import * as common from '../common/index.mjs'; import * as fixtures from '../common/fixtures.mjs'; import { join } from 'node:path'; import { describe, it, run } from 'node:test'; import { dot, spec, tap } from 'node:test/reporters'; import assert from 'node:assert'; import util from 'node:util'; const testFixtures = fixtures.path('test-runner'); describe('require(\'node:test\').run', { concurrency: true }, () => { it('should run with no tests', async () => { const stream = run({ files: [] }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustNotCall()); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); }); it('should fail with non existing file', async () => { const stream = run({ files: ['a-random-file-that-does-not-exist.js'] }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustCall(1)); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustNotCall()); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); }); it('should succeed with a file', async () => { const stream = run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/random.cjs')] }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustCall(1)); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); }); const argPrintingFile = join(testFixtures, 'print-arguments.js'); it('should allow custom arguments via execArgv', async () => { const result = await run({ files: [argPrintingFile], execArgv: ['-p', '"Printed"'] }).compose(spec).toArray(); assert.strictEqual(result[0].toString(), 'Printed\n'); }); it('should allow custom arguments via argv', async () => { const stream = run({ files: [argPrintingFile], argv: ['--a-custom-argument'] }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustCall()); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); }); it('should run same file twice', async () => { const stream = run({ files: [ join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/random.cjs'), join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/random.cjs'), ] }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustCall(2)); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); }); it('should run a failed test', async () => { const stream = run({ files: [testFixtures] }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustCall(1)); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustNotCall()); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); }); it('should support timeout', async () => { const stream = run({ timeout: 50, files: [ fixtures.path('test-runner', 'never_ending_sync.js'), fixtures.path('test-runner', 'never_ending_async.js'), ] }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustCall(2)); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustNotCall()); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); }); it('should be piped with dot', async () => { const result = await run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/random.cjs')] }).compose(dot).toArray(); assert.strictEqual(result.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(util.stripVTControlCharacters(result[0]), '.'); assert.strictEqual(result[1], '\n'); }); describe('should be piped with spec reporter', () => { it('new spec', async () => { const specReporter = new spec(); const result = await run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/random.cjs')] }).compose(specReporter).toArray(); const stringResults = => bfr.toString()); assert.match(stringResults[0], /this should pass/); assert.match(stringResults[1], /tests 1/); assert.match(stringResults[1], /pass 1/); }); it('spec()', async () => { const specReporter = spec(); const result = await run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/random.cjs')] }).compose(specReporter).toArray(); const stringResults = => bfr.toString()); assert.match(stringResults[0], /this should pass/); assert.match(stringResults[1], /tests 1/); assert.match(stringResults[1], /pass 1/); }); it('spec', async () => { const result = await run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/random.cjs')] }).compose(spec).toArray(); const stringResults = => bfr.toString()); assert.match(stringResults[0], /this should pass/); assert.match(stringResults[1], /tests 1/); assert.match(stringResults[1], /pass 1/); }); }); it('should be piped with tap', async () => { const result = await run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/random.cjs')] }).compose(tap).toArray(); assert.strictEqual(result.length, 13); assert.strictEqual(result[0], 'TAP version 13\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[1], '# Subtest: this should pass\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[2], 'ok 1 - this should pass\n'); assert.match(result[3], /duration_ms: \d+\.?\d*/); assert.strictEqual(result[4], '1..1\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[5], '# tests 1\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[6], '# suites 0\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[7], '# pass 1\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[8], '# fail 0\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[9], '# cancelled 0\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[10], '# skipped 0\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[11], '# todo 0\n'); assert.match(result[12], /# duration_ms \d+\.?