'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const { Worker } = require('worker_threads'); const { once } = require('events'); const helper = require('../common/report'); async function basic() { // Test that the report includes basic information about Worker threads. const w = new Worker(` const { parentPort } = require('worker_threads'); parentPort.once('message', () => { /* Wait for message to stop the Worker */ }); `, { eval: true }); await once(w, 'online'); const report = process.report.getReport(); helper.validateContent(report); assert.strictEqual(report.workers.length, 1); helper.validateContent(report.workers[0]); assert.strictEqual(report.workers[0].header.threadId, w.threadId); w.postMessage({}); await once(w, 'exit'); } async function interruptingJS() { // Test that the report also works when Worker threads are busy in JS land. const w = new Worker('while (true);', { eval: true }); await once(w, 'online'); const report = process.report.getReport(); helper.validateContent(report); assert.strictEqual(report.workers.length, 1); helper.validateContent(report.workers[0]); await w.terminate(); } (async function() { await basic(); await interruptingJS(); })().then(common.mustCall());