// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { delay } from "@std/async/delay"; import { assertEquals, AssertionError, assertNotEquals, assertRejects, assertThrows, } from "@std/assert"; import { assertSpyCall, assertSpyCallArg, assertSpyCallArgs, assertSpyCallAsync, assertSpyCalls, type ExpectedSpyCall, type MethodSpy, MockError, mockSession, mockSessionAsync, resolvesNext, restore, returnsArg, returnsArgs, returnsNext, returnsThis, type Spy, spy, type Stub, stub, } from "./mock.ts"; import { Point, type PointWithExtra, stringifyPoint } from "./_test_utils.ts"; Deno.test("spy()", () => { const func = spy(); assertSpyCalls(func, 0); assertEquals(func(), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: undefined, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1); assertEquals(func("x"), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: undefined, args: ["x"], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2); assertEquals(func({ x: 3 }), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 2, { self: undefined, args: [{ x: 3 }], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 3); assertEquals(func(3, 5, 7), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 3, { self: undefined, args: [3, 5, 7], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 4); const point: Point = new Point(2, 3); assertEquals(func(Point, stringifyPoint, point), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 4, { self: undefined, args: [Point, stringifyPoint, point], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 5); assertEquals(func.restored, false); assertThrows( () => func.restore(), MockError, "Cannot restore: function cannot be restored", ); assertEquals(func.restored, false); }); Deno.test("spy() works on function", () => { const func = spy((value) => value); assertSpyCalls(func, 0); assertEquals(func(undefined), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: undefined, args: [undefined], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1); assertEquals(func("x"), "x"); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: undefined, args: ["x"], returned: "x", }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2); assertEquals(func({ x: 3 }), { x: 3 }); assertSpyCall(func, 2, { self: undefined, args: [{ x: 3 }], returned: { x: 3 }, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 3); const point = new Point(2, 3); assertEquals(func(point), point); assertSpyCall(func, 3, { self: undefined, args: [point], returned: point, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 4); assertEquals(func.restored, false); assertThrows( () => func.restore(), MockError, "Cannot restore: function cannot be restored", ); assertEquals(func.restored, false); // Check if the returned type is correct: const explicitTypesSpy = spy(point, "explicitTypes"); assertThrows(() => { assertSpyCall(explicitTypesSpy, 0, { // @ts-expect-error Test if passing incorrect argument types causes an error args: ["not a number", "string"], // @ts-expect-error Test if passing incorrect return type causes an error returned: "not a boolean", }); }); // Calling assertSpyCall with the correct types should not cause any type errors: point.explicitTypes(1, "hello"); assertSpyCall(explicitTypesSpy, 0, { args: [1, "hello"], returned: true, }); }); Deno.test("spy() works on instance method", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const func = spy(point, "action"); assertSpyCalls(func, 0); assertEquals(func.call(point), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: point, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1); assertEquals(point.action(), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: point, args: [] }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2); assertEquals(func.call(point, "x"), "x"); assertSpyCall(func, 2, { self: point, args: ["x"], returned: "x", }); assertSpyCalls(func, 3); assertEquals(point.action("x"), "x"); assertSpyCall(func, 3, { self: point, args: ["x"], returned: "x", }); assertSpyCalls(func, 4); assertEquals(func.call(point, { x: 3 }), { x: 3 }); assertSpyCall(func, 4, { self: point, args: [{ x: 3 }], returned: { x: 3 }, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 5); assertEquals(point.action({ x: 3 }), { x: 3 }); assertSpyCall(func, 5, { self: point, args: [{ x: 3 }], returned: { x: 3 }, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 6); assertEquals(func.call(point, 3, 5, 7), 3); assertSpyCall(func, 6, { self: point, args: [3, 5, 7], returned: 3, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 7); assertEquals(point.action(3, 5, 7), 3); assertSpyCall(func, 7, { self: point, args: [3, 5, 7], returned: 3, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 8); assertEquals(func.call(point, Point, stringifyPoint, point), Point); assertSpyCall(func, 8, { self: point, args: [Point, stringifyPoint, point], returned: Point, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 9); assertEquals(point.action(Point, stringifyPoint, point), Point); assertSpyCall(func, 9, { self: point, args: [Point, stringifyPoint, point], returned: Point, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 10); assertNotEquals(func, Point.prototype.action); assertEquals(point.action, func); assertEquals(func.restored, false); func.restore(); assertEquals(func.restored, true); assertEquals(point.action, Point.prototype.action); assertThrows( () => func.restore(), MockError, "Cannot restore: instance method already restored", ); assertEquals(func.restored, true); }); Deno.test("spy() works on instance method symbol", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const func = spy(point, Symbol.iterator); assertSpyCalls(func, 0); const values: number[] = []; for (const value of point) { values.push(value); } assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: point, args: [], }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1); assertEquals(values, [2, 3]); assertEquals([...point], [2, 3]); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: point, args: [], }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2); assertNotEquals(func, Point.prototype[Symbol.iterator]); assertEquals(point[Symbol.iterator], func); assertEquals(func.restored, false); func.restore(); assertEquals(func.restored, true); assertEquals(point[Symbol.iterator], Point.prototype[Symbol.iterator]); assertThrows( () => func.restore(), MockError, "Cannot restore: instance method already restored", ); assertEquals(func.restored, true); }); Deno.test("spy() works on instance method property descriptor", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const actionDescriptor: PropertyDescriptor = { configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: false, value: function (...args: unknown[]) { return args[1]; }, }; Object.defineProperty(point, "action", actionDescriptor); const action = spy(point, "action"); assertSpyCalls(action, 0); assertEquals(action.call(point), undefined); assertSpyCall(action, 0, { self: point, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(action, 1); assertEquals(point.action(), undefined); assertSpyCall(action, 1, { self: point, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(action, 2); assertEquals(action.call(point, "x", "y"), "y"); assertSpyCall(action, 2, { self: point, args: ["x", "y"], returned: "y", }); assertSpyCalls(action, 3); assertEquals(point.action("x", "y"), "y"); assertSpyCall(action, 3, { self: point, args: ["x", "y"], returned: "y", }); assertSpyCalls(action, 4); assertNotEquals(action, actionDescriptor.value); assertEquals(point.action, action); assertEquals(action.restored, false); action.restore(); assertEquals(action.restored, true); assertEquals(point.action, actionDescriptor.value); assertEquals( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(point, "action"), actionDescriptor, ); assertThrows( () => action.restore(), MockError, "Cannot restore: instance method already restored", ); assertEquals(action.restored, true); }); Deno.test("spy() supports explicit resource management", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); let funcRef: MethodSpy | null = null; { using func = spy(point, "action"); funcRef = func; assertSpyCalls(func, 0); assertEquals(func.call(point), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: point, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1); assertEquals(point.action(), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: point, args: [] }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2); assertEquals(func.call(point, "x"), "x"); assertSpyCall(func, 2, { self: point, args: ["x"], returned: "x", }); assertSpyCalls(func, 3); assertEquals(point.action("x"), "x"); assertSpyCall(func, 3, { self: point, args: ["x"], returned: "x", }); assertSpyCalls(func, 4); assertEquals(func.call(point, { x: 3 }), { x: 3 }); assertSpyCall(func, 4, { self: point, args: [{ x: 3 }], returned: { x: 3 }, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 5); assertEquals(point.action({ x: 3 }), { x: 3 }); assertSpyCall(func, 5, { self: point, args: [{ x: 3 }], returned: { x: 3 }, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 6); assertEquals(func.call(point, 3, 5, 7), 3); assertSpyCall(func, 6, { self: point, args: [3, 5, 7], returned: 3, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 7); assertEquals(point.action(3, 5, 7), 3); assertSpyCall(func, 7, { self: point, args: [3, 5, 7], returned: 3, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 8); assertEquals(func.call(point, Point, stringifyPoint, point), Point); assertSpyCall(func, 8, { self: point, args: [Point, stringifyPoint, point], returned: Point, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 9); assertEquals(point.action(Point, stringifyPoint, point), Point); assertSpyCall(func, 9, { self: point, args: [Point, stringifyPoint, point], returned: Point, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 10); assertNotEquals(func, Point.prototype.action); assertEquals(point.action, func); assertEquals(func.restored, false); } if (funcRef) { assertEquals(funcRef.restored, true); assertEquals(point.action, Point.prototype.action); assertThrows( () => { if (funcRef) funcRef.restore(); }, MockError, "Cannot restore: instance method already restored", ); assertEquals(funcRef.restored, true); } }); Deno.test("spy() works on constructor", () => { const PointSpy = spy(Point); assertSpyCalls(PointSpy, 0); const point = new PointSpy(2, 3); assertEquals(point.x, 2); assertEquals(point.y, 3); assertEquals(point.action(), undefined); assertSpyCall(PointSpy, 0, { self: undefined, args: [2, 3], returned: point, }); assertSpyCallArg(PointSpy, 0, 0, 2); assertSpyCallArgs(PointSpy, 0, 0, 1, [2]); assertSpyCalls(PointSpy, 1); new PointSpy(3, 5); assertSpyCall(PointSpy, 1, { self: undefined, args: [3, 5], }); assertSpyCalls(PointSpy, 2); assertThrows( () => PointSpy.restore(), MockError, "Cannot restore: constructor cannot be restored", ); }); Deno.test("spy() works on constructor of child class", () => { const PointSpy = spy(Point); const PointSpyChild = class extends PointSpy { override action() { return 1; } }; const point = new PointSpyChild(2, 3); assertEquals(point.x, 2); assertEquals(point.y, 3); assertEquals(point.action(), 1); assertSpyCall(PointSpyChild, 0, { self: undefined, args: [2, 3], returned: point, }); assertSpyCalls(PointSpyChild, 1); assertSpyCall(PointSpy, 0, { self: undefined, args: [2, 3], returned: point, }); assertSpyCalls(PointSpy, 1); }); Deno.test("spy() works on constructor that throws an error", () => { class Foo { constructor() { throw new Error("foo"); } } const FooSpy = spy(Foo); assertThrows(() => new FooSpy(), Error, "foo"); assertSpyCall(FooSpy, 0, { self: undefined, args: [], error: { Class: Error, msgIncludes: "foo" }, }); }); Deno.test("spy() works with throwing method", () => { const obj = { fn() { throw new Error("failed"); }, }; const spyFn = spy(obj, "fn"); assertThrows(() => obj.fn(), Error, "failed"); assertSpyCall(spyFn, 0, { self: obj, args: [], error: { Class: Error, msgIncludes: "failed" }, }); }); Deno.test("spy() throws