'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const tick = require('../common/tick'); const initHooks = require('./init-hooks'); const { checkInvocations } = require('./hook-checks'); const dns = require('dns'); if (!common.isMainThread) common.skip('Worker bootstrapping works differently -> different async IDs'); const hooks = initHooks(); hooks.enable(); dns.lookupService('', 80, common.mustCall(onlookupService)); function onlookupService() { // We don't care about the error here in order to allow // tests to run offline (lookup will fail in that case and the err be set) const as = hooks.activitiesOfTypes('GETNAMEINFOREQWRAP'); assert.strictEqual(as.length, 1); const a = as[0]; assert.strictEqual(a.type, 'GETNAMEINFOREQWRAP'); assert.strictEqual(typeof a.uid, 'number'); assert.strictEqual(a.triggerAsyncId, 1); checkInvocations(a, { init: 1, before: 1 }, 'while in onlookupService callback'); tick(2); } process.on('exit', onexit); function onexit() { hooks.disable(); hooks.sanityCheck('GETNAMEINFOREQWRAP'); const as = hooks.activitiesOfTypes('GETNAMEINFOREQWRAP'); const a = as[0]; checkInvocations(a, { init: 1, before: 1, after: 1, destroy: 1 }, 'when process exits'); }