'use strict'; const { ArrayPrototypePush, ArrayPrototypeSlice, Error, FunctionPrototype, ObjectFreeze, Proxy, ReflectApply, SafeSet, SafeWeakMap, } = primordials; const { codes: { ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, ERR_UNAVAILABLE_DURING_EXIT, }, } = require('internal/errors'); const AssertionError = require('internal/assert/assertion_error'); const { validateUint32, } = require('internal/validators'); const noop = FunctionPrototype; class CallTrackerContext { #expected; #calls; #name; #stackTrace; constructor({ expected, stackTrace, name }) { this.#calls = []; this.#expected = expected; this.#stackTrace = stackTrace; this.#name = name; } track(thisArg, args) { const argsClone = ObjectFreeze(ArrayPrototypeSlice(args)); ArrayPrototypePush(this.#calls, ObjectFreeze({ thisArg, arguments: argsClone })); } get delta() { return this.#calls.length - this.#expected; } reset() { this.#calls = []; } getCalls() { return ObjectFreeze(ArrayPrototypeSlice(this.#calls)); } report() { if (this.delta !== 0) { const message = `Expected the ${this.#name} function to be ` + `executed ${this.#expected} time(s) but was ` + `executed ${this.#calls.length} time(s).`; return { message, actual: this.#calls.length, expected: this.#expected, operator: this.#name, stack: this.#stackTrace, }; } } } class CallTracker { #callChecks = new SafeSet(); #trackedFunctions = new SafeWeakMap(); #getTrackedFunction(tracked) { if (!this.#trackedFunctions.has(tracked)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('tracked', tracked, 'is not a tracked function'); } return this.#trackedFunctions.get(tracked); } reset(tracked) { if (tracked === undefined) { this.#callChecks.forEach((check) => check.reset()); return; } this.#getTrackedFunction(tracked).reset(); } getCalls(tracked) { return this.#getTrackedFunction(tracked).getCalls(); } calls(fn, expected = 1) { if (process._exiting) throw new ERR_UNAVAILABLE_DURING_EXIT(); if (typeof fn === 'number') { expected = fn; fn = noop; } else if (fn === undefined) { fn = noop; } validateUint32(expected, 'expected', true); const context = new CallTrackerContext({ expected, // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax stackTrace: new Error(), name: fn.name || 'calls', }); const tracked = new Proxy(fn, { __proto__: null, apply(fn, thisArg, argList) { context.track(thisArg, argList); return ReflectApply(fn, thisArg, argList); }, }); this.#callChecks.add(context); this.#trackedFunctions.set(tracked, context); return tracked; } report() { const errors = []; for (const context of this.#callChecks) { const message = context.report(); if (message !== undefined) { ArrayPrototypePush(errors, message); } } return errors; } verify() { const errors = this.report(); if (errors.length === 0) { return; } const message = errors.length === 1 ? errors[0].message : 'Functions were not called the expected number of times'; throw new AssertionError({ message, details: errors, }); } } module.exports = CallTracker;