'use strict'; require('../common'); const http = require('node:http'); const assert = require('node:assert'); const { spawnSync } = require('node:child_process'); const tmpdir = require('../common/tmpdir'); const { describe, it, before } = require('node:test'); const fs = require('node:fs'); const helper = require('../common/report'); function validate(pid) { const reports = helper.findReports(pid, tmpdir.path); assert.strictEqual(reports.length, 1); let report = fs.readFileSync(reports[0], { encoding: 'utf8' }); report = JSON.parse(report); assert.strictEqual(report.header.networkInterfaces, undefined); fs.unlinkSync(reports[0]); } describe('report exclude network option', () => { before(() => { tmpdir.refresh(); process.report.directory = tmpdir.path; }); it('should be configurable with --report-exclude-network', () => { const args = ['--report-exclude-network', '-e', 'process.report.writeReport()']; const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, args, { cwd: tmpdir.path }); assert.strictEqual(child.status, 0); assert.strictEqual(child.signal, null); validate(child.pid); }); it('should be configurable with report.excludeNetwork', () => { process.report.excludeNetwork = true; process.report.writeReport(); validate(process.pid); const report = process.report.getReport(); assert.strictEqual(report.header.networkInterfaces, undefined); }); it('should not do DNS queries in libuv if exclude network', async () => { const server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }); res.end(); }); let ipv6Available = true; const port = await new Promise((resolve) => server.listen(0, async () => { await Promise.all([ fetch('' + server.address().port), fetch('http://[::1]:' + server.address().port).catch(() => ipv6Available = false), ]); resolve(server.address().port); server.close(); })); process.report.excludeNetwork = false; let report = process.report.getReport(); let tcp = report.libuv.filter((uv) => uv.type === 'tcp' && uv.remoteEndpoint?.port === port); assert.strictEqual(tcp.length, ipv6Available ? 2 : 1); const findHandle = (local, ip4 = true) => { return tcp.find( ({ [local ? 'localEndpoint' : 'remoteEndpoint']: ep }) => (ep[ip4 ? 'ip4' : 'ip6'] === (ip4 ? '' : '::1')), )?.[local ? 'localEndpoint' : 'remoteEndpoint']; }; try { // The reverse DNS of can be a lot of things other than localhost // it could resolve to the server name for instance assert.notStrictEqual(findHandle(true)?.host, ''); assert.notStrictEqual(findHandle(false)?.host, ''); if (ipv6Available) { assert.notStrictEqual(findHandle(true, false)?.host, '::1'); assert.notStrictEqual(findHandle(false, false)?.host, '::1'); } } catch (e) { throw new Error(e?.message + ' in ' + JSON.stringify(tcp, null, 2), { cause: e }); } process.report.excludeNetwork = true; report = process.report.getReport(); tcp = report.libuv.filter((uv) => uv.type === 'tcp' && uv.remoteEndpoint?.port === port); try { assert.strictEqual(tcp.length, ipv6Available ? 2 : 1); assert.strictEqual(findHandle(true)?.host, ''); assert.strictEqual(findHandle(false)?.host, ''); if (ipv6Available) { assert.strictEqual(findHandle(true, false)?.host, '::1'); assert.strictEqual(findHandle(false, false)?.host, '::1'); } } catch (e) { throw new Error(e?.message + ' in ' + JSON.stringify(tcp, null, 2), { cause: e }); } }); });