Added additional benchmarks, alphabetized list, noted ones proposed but not yet working.

dr2chase 2017-09-22 10:42:31 -04:00
parent d214e556e7
commit df9c2b2570

@ -17,25 +17,36 @@ Information for each benchmark includes (or should include):
| short name | notes | go get path | benchmark regexp | contact |
| ---------- | ----- | ----------- | ---------------- | ------- |
| eolian_dsp | | `` | `Benchmark` | |
| ethereum_bitutil | | `` | `Benchmark(BaseTest2KB\|FastTest2KB\|Encoding4KBVerySparse)` | |
| ethereum_storage | | `` | `BenchmarkJoin_8` | |
| ethereum_ethash | | `` | `BenchmarkHashimotoLight` | |
| ethereum_core | | `` | `BenchmarkChainRead_full_10k` | |
| ethereum_sha3 | | `` | `BenchmarkSha3_224_MTU` | |
| ethereum_ecies | | `` | `BenchmarkGenSharedKeyP256` | |
| ethereum_corevm | | `` | `BenchmarkOpDiv128` | |
| ethereum_trie | | `` | `Benchmark` | |
| eolian_dsp | | `` | `Benchmark` | |
| spexs2 | | `` | `BenchmarkRun/10k/1` | |
| minio | | `` | `BenchmarkGetObject5MbFS` | |
| ethereum_ecies | | `` | `BenchmarkGenSharedKeyP256` | |
| ethereum_ethash | | `` | `BenchmarkHashimotoLight` | |
| ethereum_sha3 | | `` | `BenchmarkSha3_224_MTU` | |
| ethereum_storage | | `` | `BenchmarkJoin_8` | |
| gonum_blas_native | | `` | `Benchmark(DasumMediumUnitaryInc\|Dnrm2MediumPosInc)` | |
| gonum_community | | `` | `BenchmarkLouvainDirectedMultiplex` | |
| gonum_lapack_native | | `` | `BenchmarkDgeev/Circulant10` | |
| gonum_mat | | `` | `Benchmark(MulWorkspaceDense1000Hundredth\|ScaleVec10000Inc20)` | |
| semver | | `` | `BenchmarkValidateVersionTildeFail` | |
| gonum_path | | `` | `Benchmark(AStarUndirectedmallWorld_10_2_2_2_Heur\|Dominators/nested_if_n256)` | |
| gonum_topo | | `` | `Benchmark(TarjanSCCGnp_1000_half\|TarjanSCCGnp_10_tenth)` | |
| gonum_traverse | | `` | `BenchmarkWalkAllBreadthFirstGnp_(10\|1000)_tenth` | |
| hugo_helpers | | `` | `Benchmark(StripHTML\|ReaderContains)` | |
| hugo_hugolib | | `` | `BenchmarkParsePage` | |
| hugo_hugolib_sitebuilding | | `` | `BenchmarkSiteBuilding/YAML,num_pages=10,num_tags=10,tags_per_page=20,shortcodes,render-12` | |
| k8s_api | | `` | `BenchmarkEncodeCodecFromInternalProtobuf` | |
| k8s_schedulercache | | `` | `BenchmarkList1kNodes30kPods` | |
| uber_zap | needs thinning | `` | `Benchmark` | |
| uuid | needs thinning | `` | `Benchmark` | |
| minio | | `` | `BenchmarkGetObject5MbFS` | |
| semver | | `` | `BenchmarkValidateVersionTildeFail` | |
| spexs2 | | `` | `BenchmarkRun/10k/1` | |
| uuid | | `` | `Benchmark(NewV5\|MarshalToString)` | |
A few have been proposed but have so far failed to make the cut (for fetch, build, or noise problems):
| short name | notes | go get path | benchmark regexp | contact |
| ---------- | ----- | ----------- | ---------------- | ------- |
| ethereum_trie | | `` | `Benchmark` | |
| ethereum_whisperv5 | | `` | `Benchmark` | |
| kanzi | | `` | `Benchmark` | |
| uber_zap | | `` | `Benchmark` | |