\d*/); }); it('should skip tests not matching testNamePatterns - RegExp', async () => { const result = await run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/skip_by_name.cjs')], testNamePatterns: [/executed/] }) .compose(tap) .toArray(); assert.strictEqual(result[2], 'ok 1 - this should be executed\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[4], '1..1\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[5], '# tests 1\n'); }); it('should skip tests not matching testNamePatterns - string', async () => { const result = await run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/skip_by_name.cjs')], testNamePatterns: ['executed'] }) .compose(tap) .toArray(); assert.strictEqual(result[2], 'ok 1 - this should be executed\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[4], '1..1\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[5], '# tests 1\n'); }); it('should pass only to children', async () => { const result = await run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'test_only.js')], only: true }) .compose(tap) .toArray(); assert.strictEqual(result[2], 'ok 1 - this should be executed\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[4], '1..1\n'); assert.strictEqual(result[5], '# tests 1\n'); }); it('should emit "test:watch:drained" event on watch mode', async () => { const controller = new AbortController(); await run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/random.cjs')], watch: true, signal: controller.signal, }).on('data', function({ type }) { if (type === 'test:watch:drained') { controller.abort(); } }); }); describe('AbortSignal', () => { it('should accept a signal', async () => { const stream = run({ signal: AbortSignal.timeout(50), files: [ fixtures.path('test-runner', 'never_ending_sync.js'), fixtures.path('test-runner', 'never_ending_async.js'), ] }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustCall(2)); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustNotCall()); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); }); it('should stop watch mode when abortSignal aborts', async () => { const controller = new AbortController(); const result = await run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/random.cjs')], watch: true, signal: controller.signal, }) .compose(async function* (source) { let waitForCancel = 2; for await (const chunk of source) { if (chunk.type === 'test:watch:drained' || (chunk.type === 'test:diagnostic' &&'duration_ms'))) { waitForCancel--; } if (waitForCancel === 0) { controller.abort(); } if (chunk.type === 'test:pass') { yield; } } }) .toArray(); assert.deepStrictEqual(result, ['this should pass']); }); it('should abort when test succeeded', async () => { const stream = run({ files: [ fixtures.path( 'test-runner', 'aborts', 'successful-test-still-call-abort.js' ), ], }); let passedTestCount = 0; let failedTestCount = 0; let output = ''; for await (const data of stream) { if (data.type === 'test:stdout') { output +=; } if (data.type === 'test:fail') { failedTestCount++; } if (data.type === 'test:pass') { passedTestCount++; } } assert.match(output, /abort called for test 1/); assert.match(output, /abort called for test 2/); assert.strictEqual(failedTestCount, 0, new Error('no tests should fail')); assert.strictEqual(passedTestCount, 2); }); it('should abort when test failed', async () => { const stream = run({ files: [ fixtures.path( 'test-runner', 'aborts', 'failed-test-still-call-abort.js' ), ], }); let passedTestCount = 0; let failedTestCount = 0; let output = ''; for await (const data of stream) { if (data.type === 'test:stdout') { output +=; } if (data.type === 'test:fail') { failedTestCount++; } if (data.type === 'test:pass') { passedTestCount++; } } assert.match(output, /abort called for test 1/); assert.match(output, /abort called for test 2/); assert.strictEqual(passedTestCount, 0, new Error('no tests should pass')); assert.strictEqual(failedTestCount, 2); }); }); describe('sharding', () => { const shardsTestsFixtures = fixtures.path('test-runner', 'shards'); const shardsTestsFiles = [ 'a.cjs', 'b.cjs', 'c.cjs', 'd.cjs', 'e.cjs', 'f.cjs', 'g.cjs', 'h.cjs', 'i.cjs', 'j.cjs', ].map((file) => join(shardsTestsFixtures, file)); describe('validation', () => { it('should require when having shard option', () => { assert.throws(() => run({ files: shardsTestsFiles, shard: {} }), { name: 'TypeError', code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', message: 'The "" property must be of type number. Received undefined' }); }); it('should require shard.index when having shards option', () => { assert.throws(() => run({ files: shardsTestsFiles, shard: { total: 5 } }), { name: 'TypeError', code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', message: 'The "options.shard.index" property must be of type number. Received undefined' }); }); it('should require to be greater than 0 when having shard option', () => { assert.throws(() => run({ files: shardsTestsFiles, shard: { total: 0, index: 1 } }), { name: 'RangeError', code: 'ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE', message: 'The value of "" is out of range. It must be >= 1 && <= 9007199254740991. Received 0' }); }); it('should require shard.index to be greater than 0 when having shard option', () => { assert.throws(() => run({ files: shardsTestsFiles, shard: { total: 6, index: 0 } }), { name: 'RangeError', code: 'ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE', message: 'The value of "options.shard.index" is out of range. It must be >= 1 && <= 6. Received 0' }); }); it('should require shard.index to not be greater than the shards total when having shard option', () => { assert.throws(() => run({ files: shardsTestsFiles, shard: { total: 6, index: 7 } }), { name: 'RangeError', code: 'ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE', message: 'The value of "options.shard.index" is out of range. It must be >= 1 && <= 6. Received 7' }); }); it('should require watch mode to be disabled when having shard option', () => { assert.throws(() => run({ files: shardsTestsFiles, watch: true, shard: { total: 6, index: 1 } }), { name: 'TypeError', code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE', message: 'The property \'options.shard\' shards not supported with watch mode. Received true' }); }); }); it('should run only the tests files matching the shard index', async () => { const stream = run({ files: shardsTestsFiles, shard: { total: 5, index: 1 } }); const executedTestFiles = []; stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', (passedTest) => { executedTestFiles.push(passedTest.file); }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream) ; assert.deepStrictEqual(executedTestFiles, [ join(shardsTestsFixtures, 'a.cjs'), join(shardsTestsFixtures, 'f.cjs'), ]); }); it('different shards should not run the same file', async () => { const executedTestFiles = []; const testStreams = []; const shards = 5; for (let i = 1; i <= shards; i++) { const stream = run({ files: shardsTestsFiles, shard: { total: shards, index: i } }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', (passedTest) => { executedTestFiles.push(passedTest.file); }); testStreams.push(stream); } await Promise.all( (stream) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream) ; })); assert.deepStrictEqual(executedTestFiles, [ Set(executedTestFiles)]); }); it('combination of all shards should be all the tests', async () => { const executedTestFiles = []; const testStreams = []; const shards = 5; for (let i = 1; i <= shards; i++) { const stream = run({ files: shardsTestsFiles, shard: { total: shards, index: i } }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', (passedTest) => { executedTestFiles.push(passedTest.file); }); testStreams.push(stream); } await Promise.all( (stream) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream) ; })); assert.deepStrictEqual(executedTestFiles.sort(), [...shardsTestsFiles].sort()); }); }); describe('validation', () => { it('should only allow array in options.files', async () => { [Symbol(), {}, () => {}, 0, 1, 0n, 1n, '', '1', Promise.resolve([]), true, false] .forEach((files) => assert.throws(() => run({ files }), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' })); }); it('should only allow array in options.globPatterns', async () => { [Symbol(), {}, () => {}, 0, 1, 0n, 1n, '', '1', Promise.resolve([]), true, false] .forEach((globPatterns) => assert.throws(() => run({ globPatterns }), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' })); }); it('should not allow files and globPatterns used together', () => { assert.throws(() => run({ files: ['a.js'], globPatterns: ['*.js'] }), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE' }); }); it('should only allow a string in options.cwd', async () => { [Symbol(), {}, [], () => {}, 0, 1, 0n, 1n, true, false] .forEach((cwd) => assert.throws(() => run({ cwd }), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' })); }); it('should only allow object as options', () => { [Symbol(), [], () => {}, 0, 1, 0n, 1n, '', '1', true, false] .forEach((options) => assert.throws(() => run(options), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' })); }); it('should pass instance of stream to setup', async () => { const stream = run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'default-behavior/test/random.cjs')], setup: common.mustCall((root) => { assert.strictEqual(, 'TestsStream'); }), }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustCall()); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); }); }); it('should avoid running recursively', async () => { const stream = run({ files: [join(testFixtures, 'recursive_run.js')] }); let stderr = ''; stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustCall(1)); stream.on('test:stderr', (c) => { stderr += c.message; }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); assert.match(stderr, /Warning: node:test run\(\) is being called recursively/); }); it('should run with different cwd', async () => { const stream = run({ cwd: fixtures.path('test-runner', 'cwd') }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustCall(1)); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); }); it('should handle a non-existent directory being provided as cwd', async () => { const diagnostics = []; const stream = run({ cwd: fixtures.path('test-runner', 'cwd', 'non-existing') }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:stderr', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:diagnostic', ({ message }) => { diagnostics.push(message); }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); for (const entry of [ 'tests 0', 'suites 0', 'pass 0', 'fail 0', 'cancelled 0', 'skipped 0', 'todo 0', ] ) { assert.strictEqual(diagnostics.includes(entry), true); } }); it('should handle a non-existent file being provided as cwd', async () => { const diagnostics = []; const stream = run({ cwd: fixtures.path('test-runner', 'default-behavior', 'test', 'random.cjs') }); stream.on('test:fail', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:pass', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:stderr', common.mustNotCall()); stream.on('test:diagnostic', ({ message }) => { diagnostics.push(message); }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for await (const _ of stream); for (const entry of [ 'tests 0', 'suites 0', 'pass 0', 'fail 0', 'cancelled 0', 'skipped 0', 'todo 0', ] ) { assert.strictEqual(diagnostics.includes(entry), true); } }); }); describe('forceExit', () => { it('throws for non-boolean values', () => { [Symbol(), {}, 0, 1, '1', Promise.resolve([])].forEach((forceExit) => { assert.throws(() => run({ forceExit }), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', message: /The "options\.forceExit" property must be of type boolean\./ }); }); }); it('throws if enabled with watch mode', () => { assert.throws(() => run({ forceExit: true, watch: true }), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE', message: /The property 'options\.forceExit' is not supported with watch mode\./ }); }); }); // exitHandler doesn't run until after the tests / after hooks finish. process.on('exit', () => { assert.strictEqual(process.listeners('uncaughtException').length, 0); assert.strictEqual(process.listeners('unhandledRejection').length, 0); assert.strictEqual(process.listeners('beforeExit').length, 0); assert.strictEqual(process.listeners('SIGINT').length, 0); assert.strictEqual(process.listeners('SIGTERM').length, 0); });