// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // This module is browser compatible. import { AssertionError } from "./assertion_error.ts"; /** Any constructor */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any export type AnyConstructor = new (...args: any[]) => any; /** Gets constructor type */ export type GetConstructorType = T extends // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any new (...args: any) => infer C ? C : never; /** * Make an assertion that `obj` is an instance of `type`. * If not then throw. * * @example Usage * ```ts no-eval * import { assertInstanceOf } from "@std/assert"; * * assertInstanceOf(new Date(), Date); // Doesn't throw * assertInstanceOf(new Date(), Number); // Throws * ``` * * @typeParam T The expected type of the object. * @param actual The object to check. * @param expectedType The expected class constructor. * @param msg The optional message to display if the assertion fails. */ export function assertInstanceOf( actual: unknown, expectedType: T, msg = "", ): asserts actual is GetConstructorType { if (actual instanceof expectedType) return; const msgSuffix = msg ? `: ${msg}` : "."; const expectedTypeStr = expectedType.name; let actualTypeStr = ""; if (actual === null) { actualTypeStr = "null"; } else if (actual === undefined) { actualTypeStr = "undefined"; } else if (typeof actual === "object") { actualTypeStr = actual.constructor?.name ?? "Object"; } else { actualTypeStr = typeof actual; } if (expectedTypeStr === actualTypeStr) { msg = `Expected object to be an instance of "${expectedTypeStr}"${msgSuffix}`; } else if (actualTypeStr === "function") { msg = `Expected object to be an instance of "${expectedTypeStr}" but was not an instanced object${msgSuffix}`; } else { msg = `Expected object to be an instance of "${expectedTypeStr}" but was "${actualTypeStr}"${msgSuffix}`; } throw new AssertionError(msg); }