when try spying already spied method", () => { const obj = { fn() {} }; spy(obj, "fn"); assertThrows( () => spy(obj, "fn"), MockError, "Cannot spy: already spying on instance method", ); }); Deno.test("spy() throws when the property is not a method", () => { const obj = {}; assertThrows( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any () => spy(obj as any, "fn"), MockError, "Cannot spy: property is not an instance method", ); }); Deno.test("spy() throws when the property is not configurable", () => { const obj = { fn() {} }; Object.defineProperty(obj, "fn", { configurable: false }); assertThrows( () => spy(obj, "fn"), MockError, "Cannot spy: non-configurable instance method", ); }); Deno.test("stub()", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const func = stub(point, "action"); assertSpyCalls(func, 0); assertEquals(func.call(point), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: point, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1); assertEquals(point.action(), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: point, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2); assertEquals(func.original, Point.prototype.action); assertEquals(point.action, func); assertEquals(func.restored, false); func.restore(); assertEquals(func.restored, true); assertEquals(point.action, Point.prototype.action); assertThrows( () => func.restore(), MockError, "Cannot restore: instance method already restored", ); assertEquals(func.restored, true); }); Deno.test("stub() works on function", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const returns = [1, "b", 2, "d"]; const func = stub(point, "action", () => returns.shift()); assertSpyCalls(func, 0); assertEquals(func.call(point), 1); assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: point, args: [], returned: 1, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1); assertEquals(point.action(), "b"); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: point, args: [], returned: "b", }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2); assertEquals(func.original, Point.prototype.action); assertEquals(point.action, func); assertEquals(func.restored, false); func.restore(); assertEquals(func.restored, true); assertEquals(point.action, Point.prototype.action); assertThrows( () => func.restore(), MockError, "Cannot restore: instance method already restored", ); assertEquals(func.restored, true); }); Deno.test("stub() supports explicit resource management", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const returns = [1, "b", 2, "d"]; let funcRef: Stub | null = null; { using func = stub(point, "action", () => returns.shift()); funcRef = func; assertSpyCalls(func, 0); assertEquals(func.call(point), 1); assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: point, args: [], returned: 1, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1); assertEquals(point.action(), "b"); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: point, args: [], returned: "b", }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2); assertEquals(func.original, Point.prototype.action); assertEquals(point.action, func); assertEquals(func.restored, false); } if (funcRef) { assertEquals(funcRef.restored, true); assertEquals(point.action, Point.prototype.action); assertThrows( () => { if (funcRef) funcRef.restore(); }, MockError, "Cannot restore: instance method already restored", ); assertEquals(funcRef.restored, true); } }); Deno.test("stub() handles non existent function", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const castPoint = point as PointWithExtra; let i = 0; const func = stub(castPoint, "nonExistent", () => { i++; return i; }); assertSpyCalls(func, 0); assertEquals(func.call(castPoint), 1); assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: castPoint, args: [], returned: 1, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1); assertEquals(castPoint.nonExistent(), 2); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: castPoint, args: [], returned: 2, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2); assertEquals(func.original, undefined); assertEquals(castPoint.nonExistent, func); assertEquals(func.restored, false); func.restore(); assertEquals(func.restored, true); assertEquals(castPoint.nonExistent, undefined); assertThrows( () => func.restore(), MockError, "Cannot restore: instance method already restored", ); assertEquals(func.restored, true); }); // This doesn't test any runtime code, only if the TypeScript types are correct. Deno.test("stub() correctly handles types", () => { // @ts-expect-error Stubbing with incorrect argument types should cause a type error stub(new Point(2, 3), "explicitTypes", (_x: string, _y: number) => true); // @ts-expect-error Stubbing with an incorrect return type should cause a type error stub(new Point(2, 3), "explicitTypes", () => "string"); // Stubbing without argument types infers them from the real function stub(new Point(2, 3), "explicitTypes", (_x, _y) => { // `toExponential()` only exists on `number`, so this will error if _x is not a number _x.toExponential(); // `toLowerCase()` only exists on `string`, so this will error if _y is not a string _y.toLowerCase(); return true; }); // Stubbing with returnsNext() should not give any type errors stub(new Point(2, 3), "explicitTypes", returnsNext([true, false, true])); // Stubbing without argument types should not cause any type errors: const point2 = new Point(2, 3); const explicitTypesFunc = stub(point2, "explicitTypes", () => true); // Check if the returned type is correct: assertThrows(() => { assertSpyCall(explicitTypesFunc, 0, { // @ts-expect-error Test if passing incorrect argument types causes an error args: ["not a number", "string"], // @ts-expect-error Test if passing incorrect return type causes an error returned: "not a boolean", }); }); // Calling assertSpyCall with the correct types should not cause any type errors point2.explicitTypes(1, "hello"); assertSpyCall(explicitTypesFunc, 0, { args: [1, "hello"], returned: