// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from "@std/assert"; import { decodeBase58, encodeBase58 } from "./base58.ts"; const testSetString = [ ["", ""], ["f", "2m"], ["ß", "FtS"], ["fo", "8o8"], ["foo", "bQbp"], ["foob", "3csAg9"], ["fooba", "CZJRhmz"], ["foobar", "t1Zv2yaZ"], ["Hello World!", "2NEpo7TZRRrLZSi2U"], [new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 40, 127, 180, 205]), "111233QC4"], [new Uint8Array([10, 0, 10]), "4MpV"], [ // deno-fmt-ignore new Uint8Array([ 2, 212, 53, 147, 199, 21, 253, 211, 28, 97, 20, 26, 189, 4, 169, 159, 214, 130, 44, 133, 88, 133, 76, 205, 227, 154, 86, 132, 231, 165, 109, 162, 125, 137, 84 ]), "HNZata7iMYWmk5RvZRTiAsSDhV8366zq2YGb3tLH5Upf74F", ], ] as const; const testSetBinary = testSetString.map(([data, b58]) => { if (typeof data === "string") { return [ new TextEncoder().encode(data), b58, ]; } return [data, b58]; }) as Array<[Uint8Array, string]>; Deno.test("encodeBase58() encodes string", () => { for (const [input, output] of testSetString) { assertEquals(encodeBase58(input), output); } }); Deno.test("encodeBase58() encodes binary", () => { for (const [input, output] of testSetBinary) { assertEquals(encodeBase58(input), output); } }); Deno.test("encodeBase58() encodes binary buffer", () => { for (const [input, output] of testSetBinary) { assertEquals(encodeBase58(input.buffer), output); } }); Deno.test("decodeBase58() decodes binary", () => { for (const [input, output] of testSetBinary) { const outputBinary = decodeBase58(output); assertEquals(outputBinary, input); } }); Deno.test("decodeBase58() throws on invalid input", () => { assertThrows( () => decodeBase58("+2NEpo7TZRRrLZSi2U"), TypeError, `Invalid base58 char at index 0 with value +`, ); });