'use strict'; // This tests module.enableCompileCache() and module.getCompileCacheDir() work. require('../common'); const { spawnSyncAndAssert } = require('../common/child_process'); const assert = require('assert'); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); const tmpdir = require('../common/tmpdir'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); { // Test that it works with non-existent directory. tmpdir.refresh(); const dir = tmpdir.resolve('.compile_cache_dir'); spawnSyncAndAssert( process.execPath, ['-r', fixtures.path('compile-cache-wrapper.js'), fixtures.path('snapshot', 'typescript.js')], { env: { ...process.env, NODE_DEBUG_NATIVE: 'COMPILE_CACHE', NODE_COMPILE_CACHE: undefined, NODE_TEST_COMPILE_CACHE_DIR: dir, }, cwd: tmpdir.path }, { stdout(output) { console.log(output); // Logging for debugging. assert.match(output, /dir before enableCompileCache: undefined/); assert.match(output, /Compile cache enabled\. .*\.compile_cache_dir/); assert.match(output, /dir after enableCompileCache: .*\.compile_cache_dir/); return true; }, stderr(output) { console.log(output); // Logging for debugging. assert.match(output, /typescript\.js was not initialized, initializing the in-memory entry/); assert.match(output, /writing cache for .*typescript\.js.*success/); return true; } }); const cacheDir = fs.readdirSync(dir); assert.strictEqual(cacheDir.length, 1); const entries = fs.readdirSync(path.join(dir, cacheDir[0])); assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 1); // Second run reads the cache, but no need to re-write because it didn't change. spawnSyncAndAssert( process.execPath, ['-r', fixtures.path('compile-cache-wrapper.js'), fixtures.path('snapshot', 'typescript.js')], { env: { ...process.env, NODE_DEBUG_NATIVE: 'COMPILE_CACHE', NODE_COMPILE_CACHE: undefined, NODE_TEST_COMPILE_CACHE_DIR: dir, }, cwd: tmpdir.path }, { stdout(output) { console.log(output); // Logging for debugging. assert.match(output, /dir before enableCompileCache: undefined/); assert.match(output, /Compile cache enabled\. .*\.compile_cache_dir/); assert.match(output, /dir after enableCompileCache: .*\.compile_cache_dir/); return true; }, stderr(output) { console.log(output); // Logging for debugging. assert.match(output, /cache for .*typescript\.js was accepted, keeping the in-memory entry/); assert.match(output, /.*skip .*typescript\.js because cache was the same/); return true; } }); }