true, }); }); Deno.test("stub() works with throwing fake implementation", () => { const obj = { fn() { throw new Error("failed"); }, }; const stubFn = stub(obj, "fn", () => { throw new Error("failed"); }); assertThrows(() => obj.fn(), Error, "failed"); assertSpyCall(stubFn, 0, { self: obj, args: [], error: { Class: Error, msgIncludes: "failed" }, }); }); Deno.test("stub() throws when the property is not a method", () => { const obj = { fn: 1 }; assertThrows( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any () => stub(obj as any, "fn"), MockError, "Cannot stub: property is not an instance method", ); }); Deno.test("stub() throws when try stubbing already stubbed method", () => { const obj = { fn() {} }; stub(obj, "fn"); assertThrows( () => stub(obj, "fn"), MockError, "Cannot stub: already spying on instance method", ); }); Deno.test("stub() throws then the property is not configurable", () => { const obj = { fn() {} }; Object.defineProperty(obj, "fn", { configurable: false }); assertThrows( () => stub(obj, "fn"), MockError, "Cannot stub: non-configurable instance method", ); }); Deno.test("mockSession() and mockSessionAsync()", async () => { const points = [ new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), ] as const; let actions: Spy[] = []; function assertRestored(expected: boolean[]) { assertEquals(actions.map((action) => action.restored), expected); } await mockSessionAsync(async () => { actions.push(spy(points[0], "action")); assertRestored([false]); await mockSessionAsync(async () => { await Promise.resolve(); actions.push(spy(points[1], "action")); assertRestored([false, false]); mockSession(() => { actions.push(spy(points[2], "action")); actions.push(spy(points[3], "action")); assertRestored([false, false, false, false]); })(); actions.push(spy(points[4], "action")); assertRestored([false, false, true, true, false]); })(); actions.push(spy(points[5], "action")); assertRestored([false, true, true, true, true, false]); })(); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); restore(); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); actions = []; mockSession(() => { actions = points.map((point) => spy(point, "action")); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(false)); })(); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); restore(); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); }); Deno.test("mockSession() and restore current session", () => { const points = [ new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), ] as const; let actions: Spy[]; function assertRestored(expected: boolean[]) { assertEquals(actions.map((action) => action.restored), expected); } try { actions = points.map((point) => spy(point, "action")); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(false)); restore(); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); restore(); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); actions = []; try { actions.push(spy(points[0], "action")); try { mockSession(); actions.push(spy(points[1], "action")); try { mockSession(); actions.push(spy(points[2], "action")); actions.push(spy(points[3], "action")); } finally { assertRestored([false, false, false, false]); restore(); } actions.push(spy(points[4], "action")); } finally { assertRestored([false, false, true, true, false]); restore(); } actions.push(spy(points[5], "action")); } finally { assertRestored([false, true, true, true, true, false]); restore(); } assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); restore(); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); actions = points.map((point) => spy(point, "action")); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(false)); restore(); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); restore(); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); } finally { restore(); } }); Deno.test("mockSession() and restore multiple sessions", () => { const points = [ new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), new Point(2, 3), ] as const; let actions: Spy[]; function assertRestored(expected: boolean[]) { assertEquals(actions.map((action) => action.restored), expected); } try { actions = []; try { actions.push(spy(points[0], "action")); const id = mockSession(); try { actions.push(spy(points[1], "action")); actions.push(spy(points[2], "action")); mockSession(); actions.push(spy(points[3], "action")); actions.push(spy(points[4], "action")); } finally { assertRestored([false, false, false, false, false]); restore(id); } actions.push(spy(points[5], "action")); } finally { assertRestored([false, true, true, true, true, false]); restore(); } assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); restore(); assertRestored(Array(6).fill(true)); } finally { restore(); } }); Deno.test("assertSpyCalls()", () => { const spyFunc = spy(); assertSpyCalls(spyFunc, 0); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCalls(spyFunc, 1), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); spyFunc(); assertSpyCalls(spyFunc, 1); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCalls(spyFunc, 0), AssertionError, "Spy called more than expected", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCalls(spyFunc, 2), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCall() works with function", () => { const spyFunc = spy((multiplier?: number) => 5 * (multiplier ?? 