// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. async function checkIsWsl() { return Deno.build.os === "linux" && await hasMicrosoftProcVersion(); async function hasMicrosoftProcVersion() { // https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/423#issuecomment-221627364 try { const procVersion = await Deno.readTextFile("/proc/version"); return /microsoft/i.test(procVersion); } catch { return false; } } } let isCI: boolean; try { isCI = (Deno.env.get("CI")?.length ?? 0) > 0; } catch { isCI = true; } // Skip these tests on linux CI, because the vulkan emulator is not good enough // yet, and skip on macOS CI because these do not have virtual GPUs. const isLinuxOrMacCI = (Deno.build.os === "linux" || Deno.build.os === "darwin") && isCI; // Skip these tests in WSL because it doesn't have good GPU support. const isWsl = await checkIsWsl(); export const ignore = isWsl || isLinuxOrMacCI;