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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// This module is browser compatible.
* Returns a new array that drops all elements in the given collection until the
* last element that does not match the given predicate.
* @typeParam T The type of the elements in the input array.
* @param array The array to drop elements from.
* @param predicate The function to test each element for a condition.
* @returns A new array that drops all elements until the last element that does
* not match the given predicate.
* @example Basic usage
* ```ts
* import { dropLastWhile } from "@std/collections/drop-last-while";
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/assert-equals";
* const numbers = [11, 42, 55, 20, 33, 44];
* const notFortyFour = dropLastWhile(numbers, (number) => number > 30);
* assertEquals(notFortyFour, [11, 42, 55, 20]);
* ```
export function dropLastWhile<T>(
array: readonly T[],
predicate: (el: T) => boolean,
): T[] {
let offset = array.length;
while (0 < offset && predicate(array[offset - 1] as T)) offset--;
return array.slice(0, offset);