Parsa Yazdani c0427a02bb
refactor(fs): fix uncaught errors in browsers (#6135)
Co-authored-by: Yoshiya Hinosawa <>
2024-10-24 14:44:27 +09:00

537 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { type GlobOptions, globToRegExp } from "@std/path/glob-to-regexp";
import { joinGlobs } from "@std/path/join-globs";
import { isGlob } from "@std/path/is-glob";
import { isAbsolute } from "@std/path/is-absolute";
import { resolve } from "@std/path/resolve";
import { SEPARATOR_PATTERN } from "@std/path/constants";
import { walk, walkSync } from "./walk.ts";
import { toPathString } from "./_to_path_string.ts";
import {
type WalkEntry,
} from "./_create_walk_entry.ts";
export type { GlobOptions, WalkEntry };
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
const isWindows = (globalThis as any).Deno?.build.os === "windows";
/** Options for {@linkcode expandGlob} and {@linkcode expandGlobSync}. */
export interface ExpandGlobOptions extends Omit<GlobOptions, "os"> {
* File path where to expand from.
* @default {Deno.cwd()}
root?: string;
* List of glob patterns to be excluded from the expansion.
* @default {[]}
exclude?: string[];
* Whether to include directories in entries.
* @default {true}
includeDirs?: boolean;
* Whether to follow symbolic links.
* @default {false}
followSymlinks?: boolean;
* Indicates whether the followed symlink's path should be canonicalized.
* This option works only if `followSymlinks` is not `false`.
* @default {true}
canonicalize?: boolean;
interface SplitPath {
segments: string[];
isAbsolute: boolean;
hasTrailingSep: boolean;
// Defined for any absolute Windows path.
winRoot?: string;
function split(path: string): SplitPath {
const s = SEPARATOR_PATTERN.source;
const segments = path
.replace(new RegExp(`^${s}|${s}$`, "g"), "")
const isAbsolute_ = isAbsolute(path);
const split: SplitPath = {
isAbsolute: isAbsolute_,
hasTrailingSep: path.match(new RegExp(`${s}$`)) !== null,
if (isWindows && isAbsolute_) {
split.winRoot = segments.shift()!;
return split;
function throwUnlessNotFound(error: unknown) {
if (!(error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) {
throw error;
function comparePath(a: WalkEntry, b: WalkEntry): number {
if (a.path < b.path) return -1;
if (a.path > b.path) return 1;
return 0;
* Returns an async iterator that yields each file path matching the given glob
* pattern.
* The file paths are absolute paths. If `root` is not provided, the current
* working directory is used. The `root` directory is not included in the
* yielded file paths.
* Requires `--allow-read` permission.
* @see {@link}
* for more information on Deno's permissions system.
* @param glob The glob pattern to expand.
* @param options Additional options for the expansion.
* @returns An async iterator that yields each walk entry matching the glob
* pattern.
* @example Basic usage
* File structure:
* ```
* folder
* ├── script.ts
* └── foo.ts
* ```
* ```ts ignore
* // script.ts
* import { expandGlob } from "@std/fs/expand-glob";
* await Array.fromAsync(expandGlob("*.ts"));
* // [
* // {
* // path: "/Users/user/folder/script.ts",
* // name: "script.ts",
* // isFile: true,
* // isDirectory: false,
* // isSymlink: false,
* // },
* // {
* // path: "/Users/user/folder/foo.ts",
* // name: "foo.ts",
* // isFile: true,
* // isDirectory: false,
* // isSymlink: false,
* // },
* // ]
* ```
* @example Define root directory
* Setting the `root` option to `/folder` will expand the glob pattern from the
* `/folder` directory.
* File structure:
* ```
* folder
* ├── subdir
* │ └── bar.ts
* ├── script.ts
* └── foo.ts
* ```
* ```ts ignore
* // script.ts
* import { expandGlob } from "@std/fs/expand-glob";
* await Array.fromAsync(expandGlob("*.ts", { root: "./subdir" }));
* // [
* // {
* // path: "/Users/user/folder/subdir/bar.ts",
* // name: "bar.ts",
* // isFile: true,
* // isDirectory: false,
* // isSymlink: false,
* // },
* // ]
* ```
* @example Exclude files
* Setting the `exclude` option to `["foo.ts"]` will exclude the `foo.ts` file
* from the expansion.