1)); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); spyFunc(); assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0); assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { args: [], self: undefined, returned: 5, }); assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { args: [], }); assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { self: undefined, }); assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { returned: 5, }); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { args: [1], self: {}, returned: 2, }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { args: [1], }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { self: {}, }), AssertionError, "Spy not called as method on expected self", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { returned: 2, }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not return expected value", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { error: { msgIncludes: "x" }, }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not throw an error, a value was returned.", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 1), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCall() works with method", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const spyMethod = spy(point, "action"); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 0), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); point.action(3, 7); assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 0); assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 0, { args: [3, 7], self: point, returned: 3, }); assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 0, { args: [3, 7], }); assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 0, { self: point, }); assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 0, { returned: 3, }); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 0, { args: [7, 4], self: undefined, returned: 7, } as ExpectedSpyCall), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 0, { args: [7, 3], }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 0, { self: undefined, } as ExpectedSpyCall), AssertionError, "Spy not expected to be called as method on object", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 0, { returned: 7, }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not return expected value", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 1), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); spyMethod.call(point, 9); assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 1); assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 1, { args: [9], self: point, returned: 9, }); assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 1, { args: [9], }); assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 1, { self: point, }); assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 1, { returned: 9, }); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 1, { args: [7, 4], self: point, returned: 7, }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 1, { args: [7, 3], }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 1, { self: new Point(1, 2), }), AssertionError, "Spy not called as method on expected self", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 1, { returned: 7, }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not return expected value", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 1, { error: { msgIncludes: "x" }, }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not throw an error, a value was returned.", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyMethod, 2), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); }); class ExampleError extends Error {} class OtherError extends Error {} Deno.test("assertSpyCall() works with error", () => { const spyFunc = spy((_value?: number) => { throw new ExampleError("failed"); }); assertThrows(() => spyFunc(), ExampleError, "fail"); assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0); assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { args: [], self: undefined, error: { Class: ExampleError, msgIncludes: "fail", }, }); assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { args: [], }); assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { self: undefined, }); assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: ExampleError, msgIncludes: "fail", }, }); assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: Error, msgIncludes: "fail", }, }); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { args: [1], self: {}, error: { Class: OtherError, msgIncludes: "fail", }, }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { args: [1], }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { self: {}, }), AssertionError, "Spy not called as method on expected self", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: OtherError, msgIncludes: "fail", }, }), AssertionError, 'Expected error to be instance of "OtherError", but was "ExampleError".', ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: OtherError, msgIncludes: "x", }, }), AssertionError, 'Expected error to be instance of "OtherError", but was "ExampleError".', ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: ExampleError, msgIncludes: "x", }, }), AssertionError, 'Expected error message to include "x", but got "failed".', ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: Error, msgIncludes: "x", }, }), AssertionError, 'Expected error message to include "x", but got "failed".', ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { error: { msgIncludes: "x", }, }), AssertionError, 'Expected error message to include "x", but got "failed".', ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { returned: 7, }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not return expected value, an error was thrown.", ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 1), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCall() throws TypeError when returned and error are both provided", () => { const spyFunc = spy(() => 5); spyFunc(); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCall(spyFunc, 0, { returned: 5, error: { msgIncludes: "x" }, }), TypeError, "Do not expect error and return, only one should be expected", ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCallAsync() works with function", async () => { const spyFunc = spy((multiplier?: number) => Promise.resolve(5 * (multiplier ?? 