import { skip, spawnPromisified, isWindows } from '../common/index.mjs'; import * as fixtures from '../common/fixtures.mjs'; import { match, strictEqual } from 'node:assert'; import { test } from 'node:test'; test('expect process.features.typescript to be \'strip\' when --experimental-strip-types', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--no-warnings', '--experimental-strip-types', fixtures.path('typescript/echo-process-features-typescript.cjs'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); strictEqual(result.stdout, process.config.variables.node_use_amaro ? 'strip\n' : 'false\n'); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('expect process.features.typescript to be \'transform\' when --experimental-transform-types', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--no-warnings', '--experimental-transform-types', fixtures.path('typescript/echo-process-features-typescript.cjs'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); strictEqual(result.stdout, process.config.variables.node_use_amaro ? 'transform\n' : 'false\n'); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); if (!process.config.variables.node_use_amaro) skip('Requires Amaro'); test('execute a TypeScript file', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-typescript.ts'), ]); match(result.stderr, /Type Stripping is an experimental feature and might change at any time/); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with imports', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-import-foo.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with imports', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--no-warnings', '--eval', `require(${JSON.stringify(fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-import-fs.ts'))})`, ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with imports with default-type module', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--experimental-default-type=module', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-import-foo.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with node_modules', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-typescript-node-modules.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with node_modules with default-type module', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--experimental-default-type=module', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-typescript-node-modules.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('expect error when executing a TypeScript file with imports with no extensions', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-import-no-extension.ts'), ]); match(result.stderr, /Error \[ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND\]:/); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('expect error when executing a TypeScript file with imports with no extensions with default-type module', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--experimental-default-type=module', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-import-no-extension.ts'), ]); match(result.stderr, /Error \[ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND\]:/); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('expect error when executing a TypeScript file with enum', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-enums.ts'), ]); // This error should be thrown during transformation match(result.stderr, /TypeScript enum is not supported in strip-only mode/); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('expect error when executing a TypeScript file with experimental decorators', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-experimental-decorators.ts'), ]); // This error should be thrown at runtime match(result.stderr, /Invalid or unexpected token/); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('expect error when executing a TypeScript file with namespaces', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-namespaces.ts'), ]); // This error should be thrown during transformation match(result.stderr, /TypeScript namespace declaration is not supported in strip-only mode/); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with type definition', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-import-types.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with type definition but no type keyword', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-import-no-type-keyword.ts'), ]); match(result.stderr, /does not provide an export named 'MyType'/); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with type definition but no type keyword with default-type modue', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--experimental-default-type=module', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-import-no-type-keyword.ts'), ]); match(result.stderr, /does not provide an export named 'MyType'/); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with CommonJS syntax', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-commonjs-parsing.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with ES module syntax', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-module-typescript.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with ES module syntax with default-type module', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--experimental-default-type=module', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-module-typescript.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('expect failure of a TypeScript file requiring ES module syntax', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--experimental-require-module', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-require-module.ts'), ]); match(result.stderr, /Support for loading ES Module in require\(\) is an experimental feature and might change at any time/); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('expect stack trace of a TypeScript file to be correct', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-whitespacing.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); match(result.stderr, /test-whitespacing\.ts:5:7/); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('execute CommonJS TypeScript file from node_modules with require-module', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-import-ts-node-modules.ts'), ]); match(result.stderr, /ERR_UNSUPPORTED_NODE_MODULES_TYPE_STRIPPING/); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('execute CommonJS TypeScript file from node_modules with require-module and default-type module', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--experimental-default-type=module', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-import-ts-node-modules.ts'), ]); match(result.stderr, /ERR_UNSUPPORTED_NODE_MODULES_TYPE_STRIPPING/); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with CommonJS syntax but default type module', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--experimental-default-type=module', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-commonjs-parsing.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); match(result.stderr, /require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import instead/); strictEqual(result.code, 1); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with CommonJS syntax requiring .cts', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-require-cts.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with CommonJS syntax requiring .mts', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-require-mts.ts'), ]); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with CommonJS syntax requiring .mts using require-module', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--experimental-require-module', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-require-mts.ts'), ]); match(result.stderr, /Support for loading ES Module in require\(\) is an experimental feature and might change at any time/); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with CommonJS syntax requiring .cts using commonjs', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-require-cts.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with CommonJS syntax requiring .mts with require-module with default-type commonjs', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--experimental-default-type=commonjs', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-require-cts.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('execute a JavaScript file importing a cjs TypeScript file', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/issue-54457.mjs'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); // TODO(marco-ippolito) Due to a bug in SWC, the TypeScript loader // does not work on Windows arm64. This test should be re-enabled // when is fixed test('execute a TypeScript test mocking module', { skip: isWindows && process.arch === 'arm64' }, async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--test', '--experimental-test-module-mocks', '--experimental-strip-types', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-mock-module.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript-Module!/); match(result.stdout, /Hello, TypeScript-CommonJS!/); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('expect process.features.typescript to be false without type-stripping', async () => { strictEqual(process.features.typescript, false); }); test('execute a TypeScript file with union types', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', '--no-warnings', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-union-types.ts'), ]); strictEqual(result.stderr, ''); strictEqual(result.stdout, '{' + " name: 'Hello, TypeScript!' }\n" + '{ role: \'admin\', permission: \'all\' }\n' + '{\n foo: \'Testing Partial Type\',\n bar: 42,\n' + ' zoo: true,\n metadata: undefined\n' + '}\n'); strictEqual(result.code, 0); }); test('expect error when executing a TypeScript file with generics', async () => { const result = await spawnPromisified(process.execPath, [ '--experimental-strip-types', fixtures.path('typescript/ts/test-parameter-properties.ts'), ]); // This error should be thrown during transformation match( result.stderr, /TypeScript parameter property is not supported in strip-only mode/ ); strictEqual(result.stdout, ''); strictEqual(result.code, 1); });