// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. // This module is browser compatible. import { createLPS } from "./_common.ts"; import type { DelimiterDisposition, DelimiterStreamOptions, } from "./delimiter_stream.ts"; /** * Transform a stream `string` into a stream where each chunk is divided by a * given delimiter. * * If you are working with a stream of `Uint8Array`, consider using {@linkcode DelimiterStream}. * * If you want to split by a newline, consider using {@linkcode TextLineStream}. * * @example Comma-separated values * ```ts * import { TextDelimiterStream } from "@std/streams/text-delimiter-stream"; * import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert"; * * const stream = ReadableStream.from([ * "alice,20,", * ",US,", * ]); * * const valueStream = stream.pipeThrough(new TextDelimiterStream(",")); * * assertEquals( * await Array.fromAsync(valueStream), * ["alice", "20", "", "US", ""], * ); * ``` * * @example Semicolon-separated values with suffix disposition * ```ts * import { TextDelimiterStream } from "@std/streams/text-delimiter-stream"; * import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert"; * * const stream = ReadableStream.from([ * "const a = 42;;let b =", * " true;", * ]); * * const valueStream = stream.pipeThrough( * new TextDelimiterStream(";", { disposition: "suffix" }), * ); * * assertEquals( * await Array.fromAsync(valueStream), * ["const a = 42;", ";", "let b = true;", ""], * ); * ``` */ export class TextDelimiterStream extends TransformStream { #buf = ""; #delimiter: string; #inspectIndex = 0; #matchIndex = 0; #delimLPS: Uint8Array; #disp: DelimiterDisposition; /** * Constructs a new instance. * * @param delimiter A delimiter to split the stream by. * @param options Options for the stream. */ constructor( delimiter: string, options?: DelimiterStreamOptions, ) { super({ transform: (chunk, controller) => { this.#handle(chunk, controller); }, flush: (controller) => { controller.enqueue(this.#buf); }, }); this.#delimiter = delimiter; this.#delimLPS = createLPS(new TextEncoder().encode(delimiter)); this.#disp = options?.disposition ?? "discard"; } #handle( chunk: string, controller: TransformStreamDefaultController, ) { this.#buf += chunk; let localIndex = 0; while (this.#inspectIndex < this.#buf.length) { if (chunk[localIndex] === this.#delimiter[this.#matchIndex]) { this.#inspectIndex++; localIndex++; this.#matchIndex++; if (this.#matchIndex === this.#delimiter.length) { // Full match const start = this.#inspectIndex - this.#delimiter.length; const end = this.#disp === "suffix" ? this.#inspectIndex : start; const copy = this.#buf.slice(0, end); controller.enqueue(copy); const shift = this.#disp === "prefix" ? start : this.#inspectIndex; this.#buf = this.#buf.slice(shift); this.#inspectIndex = this.#disp === "prefix" ? this.#delimiter.length : 0; this.#matchIndex = 0; } } else { if (this.#matchIndex === 0) { this.#inspectIndex++; localIndex++; } else { this.#matchIndex = this.#delimLPS[this.#matchIndex - 1]!; } } } } }