// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. /** * This script checks that all public symbols documentation aligns with the * {@link ./CONTRIBUTING.md#documentation | documentation guidelines}. * * TODO(lucacasonato): Add support for variables, interfaces, namespaces, and type aliases. */ import { type ClassConstructorDef, type ClassMethodDef, type ClassPropertyDef, doc, type DocNode, type DocNodeBase, type DocNodeClass, type DocNodeFunction, type DocNodeInterface, type DocNodeModuleDoc, type JsDoc, type JsDocTagDocRequired, type JsDocTagParam, type Location, type TsTypeDef, } from "@deno/doc"; import { pooledMap } from "@std/async/pool"; type DocNodeWithJsDoc = T & { jsDoc: JsDoc; }; const ENTRY_POINTS = [ "../assert/mod.ts", "../assert/unstable_never.ts", "../async/mod.ts", "../bytes/mod.ts", "../cache/mod.ts", "../cbor/mod.ts", "../cli/mod.ts", "../cli/unstable_spinner.ts", "../crypto/mod.ts", "../collections/mod.ts", "../csv/mod.ts", "../csv/unstable_stringify.ts", "../data_structures/mod.ts", "../data_structures/unstable_bidirectional_map.ts", "../datetime/mod.ts", "../dotenv/mod.ts", "../encoding/mod.ts", "../encoding/unstable_base64_stream.ts", "../encoding/unstable_base32hex_stream.ts", "../encoding/unstable_base32_stream.ts", "../encoding/unstable_base64url_stream.ts", "../encoding/unstable_base32hex_stream.ts", "../encoding/unstable_hex_stream.ts", "../expect/mod.ts", "../fmt/bytes.ts", "../fmt/colors.ts", "../fmt/duration.ts", "../fmt/printf.ts", "../front_matter/mod.ts", "../front_matter/unstable_yaml.ts", "../fs/mod.ts", "../html/mod.ts", "../html/unstable_is_valid_custom_element_name.ts", "../http/mod.ts", "../http/unstable_header.ts", "../http/unstable_method.ts", "../http/unstable_signed_cookie.ts", "../ini/mod.ts", "../internal/mod.ts", "../io/mod.ts", "../json/mod.ts", "../jsonc/mod.ts", "../log/base_handler.ts", "../log/file_handler.ts", "../log/warn.ts", "../log/critical.ts", "../log/debug.ts", "../log/error.ts", "../log/info.ts", "../log/console_handler.ts", "../log/formatters.ts", "../log/get_logger.ts", "../log/logger.ts", "../media_types/mod.ts", "../msgpack/mod.ts", "../net/mod.ts", "../net/unstable_get_network_address.ts", "../path/mod.ts", "../path/unstable_basename.ts", "../path/unstable_dirname.ts", "../path/unstable_extname.ts", "../path/unstable_join.ts", "../path/unstable_normalize.ts", "../path/posix/mod.ts", "../path/windows/mod.ts", "../random/mod.ts", "../regexp/mod.ts", "../semver/mod.ts", "../streams/mod.ts", "../streams/unstable_fixed_chunk_stream.ts", "../streams/unstable_to_lines.ts", "../streams/unstable_to_bytes.ts", "../tar/mod.ts", "../text/mod.ts", "../text/unstable_slugify.ts", "../text/unstable_to_constant_case.ts", "../testing/bdd.ts", "../testing/mock.ts", "../testing/snapshot.ts", "../testing/time.ts", "../testing/types.ts", "../toml/mod.ts", "../ulid/mod.ts", "../uuid/mod.ts", "../uuid/unstable_v7.ts", "../webgpu/mod.ts", "../yaml/mod.ts", ] as const; const TS_SNIPPET = /```ts[\s\S]*?```/g; const ASSERTION_IMPORT = /from "@std\/(assert(\/[a-z-]+)?|testing\/(mock|snapshot|types))"/g; const NEWLINE = "\n"; const diagnostics: DocumentError[] = []; const snippetPromises: (() => Promise)[] = []; class DocumentError extends Error { constructor( message: string, document: { location: Location }, ) { super(message, { cause: `${document.location.filename}:${document.location.line}`, }); this.name = this.constructor.name; } } function assert( condition: boolean, message: string, document: { location: Location }, ) { if (!condition) { diagnostics.push(new DocumentError(message, document)); } } function isExported(document: DocNodeBase) { return document.declarationKind === "export"; } function isVoidOrPromiseVoid(returnType: TsTypeDef) { return isVoid(returnType) || (returnType.kind === "typeRef" && returnType.typeRef.typeName === "Promise" && returnType.typeRef.typeParams?.length === 1 && isVoid(returnType.typeRef.typeParams[0]!)); } function isTypeAsserts(returnType: TsTypeDef) { return returnType.kind === "typePredicate" && returnType.typePredicate.asserts; } function isVoid(returnType: TsTypeDef) { return returnType.kind === "keyword" && returnType.keyword === "void"; } function assertHasReturnTag(document: { jsDoc: JsDoc; location: Location }) { const tag = document.jsDoc.tags?.find((tag) => tag.kind === "return"); if (tag === undefined) { diagnostics.push( new DocumentError("Symbol must have a @return or @returns tag", document), ); } else { assert( // @ts-ignore doc is defined tag.doc !== undefined, "@return tag must have a description", document, ); } } /** * Asserts that a @param tag has a corresponding function definition. */ function assertHasParamDefinition( document: DocNodeWithJsDoc, param: JsDocTagParam, ) { const paramDoc = document.functionDef.params.find((paramDoc) => { if (paramDoc.kind === "identifier") { return paramDoc.name === param.name; } else if (paramDoc.kind === "rest" && paramDoc.arg.kind === "identifier") { return paramDoc.arg.name === param.name; } else if ( paramDoc.kind === "assign" && paramDoc.left.kind === "identifier" ) { return paramDoc.left.name === param.name; } return false; }); if (!paramDoc) { diagnostics.push( new DocumentError( `@param ${param.name} must have a corresponding named function parameter definition.