// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert"; import { mapEntries } from "./map_entries.ts"; function mapEntriesTest( input: [Record, (entry: [string, T]) => [string, O]], expected: Record, message?: string, ) { const actual = mapEntries(...input); assertEquals(actual, expected, message); } Deno.test({ name: "mapEntries() handles no mutation", fn() { const object = { a: 5, b: true }; mapEntries(object, ([key, value]) => [`${key}a`, value]); assertEquals(object, { a: 5, b: true }); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "mapEntries() handles empty input", fn() { mapEntriesTest( [{}, (it) => it], {}, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "mapEntries() handles identity", fn() { mapEntriesTest( [ { foo: true, bar: "lorem", 1: -5, }, (it) => it, ], { foo: true, bar: "lorem", 1: -5, }, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "mapEntries() handles to constant entry", fn() { mapEntriesTest( [ { test: "foo", "": [] }, () => ["b", 5], ], { b: 5 }, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "mapEntries() handles overlapping keys", fn() { mapEntriesTest( [ { "Anna": 22, "Kim": 24, "Karen": 33, "Claudio": 11, "Karl": 45, }, ([name, age]) => [name.charAt(0), age - 10], ], { "A": 12, "K": 35, "C": 1, }, ); mapEntriesTest( [ { "ad04": "Kim", "e5f1": "Marija", "10a8": "Kim", }, ([key, value]) => [value, key], ], { "Kim": "10a8", "Marija": "e5f1", }, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "mapEntries() handles normal mappers", fn() { mapEntriesTest( [ { "Mine": "Aliens", "Umse": "Feiert das", "ZM": "36 Grad", }, ([artist, track]) => [artist, `${artist} - ${track}`], ], { "Mine": "Mine - Aliens", "Umse": "Umse - Feiert das", "ZM": "ZM - 36 Grad", }, ); mapEntriesTest( [ { "ad04": { name: "Object A", type: "Asset" }, "e5f1": { name: "Onboarding", type: "Process" }, "10a8": { name: "Marija", type: "Employee" }, }, ([_, value]) => [value.type, value], ], { "Asset": { name: "Object A", type: "Asset" }, "Process": { name: "Onboarding", type: "Process" }, "Employee": { name: "Marija", type: "Employee" }, }, ); }, });