IgorM867 6cc4f9fc44
feat(testing/unstable): support for stubbing properties (#6128)
Co-authored-by: Yoshiya Hinosawa <>
2024-10-31 20:54:32 +09:00

284 lines
7.6 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { isSpy, registerMock, unregisterMock } from "./_mock_utils.ts";
import {
type GetParametersFromProp,
type GetReturnFromProp,
type MethodSpy,
type Spy,
type SpyCall,
} from "./mock.ts";
/** An instance method replacement that records all calls made to it. */
export interface Stub<
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
Self = any,
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
Args extends unknown[] = any[],
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
Return = any,
> extends MethodSpy<Self, Args, Return> {
/** The function that is used instead of the original. */
fake: (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return;
* Replaces an instance method with a Stub with empty implementation.
* @example Usage
* ```ts
* import { assertSpyCalls } from "@std/testing/mock";
* import { stub } from "@std/testing/unstable-stub";
* const obj = {
* method() {
* // some inconventient feature for testing
* },
* };
* const methodStub = stub(obj, "method");
* for (const _ of Array(5)) {
* obj.method();
* }
* assertSpyCalls(methodStub, 5);
* ```
* @typeParam Self The self type of the instance to replace a method of.
* @typeParam Prop The property of the instance to replace.
* @param self The instance to replace a method of.
* @param property The property of the instance to replace.
* @returns The stub function which replaced the original.
export function stub<
Prop extends keyof Self,
self: Self,
property: Prop,
): Stub<Self, GetParametersFromProp<Self, Prop>, GetReturnFromProp<Self, Prop>>;
* Replaces an instance method with a Stub with the given implementation.
* @example Usage
* ```ts
* import { stub } from "@std/testing/unstable-stub";
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert";
* const obj = {
* method(): number {
* return Math.random();
* },
* };
* const methodStub = stub(obj, "method", () => 0.5);
* assertEquals(obj.method(), 0.5);
* ```
* @typeParam Self The self type of the instance to replace a method of.
* @typeParam Prop The property of the instance to replace.
* @param self The instance to replace a method of.
* @param property The property of the instance to replace.
* @param func The fake implementation of the function.
* @returns The stub function which replaced the original.
export function stub<
Prop extends keyof Self,
self: Self,
property: Prop,
func: (
this: Self,
...args: GetParametersFromProp<Self, Prop>
) => GetReturnFromProp<Self, Prop>,
): Stub<Self, GetParametersFromProp<Self, Prop>, GetReturnFromProp<Self, Prop>>;
* Replaces an instance property setter or getter with a Stub with the given implementation.
* @example Usage
* ```ts
* import { assertSpyCalls } from "@std/testing/mock";
* import { stub } from "@std/testing/unstable-stub";
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert";
* const obj = {
* prop: "foo",
* };
* const getterStub = stub(obj, "prop", {
* get: function () {
* return "bar";
* },
* });
* assertEquals(obj.prop, "bar");
* assertSpyCalls(getterStub.get, 1);
* ```
* @typeParam Self The self type of the instance to replace a method of.
* @typeParam Prop The property of the instance to replace.
* @param self The instance to replace a method of.
* @param property The property of the instance to replace.
* @param descriptor The javascript property descriptor with fake implementation of the getter and setter.
* @returns The stub with get and set properties which are spys of the setter and getter.
export function stub<Self, Prop extends keyof Self>(
self: Self,
property: Prop,
descriptor: Omit<PropertyDescriptor, "configurable">,
& Stub<
GetParametersFromProp<Self, Prop>,
GetReturnFromProp<Self, Prop>
& {
get: Spy<
GetParametersFromProp<Self, Prop>,
GetReturnFromProp<Self, Prop>
set: Spy<
GetParametersFromProp<Self, Prop>,
GetReturnFromProp<Self, Prop>
export function stub<Self, Args extends unknown[], Return>(
self: Self,
property: keyof Self,
| ((this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return)
| Omit<PropertyDescriptor, "configurable">,
): Stub<Self, Args, Return> {
if (
self[property] !== undefined &&
typeof self[property] !== "function" &&
(descriptorOrFunction === undefined ||
typeof descriptorOrFunction === "function")
) {
throw new MockError("Cannot stub: property is not an instance method");
if (isSpy(self[property])) {
throw new MockError("Cannot stub: already spying on instance method");
if (
descriptorOrFunction !== undefined &&
typeof descriptorOrFunction !== "function" &&
descriptorOrFunction.get === undefined &&
descriptorOrFunction.set === undefined
) {
throw new MockError(
"Cannot stub: neither setter nor getter is defined",
const propertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(self, property);
if (propertyDescriptor && !propertyDescriptor.configurable) {
throw new MockError("Cannot stub: non-configurable instance method");
const fake =
descriptorOrFunction && typeof descriptorOrFunction === "function"
? descriptorOrFunction
: ((() => {}) as (this: Self, ...args: Args) => Return);
const original = self[property] as unknown as (
this: Self,
...args: Args
) => Return;
const calls: SpyCall<Self, Args, Return>[] = [];
let restored = false;
const stub = function (this: Self, ...args: Args): Return {
const call: SpyCall<Self, Args, Return> = { args };
if (this) call.self = this;
try {
call.returned = fake.apply(this, args);
} catch (error) {
call.error = error as Error;
throw error;
return call.returned;
} as Stub<Self, Args, Return>;
Object.defineProperties(stub, {
original: {
enumerable: true,
value: original,
fake: {
enumerable: true,
value: fake,
calls: {
enumerable: true,
value: calls,
restored: {
enumerable: true,
get: () => restored,
restore: {
enumerable: true,
value: () => {
if (restored) {
throw new MockError(
"Cannot restore: instance method already restored",
if (propertyDescriptor) {
Object.defineProperty(self, property, propertyDescriptor);
} else {
delete self[property];
restored = true;
[Symbol.dispose]: {
value: () => {
if (descriptorOrFunction && typeof descriptorOrFunction !== "function") {
const getterSpy = descriptorOrFunction.get
? spy(descriptorOrFunction.get)
: undefined;
const setterSpy = descriptorOrFunction.set
? spy(descriptorOrFunction.set)
: undefined;
Object.defineProperty(self, property, {
configurable: true,
enumerable: propertyDescriptor?.enumerable ?? false,
get: getterSpy!,
set: setterSpy!,
Object.defineProperty(stub, "get", {
value: getterSpy,
enumerable: true,
Object.defineProperty(stub, "set", {
value: setterSpy,
enumerable: true,
} else {
Object.defineProperty(self, property, {
configurable: true,
enumerable: propertyDescriptor?.enumerable ?? false,
writable: propertyDescriptor?.writable ?? false,
value: stub,
return stub;