* File structure:
* ```
* folder
* ├── script.ts
* └── foo.ts
* ```
* ```ts ignore
* // script.ts
* import { expandGlob } from "@std/fs/expand-glob";
* await Array.fromAsync(expandGlob("*.ts", { exclude: ["foo.ts"] }));
* // [
* // {
* // path: "/Users/user/folder/script.ts",
* // name: "true.ts",
* // isFile: false,
* // isDirectory: false,
* // isSymlink: false,
* // },
* // ]
* ```
* @example Exclude directories
* Setting the `includeDirs` option to `false` will exclude directories from the
* expansion.
* File structure:
* ```
* folder
* ├── subdir
* │ └── bar.ts
* ├── script.ts
* └── foo.ts
* ```
* ```ts ignore
* // script.ts
* import { expandGlob } from "@std/fs/expand-glob";
* await Array.fromAsync(expandGlob("*", { includeDirs: false }));
* // [
* // {
* // path: "/Users/user/folder/script.ts",
* // name: "script.ts",
* // isFile: true,
* // isDirectory: false,
* // isSymlink: false,
* // },
* // {
* // path: "/Users/user/folder/foo.ts",
* // name: "foo.ts",
* // isFile: true,
* // isDirectory: false,
* // isSymlink: false,
* // },
* // ]
* ```
* @example Follow symbolic links
* Setting the `followSymlinks` option to `true` will follow symbolic links.
* File structure:
* ```
* folder
* ├── script.ts
* └── link.ts -> script.ts (symbolic link)
* ```
* ```ts ignore
* // script.ts
* import { expandGlob } from "@std/fs/expand-glob";
* await Array.fromAsync(expandGlob("*.ts", { followSymlinks: true }));
* // [
* // {
* // path: "/Users/user/folder/script.ts",
* // name: "script.ts",
* // isFile: true,
* // isDirectory: false,
* // isSymlink: false,
* // },
* // {
* // path: "/Users/user/folder/symlink",
* // name: "symlink",
* // isFile: true,
* // isDirectory: false,
* // isSymlink: true,
* // },
* // ]
* ```
export async function* expandGlob(
glob: string | URL,
options?: ExpandGlobOptions,
): AsyncIterableIterator<WalkEntry> {
let {
exclude = [],
includeDirs = true,
extended = true,
globstar = true,
caseInsensitive = false,
followSymlinks = false,
canonicalize = true,
} = options ?? {};
const {
isAbsolute: isGlobAbsolute,
} = split(toPathString(glob));
root ??= isGlobAbsolute ? winRoot ?? "/" : Deno.cwd();
const globOptions: GlobOptions = { extended, globstar, caseInsensitive };
const absRoot = isGlobAbsolute ? root : resolve(root!); // root is always string here
const resolveFromRoot = (path: string): string => resolve(absRoot, path);
const excludePatterns = exclude
.map((s: string): RegExp => globToRegExp(s, globOptions));
const shouldInclude = (path: string): boolean =>
!excludePatterns.some((p: RegExp): boolean => !!path.match(p));
let fixedRoot = isGlobAbsolute ? winRoot ?? "/" : absRoot;
while (segments.length > 0 && !isGlob(segments[0]!)) {
const seg = segments.shift()!;
fixedRoot = joinGlobs([fixedRoot, seg], globOptions);
let fixedRootInfo: WalkEntry;
try {
fixedRootInfo = await createWalkEntry(fixedRoot);
} catch (error) {
return throwUnlessNotFound(error);
async function* advanceMatch(
walkInfo: WalkEntry,
globSegment: string,
): AsyncIterableIterator<WalkEntry> {
if (!walkInfo.isDirectory) {
} else if (globSegment === "..") {
const parentPath = joinGlobs([walkInfo.path, ".."], globOptions);
if (shouldInclude(parentPath)) {
return yield await createWalkEntry(parentPath);
} else if (globSegment === "**") {
return yield* walk(walkInfo.path, {
skip: excludePatterns,
maxDepth: globstar ? Infinity : 1,
const globPattern = globToRegExp(globSegment, globOptions);
for await (
const walkEntry of walk(walkInfo.path, {
maxDepth: 1,
skip: excludePatterns,
) {
if (
walkEntry.path !== walkInfo.path &&
) {
yield walkEntry;
let currentMatches: WalkEntry[] = [fixedRootInfo];
for (const segment of segments) {
// Advancing the list of current matches may introduce duplicates, so we
// pass everything through this Map.
const nextMatchMap: Map<string, WalkEntry> = new Map();
await Promise.all( (currentMatch) => {
for await (const nextMatch of advanceMatch(currentMatch, segment)) {
nextMatchMap.set(nextMatch.path, nextMatch);
currentMatches = [...nextMatchMap.values()].sort(comparePath);
if (hasTrailingSep) {
currentMatches = currentMatches.filter(
(entry: WalkEntry): boolean => entry.isDirectory,
if (!includeDirs) {
currentMatches = currentMatches.filter(
(entry: WalkEntry): boolean => !entry.isDirectory,
yield* currentMatches;
* Returns an iterator that yields each file path matching the given glob
* pattern. The file paths are relative to the provided `root` directory.
