import * as deno from "deno"; const DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE = 4096; const MIN_BUF_SIZE = 16; const MAX_CONSECUTIVE_EMPTY_READS = 100; export class Reader implements deno.Reader { private buf: Uint8Array; private rd: deno.Reader; // Reader provided by caller. private r = 0; // buf read position. private w = 0; // buf write position. private lastByte: number; private lastCharSize: number; constructor(rd: deno.Reader, size = DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE) { if (size < MIN_BUF_SIZE) { size = MIN_BUF_SIZE; } this._reset(new Uint8Array(size), rd) } /** Returns the size of the underlying buffer in bytes. */ get byteLength(): number { return this.buf.byteLength; } // Reads a new chunk into the buffer. // Returns true if EOF, false on successful read. async _fill(): Promise { // Slide existing data to beginning. if (this.r > 0) { this.buf.copyWithin(0, this.r, this.w); this.w -= this.r; this.r = 0; } if (this.w >= this.buf.byteLength) { throw Error("bufio: tried to fill full buffer"); } // Read new data: try a limited number of times. for (let i = MAX_CONSECUTIVE_EMPTY_READS; i > 0; i--) { const { nread, eof } = await; if (nread < 0) { throw Error("negative read"); } this.w += nread; if (eof) { return true; } if (nread > 0) { return false; } } throw Error("No Progress"); } /** Discards any buffered data, resets all state, and switches * the buffered reader to read from r. */ reset(r: deno.Reader): void { this._reset(this.buf, r); } private _reset(buf: Uint8Array, rd: deno.Reader): void { this.buf = buf; this.rd = rd; this.lastByte = -1; this.lastCharSize = -1; } async read(p: ArrayBufferView): Promise { throw Error("not implemented"); return { nread: 0, eof: false }; } /** Returns the next byte [0, 255] or -1 if EOF. */ async readByte(): Promise { while (this.r === this.w) { const eof = await this._fill(); // buffer is empty. if (eof) { return -1; } } const c = this.buf[this.r]; this.r++; this.lastByte = c; return c; } }