// Adapted from SES/Caja - Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. // Copyright (C) 2018 Agoric // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // Based upon: // https://github.com/google/caja/blob/HEAD/src/com/google/caja/ses/startSES.js // https://github.com/google/caja/blob/HEAD/src/com/google/caja/ses/repairES5.js // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-ses/blob/e5271cc42a257a05dcae2fd94713ed2f46c08620/shim/src/freeze.js 'use strict'; const { AggregateError, AggregateErrorPrototype, Array, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferPrototype, ArrayIteratorPrototype, ArrayPrototype, ArrayPrototypeForEach, ArrayPrototypePush, Atomics, BigInt, BigInt64Array, BigInt64ArrayPrototype, BigIntPrototype, BigUint64Array, BigUint64ArrayPrototype, Boolean, BooleanPrototype, DataView, DataViewPrototype, Date, DatePrototype, Error, ErrorPrototype, EvalError, EvalErrorPrototype, FinalizationRegistry, FinalizationRegistryPrototype, Float32Array, Float32ArrayPrototype, Float64Array, Float64ArrayPrototype, Function, FunctionPrototype, Int16Array, Int16ArrayPrototype, Int32Array, Int32ArrayPrototype, Int8Array, Int8ArrayPrototype, IteratorPrototype, Map, MapPrototype, Number, NumberPrototype, Object, ObjectDefineProperty, ObjectFreeze, ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptors, ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames, ObjectGetOwnPropertySymbols, ObjectGetPrototypeOf, ObjectPrototype, ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty, Promise, PromisePrototype, Proxy, RangeError, RangeErrorPrototype, ReferenceError, ReferenceErrorPrototype, ReflectOwnKeys, RegExp, RegExpPrototype, SafeSet, Set, SetPrototype, String, StringIteratorPrototype, StringPrototype, Symbol, SymbolIterator, SymbolMatchAll, SymbolPrototype, SyntaxError, SyntaxErrorPrototype, TypeError, TypeErrorPrototype, TypedArray, TypedArrayPrototype, URIError, URIErrorPrototype, Uint16Array, Uint16ArrayPrototype, Uint32Array, Uint32ArrayPrototype, Uint8Array, Uint8ArrayPrototype, Uint8ClampedArray, Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype, WeakMap, WeakMapPrototype, WeakRef, WeakRefPrototype, WeakSet, WeakSetPrototype, decodeURI, decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, escape, globalThis, unescape, } = primordials; const { Intl, SharedArrayBuffer, WebAssembly, } = globalThis; module.exports = function() { const { Console } = require('internal/console/constructor'); const console = require('internal/console/global'); const { clearImmediate, clearInterval, clearTimeout, setImmediate, setInterval, setTimeout, } = require('timers'); const intrinsicPrototypes = [ // 20 Fundamental Objects ObjectPrototype, // 20.1 FunctionPrototype, // 20.2 BooleanPrototype, // 20.3 SymbolPrototype, // 20.4 ErrorPrototype, // 20.5 AggregateErrorPrototype, EvalErrorPrototype, RangeErrorPrototype, ReferenceErrorPrototype, SyntaxErrorPrototype, TypeErrorPrototype, URIErrorPrototype, // 21 Numbers and Dates NumberPrototype, // 21.1 BigIntPrototype, // 21.2 DatePrototype, // 21.4 // 22 Text Processing StringPrototype, // 22.1 StringIteratorPrototype, // 22.1.5 RegExpPrototype, // 22.2 // 22.2.7 RegExpStringIteratorPrototype ObjectGetPrototypeOf(/e/[SymbolMatchAll]()), // 23 Indexed Collections ArrayPrototype, // 23.1 ArrayIteratorPrototype, // 23.1.5 TypedArrayPrototype, // 23.2 Int8ArrayPrototype, Uint8ArrayPrototype, Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype, Int16ArrayPrototype, Uint16ArrayPrototype, Int32ArrayPrototype, Uint32ArrayPrototype, Float32ArrayPrototype, Float64ArrayPrototype, BigInt64ArrayPrototype, BigUint64ArrayPrototype, // 24 Keyed Collections MapPrototype, // 24.1 // 24.1.5 MapIteratorPrototype ObjectGetPrototypeOf(new Map()[SymbolIterator]()), SetPrototype, // 24.2 // 24.2.5 SetIteratorPrototype ObjectGetPrototypeOf(new Set()[SymbolIterator]()), WeakMapPrototype, // 24.3 WeakSetPrototype, // 24.4 // 25 Structured Data ArrayBufferPrototype, // 25.1 DataViewPrototype, // 25.3 // 26 Managing Memory WeakRefPrototype, // 26.1 FinalizationRegistryPrototype, // 26.2 // 27 Control Abstraction Objects // 27.1 Iteration IteratorPrototype, // 27.1.2 IteratorPrototype // 27.1.3 AsyncIteratorPrototype