* If `root` is not provided, the current working directory is used.
* The `root` directory is not included in the yielded file paths.
* Requires the `--allow-read` flag.
* @see {@link}
* for more information on Deno's permissions system.
* @param glob The glob pattern to expand.
* @param options Additional options for the expansion.
* @returns An iterator that yields each walk entry matching the glob pattern.
* @example Usage
* File structure:
* ```
* folder
* ├── script.ts
* └── foo.ts
* ```
* ```ts ignore
* // script.ts
* import { expandGlobSync } from "@std/fs/expand-glob";
* const entries = [];
* for (const entry of expandGlobSync("*.ts")) {
* entries.push(entry);
* }
* entries[0]!.path; // "/Users/user/folder/script.ts"
* entries[0]!.name; // "script.ts"
* entries[0]!.isFile; // false
* entries[0]!.isDirectory; // true
* entries[0]!.isSymlink; // false
* entries[1]!.path; // "/Users/user/folder/foo.ts"
* entries[1]!.name; // "foo.ts"
* entries[1]!.isFile; // true
* entries[1]!.isDirectory; // false
* entries[1]!.isSymlink; // false
* ```
export function* expandGlobSync(
glob: string | URL,
options?: ExpandGlobOptions,
): IterableIterator<WalkEntry> {
let {
exclude = [],
includeDirs = true,
extended = true,
globstar = true,
caseInsensitive = false,
followSymlinks = false,
canonicalize = true,
} = options ?? {};
const {
isAbsolute: isGlobAbsolute,
} = split(toPathString(glob));
root ??= isGlobAbsolute ? winRoot ?? "/" : Deno.cwd();
const globOptions: GlobOptions = { extended, globstar, caseInsensitive };
const absRoot = isGlobAbsolute ? root : resolve(root!); // root is always string here
const resolveFromRoot = (path: string): string => resolve(absRoot, path);
const excludePatterns = exclude
.map((s: string): RegExp => globToRegExp(s, globOptions));
const shouldInclude = (path: string): boolean =>
!excludePatterns.some((p: RegExp): boolean => !!path.match(p));
let fixedRoot = isGlobAbsolute ? winRoot ?? "/" : absRoot;
while (segments.length > 0 && !isGlob(segments[0]!)) {
const seg = segments.shift()!;
fixedRoot = joinGlobs([fixedRoot, seg], globOptions);
let fixedRootInfo: WalkEntry;
try {
fixedRootInfo = createWalkEntrySync(fixedRoot);
} catch (error) {
return throwUnlessNotFound(error);
function* advanceMatch(
walkInfo: WalkEntry,
globSegment: string,
): IterableIterator<WalkEntry> {
if (!walkInfo.isDirectory) {
} else if (globSegment === "..") {
const parentPath = joinGlobs([walkInfo.path, ".."], globOptions);
if (shouldInclude(parentPath)) {
return yield createWalkEntrySync(parentPath);
} else if (globSegment === "**") {
return yield* walkSync(walkInfo.path, {
skip: excludePatterns,
maxDepth: globstar ? Infinity : 1,
const globPattern = globToRegExp(globSegment, globOptions);
for (
const walkEntry of walkSync(walkInfo.path, {
maxDepth: 1,
skip: excludePatterns,
) {
if (
walkEntry.path !== walkInfo.path &&
) {
yield walkEntry;
let currentMatches: WalkEntry[] = [fixedRootInfo];
for (const segment of segments) {
// Advancing the list of current matches may introduce duplicates, so we
// pass everything through this Map.
const nextMatchMap: Map<string, WalkEntry> = new Map();
for (const currentMatch of currentMatches) {
for (const nextMatch of advanceMatch(currentMatch, segment)) {
nextMatchMap.set(nextMatch.path, nextMatch);
currentMatches = [...nextMatchMap.values()].sort(comparePath);
if (hasTrailingSep) {
currentMatches = currentMatches.filter(
(entry: WalkEntry): boolean => entry.isDirectory,
if (!includeDirs) {
currentMatches = currentMatches.filter(
(entry: WalkEntry): boolean => !entry.isDirectory,
yield* currentMatches;