'use strict'; const { mustNotMutateObjectDeep } = require('../common'); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); const fs = require('fs'); const assert = require('assert'); const filepath = fixtures.path('x.txt'); const expected = Buffer.from('xyz\n'); function runTest(defaultBuffer, options, errorCode = false) { let fd; try { fd = fs.openSync(filepath, 'r'); if (errorCode) { assert.throws( () => fs.readSync(fd, defaultBuffer, options), { code: errorCode } ); } else { const result = fs.readSync(fd, defaultBuffer, options); assert.strictEqual(result, expected.length); assert.deepStrictEqual(defaultBuffer, expected); } } finally { if (fd != null) fs.closeSync(fd); } } for (const options of [ // Test options object { offset: 0 }, { length: expected.length }, { position: 0 }, { offset: 0, length: expected.length }, { offset: 0, position: 0 }, { length: expected.length, position: 0 }, { offset: 0, length: expected.length, position: 0 }, { position: null }, { position: -1 }, { position: 0n }, // Test default params {}, null, undefined, // Test malicious corner case: it works as {length: 4} but not intentionally new String('4444'), ]) { runTest(Buffer.allocUnsafe(expected.length), options); } for (const options of [ // Test various invalid options false, true, Infinity, 42n, Symbol(), 'amString', [], () => {}, // Test if arbitrary entity with expected .length is not mistaken for options '4'.repeat(expected.length), [4, 4, 4, 4], ]) { runTest(Buffer.allocUnsafe(expected.length), mustNotMutateObjectDeep(options), 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE'); }