard=1/2/3', join(testFixtures, 'index.js')];
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: testFixtures });
assert.match(child.stderr.toString(), /The argument '--test-shard' must be in the form of <index>\/<total>\. Received '1\/2\/3'/);
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.strictEqual(stdout, '');
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// --test-shard option validation
const args = ['--test', '--test-shard=0/3', join(testFixtures, 'index.js')];
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: testFixtures });
assert.match(child.stderr.toString(), /The value of "options\.shard\.index" is out of range\. It must be >= 1 && <= 3\. Received 0/);
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.strictEqual(stdout, '');
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// --test-shard option validation
const args = ['--test', '--test-shard=0xf/20abcd', join(testFixtures, 'index.js')];
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: testFixtures });
assert.match(child.stderr.toString(), /The argument '--test-shard' must be in the form of <index>\/<total>\. Received '0xf\/20abcd'/);
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.strictEqual(stdout, '');
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// --test-shard option validation
const args = ['--test', '--test-shard=hello', join(testFixtures, 'index.js')];
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: testFixtures });
assert.match(child.stderr.toString(), /The argument '--test-shard' must be in the form of <index>\/<total>\. Received 'hello'/);
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.strictEqual(stdout, '');
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 1);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// --test-shard option, first shard
const args = [
join(testFixtures, 'shards/*.cjs'),
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args);
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: a\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 1 - a\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: c\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 2 - c\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: e\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 3 - e\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: g\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 4 - g\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: i\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 5 - i\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /# tests 5/);
assert.match(stdout, /# pass 5/);
assert.match(stdout, /# fail 0/);
assert.match(stdout, /# skipped 0/);
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 0);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// --test-shard option, last shard
const args = [
join(testFixtures, 'shards/*.cjs'),
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args);
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: b\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 1 - b\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: d\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 2 - d\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: f\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 3 - f\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: h\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 4 - h\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /# Subtest: j\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /ok 5 - j\.cjs this should pass/);
assert.match(stdout, /# tests 5/);
assert.match(stdout, /# pass 5/);
assert.match(stdout, /# fail 0/);
assert.match(stdout, /# skipped 0/);
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 0);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);
// Should not match files like latest.js
const args = ['--test', '--test-reporter=tap'];
const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: join(testFixtures, 'issue-54726') });
assert.strictEqual(child.stderr.toString(), '');
const stdout = child.stdout.toString();
assert.match(stdout, /tests 0/);
assert.match(stdout, /suites 0/);
assert.match(stdout, /pass 0/);
assert.match(stdout, /fail 0/);
assert.match(stdout, /cancelled 0/);
assert.match(stdout, /skipped 0/);
assert.match(stdout, /todo 0/);
assert.strictEqual(child.status, 0);
assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null);