`, document, ), ); } } function assertHasParamTag( document: { jsDoc: JsDoc; location: Location }, param: string, ) { const tag = document.jsDoc.tags?.find((tag) => tag.kind === "param" && tag.name === param ); if (!tag) { diagnostics.push( new DocumentError(`Symbol must have a @param tag for ${param}`, document), ); } else { assert( // @ts-ignore doc is defined tag.doc !== undefined, `@param tag for ${param} must have a description`, document, ); } } function assertSnippetsWork( doc: string, document: { jsDoc: JsDoc; location: Location }, required = true, ) { const snippets = doc.match(TS_SNIPPET); if (snippets === null) { if (required) { diagnostics.push( new DocumentError( "@example tag must have a TypeScript code snippet", document, ), ); return; } else { return; } } for (let snippet of snippets) { const delim = snippet.split(NEWLINE)[0]; // Trim the code block delimiters snippet = snippet.split(NEWLINE).slice(1, -1).join(NEWLINE); if (!(delim?.includes("no-assert") || delim?.includes("ignore"))) { assert( snippet.match(ASSERTION_IMPORT) !== null, "Snippet must contain assertion from '@std/assert'", document, ); } } } function assertHasExampleTag( document: { jsDoc: JsDoc; location: Location }, ) { const tags = document.jsDoc.tags?.filter((tag) => tag.kind === "example" ) as JsDocTagDocRequired[]; if (tags === undefined || tags.length === 0) { diagnostics.push( new DocumentError("Symbol must have an @example tag", document), ); return; } for (const tag of tags) { assert( tag.doc !== undefined, "@example tag must have a title and TypeScript code snippet", document, ); /** * Otherwise, if the example title is undefined, it is given the title * "Example #" by default. */ assert( !tag.doc.startsWith("```ts"), "@example tag must have a title", document, ); assertSnippetsWork(tag.doc, document); } } function assertHasTypeParamTags( document: { jsDoc: JsDoc; location: Location }, typeParamName: string, ) { const tag = document.jsDoc.tags?.find((tag) => tag.kind === "template" && tag.name === typeParamName ); if (tag === undefined) { diagnostics.push( new DocumentError( `Symbol must have a @typeParam tag for ${typeParamName}`, document, ), ); } else { assert( // @ts-ignore doc is defined tag.doc !== undefined, `@typeParam tag for ${typeParamName} must have a description`, document, ); } } /** * Asserts that a function document has: * - A `@typeParam` tag for each type parameter. * - A {@linkcode https://jsdoc.app/tags-param | @param} tag for each parameter. * - A parameter definition inside the function for each @param tag. * - A {@linkcode https://jsdoc.app/tags-returns | @returns} tag. * - At least one {@linkcode https://jsdoc.app/tags-example | @example} tag with * a code snippet that executes successfully. */ function assertFunctionDocs( document: DocNodeWithJsDoc, ) { assertSnippetsWork(document.jsDoc.doc!, document, false); for (const param of document.functionDef.params) { if (param.kind === "identifier") { assertHasParamTag(document, param.name); } if (param.kind === "rest" && param.arg.kind === "identifier") { assertHasParamTag(document, param.arg.name); } if (param.kind === "assign" && param.left.kind === "identifier") { assertHasParamTag(document, param.left.name); } } const documentedParams = document.jsDoc.tags?.filter(( tag, ): tag is JsDocTagParam => // Filter nested definitions like options.root as it is still documenting options parameter tag.kind === "param" && !tag.name.includes(".") ) ?? []; for (const param of documentedParams) { assertHasParamDefinition(document, param); } for (const typeParam of document.functionDef.typeParams) { assertHasTypeParamTags(document, typeParam.name); } if ( document.functionDef.returnType !== undefined && !isVoidOrPromiseVoid(document.functionDef.returnType) && !isTypeAsserts(document.functionDef.returnType) ) { assertHasReturnTag(document); } assertHasExampleTag(document); } /** * Asserts that a class document has: * - A `@typeParam` tag for each type parameter. * - At least one {@linkcode https://jsdoc.app/tags-example | @example} tag with * a code snippet that executes successfully. * - Documentation on all properties, methods, and constructors. */ function assertClassDocs(document: DocNodeWithJsDoc) { assertSnippetsWork(document.jsDoc.doc!, document, false); for (const typeParam of document.classDef.typeParams) { assertHasTypeParamTags(document, typeParam.name); } assertHasExampleTag(document); for (const property of document.classDef.properties) { if (property.jsDoc === undefined) continue; // this is caught by `deno doc --lint` if (property.accessibility !