1)) ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); await spyFunc(); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { args: [], self: undefined, returned: 5, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { args: [], self: undefined, returned: Promise.resolve(5), }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { args: [], }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { self: undefined, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { returned: Promise.resolve(5), }); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { args: [1], self: {}, returned: 2, }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { args: [1], }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { self: {}, }), AssertionError, "Spy not called as method on expected self", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { returned: 2, }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not resolve to expected value", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { returned: Promise.resolve(2), }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not resolve to expected value", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 1), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCallAsync() works with method", async () => { const point: Point = new Point(2, 3); const spyMethod = stub( point, "action", (x?: number, _y?: number) => Promise.resolve(x), ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); await point.action(3, 7); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0, { args: [3, 7], self: point, returned: 3, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0, { args: [3, 7], self: point, returned: Promise.resolve(3), }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0, { args: [3, 7], }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0, { self: point, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0, { returned: 3, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0, { returned: Promise.resolve(3), }); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0, { args: [7, 4], self: undefined, returned: 7, } as ExpectedSpyCall), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0, { args: [7, 3], }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0, { self: undefined, } as ExpectedSpyCall), AssertionError, "Spy not expected to be called as method on object", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0, { returned: 7, }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not resolve to expected value", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 0, { returned: Promise.resolve(7), }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not resolve to expected value", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); await spyMethod.call(point, 9); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1, { args: [9], self: point, returned: 9, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1, { args: [9], self: point, returned: Promise.resolve(9), }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1, { args: [9], }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1, { self: point, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1, { returned: 9, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1, { returned: Promise.resolve(9), }); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1, { args: [7, 4], self: point, returned: 7, }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1, { args: [7, 3], }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1, { self: new Point(1, 2), }), AssertionError, "Spy not called as method on expected self", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1, { returned: 7, }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not resolve to expected value", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 1, { returned: Promise.resolve(7), }), AssertionError, "Spy call did not resolve to expected value", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyMethod, 2), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCallAsync() rejects on sync value", async () => { const spyFunc = spy(() => 4 as unknown as Promise); spyFunc(); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0), AssertionError, "Spy call did not return a promise, a value was returned.", ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCallAsync() rejects on sync error", async () => { const spyFunc = spy(() => { throw new ExampleError("failed"); }); assertThrows(() => spyFunc(), ExampleError, "fail"); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0), AssertionError, "Spy call did not return a promise, an error was thrown.", ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCallAsync() works with error", async () => { const spyFunc = spy((..._args: number[]): Promise => Promise.reject(new ExampleError("failed")) ); await assertRejects(() => spyFunc(), ExampleError, "fail"); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { args: [], self: undefined, error: { Class: ExampleError, msgIncludes: "fail", }, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { args: [], }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { self: undefined, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: ExampleError, msgIncludes: "fail", }, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: Error, msgIncludes: "fail", }, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { error: { msgIncludes: "fail", }, }); await assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: Error, }, }); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { args: [1], self: {}, error: { Class: OtherError, msgIncludes: "fail", }, }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { args: [1], }), AssertionError, "Spy not called with expected args", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { self: {}, }), AssertionError, "Spy not called as method on expected self", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: OtherError, msgIncludes: "fail", }, }), AssertionError, 'Expected error to be instance of "OtherError"', ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: OtherError, msgIncludes: "x", }, }), AssertionError, 'Expected error to be instance of "OtherError"', ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: ExampleError, msgIncludes: "x", }, }), AssertionError, 'Expected error message to