ObjectGetPrototypeOf(ObjectGetPrototypeOf(ObjectGetPrototypeOf( (async function*() {})(), ))), PromisePrototype, // 27.2 // Other APIs / Web Compatibility Console.prototype, ]; const intrinsics = [ // ThrowTypeError ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(FunctionPrototype, 'caller').get, // 19 The Global Object // 19.2 Function Properties of the Global Object // eslint-disable-next-line node-core/prefer-primordials eval, // eslint-disable-next-line node-core/prefer-primordials isFinite, // eslint-disable-next-line node-core/prefer-primordials isNaN, // eslint-disable-next-line node-core/prefer-primordials parseFloat, // eslint-disable-next-line node-core/prefer-primordials parseInt, // 19.2.6 URI Handling Functions decodeURI, decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, // 20 Fundamental Objects Object, // 20.1 Function, // 20.2 Boolean, // 20.3 Symbol, // 20.4 Error, // 20.5 AggregateError, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError, // 21 Numbers and Dates Number, // 21.1 BigInt, // 21.2 // eslint-disable-next-line node-core/prefer-primordials Math, // 21.3 Date, // 21.4 // 22 Text Processing String, // 22.1 StringIteratorPrototype, // 22.1.5 RegExp, // 22.2 // 22.2.7 RegExpStringIteratorPrototype ObjectGetPrototypeOf(/e/[SymbolMatchAll]()), // 23 Indexed Collections Array, // 23.1 ArrayIteratorPrototype, // 23.1.5 // 23.2 TypedArray TypedArray, Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array, // 24 Keyed Collections Map, // 24.1 // 24.1.5 MapIteratorPrototype ObjectGetPrototypeOf(new Map()[SymbolIterator]()), Set, // 24.2 // 24.2.5 SetIteratorPrototype ObjectGetPrototypeOf(new Set()[SymbolIterator]()), WeakMap, // 24.3 WeakSet, // 24.4 // 25 Structured Data ArrayBuffer, // 25.1 DataView, // 25.3 Atomics, // 25.4 // eslint-disable-next-line node-core/prefer-primordials JSON, // 25.5 // 26 Managing Memory WeakRef, // 26.1 FinalizationRegistry, // 26.2 // 27 Control Abstraction Objects // 27.1 Iteration ObjectGetPrototypeOf(ArrayIteratorPrototype), // 27.1.2 IteratorPrototype // 27.1.3 AsyncIteratorPrototype ObjectGetPrototypeOf(ObjectGetPrototypeOf(ObjectGetPrototypeOf( (async function*() {})(), ))), Promise, // 27.2 // 27.3 GeneratorFunction ObjectGetPrototypeOf(function* () {}), // 27.4 AsyncGeneratorFunction ObjectGetPrototypeOf(async function* () {}), // 27.7 AsyncFunction ObjectGetPrototypeOf(async function() {}), // 28 Reflection // eslint-disable-next-line node-core/prefer-primordials Reflect, // 28.1 Proxy, // 28.2 // B.2.1 escape, unescape, // Other APIs / Web Compatibility clearImmediate, clearInterval, clearTimeout, setImmediate, setInterval, setTimeout, console, ]; if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') { // 25.2 ArrayPrototypePush(intrinsicPrototypes, SharedArrayBuffer.prototype); ArrayPrototypePush(intrinsics, SharedArrayBuffer); } if (typeof WebAssembly !== 'undefined') { ArrayPrototypePush(intrinsicPrototypes, WebAssembly.Module.prototype, WebAssembly.Instance.prototype, WebAssembly.Table.prototype, WebAssembly.Memory.prototype, WebAssembly.CompileError.prototype, WebAssembly.LinkError.prototype, WebAssembly.RuntimeError.prototype, ); ArrayPrototypePush(intrinsics, WebAssembly); } if (typeof Intl !== 'undefined') { ArrayPrototypePush(intrinsicPrototypes, Intl.Collator.prototype, Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype, Intl.ListFormat.prototype, Intl.NumberFormat.prototype, Intl.PluralRules.prototype, Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.prototype, ); ArrayPrototypePush(intrinsics, Intl); } ArrayPrototypeForEach(intrinsicPrototypes, enableDerivedOverrides); const frozenSet = new WeakSet(); ArrayPrototypeForEach(intrinsics, deepFreeze); // 19.1 Value Properties of the Global Object ObjectDefineProperty(globalThis, 'globalThis', { __proto__: null, configurable: false, writable: false, value: globalThis, }); // Objects that are deeply frozen. function deepFreeze(root) { /** * "innerDeepFreeze()" acts like "Object.freeze()", except that: * * To deepFreeze an object is to freeze it and all objects transitively * reachable from it via transitive reflective property and prototype * traversal. */ function innerDeepFreeze(node) { // Objects that we have frozen in this round. const freezingSet = new SafeSet(); // If val is something we should be freezing but aren't yet, // add it to freezingSet. function enqueue(val) { if (Object(val) !