== undefined) { diagnostics.push( new DocumentError( "Do not use `public`, `protected`, or `private` fields in classes", property, ), ); continue; } assertClassPropertyDocs( property as DocNodeWithJsDoc, ); } for (const method of document.classDef.methods) { if (method.jsDoc === undefined) continue; // this is caught by `deno doc --lint` if (method.accessibility !== undefined) { diagnostics.push( new DocumentError( "Do not use `public`, `protected`, or `private` methods in classes", method, ), ); } assertFunctionDocs(method as DocNodeWithJsDoc); } for (const constructor of document.classDef.constructors) { if (constructor.jsDoc === undefined) continue; // this is caught by `deno doc --lint` if (constructor.accessibility !== undefined) { diagnostics.push( new DocumentError( "Do not use `public`, `protected`, or `private` constructors in classes", constructor, ), ); } assertConstructorDocs( constructor as DocNodeWithJsDoc, ); } } /** * Asserts that a class property document has: * - At least one {@linkcode https://jsdoc.app/tags-example | @example} tag with * a code snippet that executes successfully. */ function assertClassPropertyDocs( property: DocNodeWithJsDoc, ) { assertHasExampleTag(property); } /** * Checks a constructor document for: * - No TypeScript parameters marked with `public`, `protected`, or `private`. * - A {@linkcode https://jsdoc.app/tags-param | @param} tag for each parameter. * - At least one {@linkcode https://jsdoc.app/tags-example | @example} tag with * a code snippet that executes successfully. */ function assertConstructorDocs( constructor: DocNodeWithJsDoc, ) { for (const param of constructor.params) { assert( param.accessibility === undefined, "Do not use `public`, `protected`, or `private` parameters in constructors", constructor, ); if (param.kind === "identifier") { assertHasParamTag(constructor, param.name); } if (param.kind === "assign" && param.left.kind === "identifier") { assertHasParamTag(constructor, param.left.name); } } } /** * Checks a module document for: * - Code snippets that execute successfully. */ function assertModuleDoc(document: DocNodeWithJsDoc) { assertSnippetsWork(document.jsDoc.doc!, document); } /** * Ensures an interface document: * - Has `@default` tags for all optional properties. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-unused-vars function assertHasDefaultTags(document: DocNodeWithJsDoc) { for (const prop of document.interfaceDef.properties) { if (!prop.optional) continue; if (!prop.jsDoc?.tags?.find((tag) => tag.kind === "default")) { diagnostics.push( new DocumentError( "Optional interface properties should have default values", document, ), ); } } } // deno-lint-ignore no-unused-vars function assertInterfaceDocs(document: DocNodeWithJsDoc) { // TODO(iuioiua): This is currently disabled deliberately, as it throws errors // for interface properties that don't have a `@default` tag. Re-enable this // when checking for `@default` tags again, or when a solution is found for // ignoring some properties (those that don't require a `@default` tag). // assertHasDefaultTags(document); } function resolve(specifier: string, referrer: string): string { if (specifier.startsWith("@std/")) { specifier = specifier.replace("@std/", "../").replaceAll("-", "_"); const parts = specifier.split("/"); if (parts.length === 2) { specifier += "/mod.ts"; } else if (parts.length > 2) { specifier += ".ts"; } } return new URL(specifier, referrer).href; } async function checkDocs(specifier: string) { const docs = await doc(specifier, { resolve }); for (const d of docs.filter(isExported)) { if (d.jsDoc === undefined) continue; // this is caught by other checks const document = d as DocNodeWithJsDoc; switch (document.kind) { case "moduleDoc": { assertModuleDoc(document); break; } case "function": { assertFunctionDocs(document); break; } case "class": { assertClassDocs(document); break; } case "interface": assertInterfaceDocs(document); } } } const ENTRY_POINT_URLS = ENTRY_POINTS.map((entry) => new URL(entry, import.meta.url).href ); const lintStatus = await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["doc", "--lint", ...ENTRY_POINT_URLS], stdin: "inherit", stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit", }).output(); if (!lintStatus.success) { // deno-lint-ignore no-console console.error( `%c[error] %c'deno doc --lint' failed`, "color: red", "", ); Deno.exit(1); } await Promise.all(ENTRY_POINT_URLS.map(checkDocs)); const iter = pooledMap( navigator.hardwareConcurrency, snippetPromises, (fn) => fn(), ); for await (const _ of iter) { // noop } if (diagnostics.length > 0) { for (const error of diagnostics) { // deno-lint-ignore no-console console.error( `%c[error] %c${error.message} %cat ${error.cause}`, "color: red", "", "color: gray", ); } // deno-lint-ignore no-console console.log(`%c${diagnostics.length} errors found`, "color: red"); Deno.exit(1); }