include "x", but got "failed".', ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { error: { Class: Error, msgIncludes: "x", }, }), AssertionError, 'Expected error message to include "x", but got "failed".', ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { error: { msgIncludes: "x", }, }), AssertionError, 'Expected error message to include "x", but got "failed".', ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { returned: Promise.resolve(7), }), AssertionError, "Spy call returned promise was rejected", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { returned: Promise.resolve(7), error: { msgIncludes: "x" }, }), TypeError, "Do not expect error and return, only one should be expected", ); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 1), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCallAsync() throws type error if expected return value is rejected", async () => { const spyFunc = spy(() => Promise.resolve(5)); spyFunc(); await assertRejects( () => assertSpyCallAsync(spyFunc, 0, { returned: Promise.reject(new Error("failed")), }), TypeError, "Do not expect rejected promise, expect error instead", ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCallArg()", () => { const spyFunc = spy(); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArg(spyFunc, 0, 0, undefined), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); spyFunc(); assertSpyCallArg(spyFunc, 0, 0, undefined); assertSpyCallArg(spyFunc, 0, 1, undefined); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArg(spyFunc, 0, 0, 2), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected - undefined + 2`, ); spyFunc(7, 9); assertSpyCallArg(spyFunc, 1, 0, 7); assertSpyCallArg(spyFunc, 1, 1, 9); assertSpyCallArg(spyFunc, 1, 2, undefined); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArg(spyFunc, 0, 0, 9), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected - undefined + 9`, ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArg(spyFunc, 0, 1, 7), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected - undefined + 7`, ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArg(spyFunc, 0, 2, 7), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected - undefined + 7`, ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCallArgs() throws without range", () => { const spyFunc = spy(); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, []), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); spyFunc(); assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, []); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, [undefined]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected + [ + undefined, + ]`, ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, [2]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected + [ + 2, + ]`, ); spyFunc(7, 9); assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 1, [7, 9]); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 1, [7, 9, undefined]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected [ 7, 9, + undefined, ]`, ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 1, [9, 7]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected [ - 7, 9, + 7, ]`, ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCallArgs() throws with start only", () => { const spyFunc = spy(); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, 1, []), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); spyFunc(); assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, 1, []); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, 1, [undefined]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected + [ + undefined, + ]`, ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, 1, [2]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected + [ + 2, + ]`, ); spyFunc(7, 9, 8); assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 1, 1, [9, 8]); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 1, 1, [9, 8, undefined]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected [ 9, 8, + undefined, ]`, ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 1, 1, [9, 7]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected [ 9, - 8, + 7, ]`, ); }); Deno.test("assertSpyCallArgs() throws with range", () => { const spyFunc = spy(); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, 1, 3, []), AssertionError, "Spy not called as much as expected", ); spyFunc(); assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, 1, 3, []); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, 1, 3, [undefined, undefined]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected + [ + undefined, + undefined, + ]`, ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 0, 1, 3, [2, 4]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected + [ + 2, + 4, + ]`, ); spyFunc(7, 9, 8, 5, 6); assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 1, 1, 3, [9, 8]); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 1, 1, 3, [9, 8, undefined]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected [ 9, 8, + undefined, ]`, ); assertThrows( () => assertSpyCallArgs(spyFunc, 1, 1, 3, [9, 7]), AssertionError, `Values are not equal. [Diff] Actual / Expected [ 9, - 8, + 7, ]`, ); }); Deno.test("returnsThis()", () => { const callback = returnsThis(); const obj = { callback, x: 1, y: 2 }; const obj2 = { x: 2, y: 3 }; assertEquals(callback(), undefined); assertEquals(obj.callback(), obj); assertEquals(callback.apply(obj2, []), obj2); }); Deno.test("returnsArg()", () => { let callback = returnsArg(0); assertEquals(callback(), undefined); assertEquals(callback("a"), "a"); assertEquals(callback("b", "c"), "b"); callback = returnsArg(1); assertEquals(callback(), undefined); assertEquals(callback("a"), undefined); assertEquals(callback("b", "c"), "c"); assertEquals(callback("d", "e", "f"), "e"); }); Deno.test("returnsArgs()", () => { let callback = returnsArgs(); assertEquals(callback(), []); assertEquals(callback("a"), ["a"]); assertEquals(callback("b", "c"), ["b", "c"]); callback = returnsArgs(1); assertEquals(callback(), []); assertEquals(callback("a"), []); assertEquals(callback("b", "c"), ["c"]); assertEquals(callback("d", "e", "f"), ["e", "f"]); callback = returnsArgs(1, 3); assertEquals(callback("a"), []); assertEquals(callback("b", "c"), ["c"]); assertEquals(callback("d", "e", "f"), ["e", "f"]); assertEquals(callback("d", "e", "f", "g"), ["e", "f"]); }); Deno.test("returnsNext() works with array", () => { let results = [1, 2, new Error("oops"), 3]; let callback = returnsNext(results); assertEquals(callback(), 1); assertEquals(callback(), 2); assertThrows(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(callback(), 3); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 4 time(s)", ); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 4 time(s)", ); results = []; callback = returnsNext(results); results.push(1, 2, new Error("oops"), 3); assertEquals(callback(), 1); assertEquals(callback(), 2); assertThrows(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(callback(), 3); results.push(4); assertEquals(callback(), 4); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); results.push(5); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); }); Deno.test("returnsNext() works with iterator", () => { let results = [1, 2, new Error("oops"), 3]; let callback = returnsNext(results.values()); assertEquals(callback(), 1); assertEquals(callback(), 2); assertThrows(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(callback(), 3); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 4 time(s)", ); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 4 time(s)", ); results = []; callback = returnsNext(results.values()); results.push(1, 2, new Error("oops"), 3); assertEquals(callback(), 1); assertEquals(callback(), 2); assertThrows(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(callback(), 3); results.push(4); assertEquals(callback(), 4); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); results.push(5); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); }); Deno.test("returnsNext() works with generator", () => { let results = [1, 2, new Error("oops"), 3]; const generator = function* () { yield* results; }; let callback = returnsNext(generator()); assertEquals(callback(), 1); assertEquals(callback(), 2); assertThrows(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(callback(), 3); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 4 time(s)", ); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 4 time(s)", ); results = []; callback = returnsNext(generator()); results.push(1, 2, new Error("oops"), 3); assertEquals(callback(), 1); assertEquals(callback(), 2); assertThrows(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(callback(), 3); results.push(4); assertEquals(callback(), 4); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); results.push(5); assertThrows( () => callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); }); Deno.test("resolvesNext() works with array", async () => { let results = [ 1, new Error("oops"), Promise.resolve(2), Promise.resolve(new Error("oops")), 3, ]; let callback = resolvesNext(results); const value = callback(); assertEquals(Promise.resolve(value), value); assertEquals(await value, 1); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 2); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 3); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); results = []; callback = resolvesNext(results); results.push( 1, new Error("oops"), Promise.resolve(2), Promise.resolve(new Error("oops")), 3, ); assertEquals(await callback(), 1); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 2); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 3); results.push(4); assertEquals(await callback(), 4); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 6 time(s)", ); results.push(5); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 6 time(s)", ); }); Deno.test("resolvesNext() works with iterator", async () => { let results = [ 1, new Error("oops"), Promise.resolve(2), Promise.resolve(new Error("oops")), 3, ]; let callback = resolvesNext(results.values()); const value = callback(); assertEquals(Promise.resolve(value), value); assertEquals(await value, 1); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 2); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 3); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); results = []; callback = resolvesNext(results.values()); results.push( 1, new Error("oops"), Promise.resolve(2), Promise.resolve(new Error("oops")), 3, ); assertEquals(await callback(), 1); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 2); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 3); results.push(4); assertEquals(await callback(), 4); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 6 time(s)", ); results.push(5); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 6 time(s)", ); }); Deno.test("resolvesNext() works with async generator", async () => { let results = [ 1, new Error("oops"), Promise.resolve(2), Promise.resolve(new Error("oops")), 3, ]; const asyncGenerator = async function* () { await delay(0); yield* results; }; let callback = resolvesNext(asyncGenerator()); const value = callback(); assertEquals(Promise.resolve(value), value); assertEquals(await value, 1); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 2); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 3); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 5 time(s)", ); results = []; callback = resolvesNext(asyncGenerator()); results.push( 1, new Error("oops"), Promise.resolve(2), Promise.resolve(new Error("oops")), 3, ); assertEquals(await callback(), 1); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 2); await assertRejects(() => callback(), Error, "oops"); assertEquals(await callback(), 3); results.push(4); assertEquals(await callback(), 4); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 6 time(s)", ); results.push(5); await assertRejects( async () => await callback(), MockError, "Not expected to be called more than 6 time(s)", ); });