== val) { // ignore primitives return; } const type = typeof val; if (type !== 'object' && type !== 'function') { // NB: handle for any new cases in future } if (frozenSet.has(val) || freezingSet.has(val)) { // TODO: Use uncurried form // Ignore if already frozen or freezing return; } freezingSet.add(val); // TODO: Use uncurried form } function doFreeze(obj) { // Immediately freeze the object to ensure reactive // objects such as proxies won't add properties // during traversal, before they get frozen. // Object are verified before being enqueued, // therefore this is a valid candidate. // Throws if this fails (strict mode). ObjectFreeze(obj); // We rely upon certain commitments of Object.freeze and proxies here // Get stable/immutable outbound links before a Proxy has a chance to do // something sneaky. const proto = ObjectGetPrototypeOf(obj); const descs = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptors(obj); enqueue(proto); ArrayPrototypeForEach(ReflectOwnKeys(descs), (name) => { const desc = descs[name]; if (ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty(desc, 'value')) { // todo uncurried form enqueue(desc.value); } else { enqueue(desc.get); enqueue(desc.set); } }); } function dequeue() { // New values added before forEach() has finished will be visited. freezingSet.forEach(doFreeze); // TODO: Curried forEach } function commit() { // TODO: Curried forEach // We capture the real WeakSet.prototype.add above, in case someone // changes it. The two-argument form of forEach passes the second // argument as the 'this' binding, so we add to the correct set. freezingSet.forEach(frozenSet.add, frozenSet); } enqueue(node); dequeue(); commit(); } innerDeepFreeze(root); return root; } /** * For a special set of properties (defined below), it ensures that the * effect of freezing does not suppress the ability to override these * properties on derived objects by simple assignment. * * Because of lack of sufficient foresight at the time, ES5 unfortunately * specified that a simple assignment to a non-existent property must fail if * it would override a non-writable data property of the same name. (In * retrospect, this was a mistake, but it is now too late and we must live * with the consequences.) As a result, simply freezing an object to make it * tamper proof has the unfortunate side effect of breaking previously correct * code that is considered to have followed JS best practices, if this * previous code used assignment to override. * * To work around this mistake, deepFreeze(), prior to freezing, replaces * selected configurable own data properties with accessor properties which * simulate what we should have specified -- that assignments to derived * objects succeed if otherwise possible. */ function enableDerivedOverride(obj, prop, desc) { if (ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty(desc, 'value') && desc.configurable) { const value = desc.value; function getter() { return value; } // Re-attach the data property on the object so // it can be found by the deep-freeze traversal process. getter.value = value; function setter(newValue) { if (obj === this) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax throw new TypeError( `Cannot assign to read only property '${prop}' of object '${obj}'`, ); } if (ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty(this, prop)) { this[prop] = newValue; } else { ObjectDefineProperty(this, prop, { __proto__: null, value: newValue, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); } } ObjectDefineProperty(obj, prop, { __proto__: null, get: getter, set: setter, enumerable: desc.enumerable, configurable: desc.configurable, }); } } function enableDerivedOverrides(obj) { if (!obj) { return; } const descs = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptors(obj); if (!descs) { return; } ArrayPrototypeForEach(ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(obj), (prop) => { return enableDerivedOverride(obj, prop, descs[prop]); }); ArrayPrototypeForEach(ObjectGetOwnPropertySymbols(obj), (prop) => { return enableDerivedOverride(obj, prop, descs[prop]); }); } };